striving to be a hooters girl


Well-known member
my freshman yeear in college i worked at Hooters because a lot of my friends did...and honestly...I'm embarassed about it these days. Not everyone there is all bad but there's always someone there that will treat you like an object. I don't mean to be rude because I had the mindset that ohhhh this'll be be the funnest job ever where I can be hot and have fun! No, you're a waitress and guys treat you like a stripper after a few pitchers. Live and learn.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
personally i wouldn't want to work there.... i couldn't deal with all the rule! not that i'd be hired anyways! i have un-natural hair, fat, bright makeup and i have a tattoo on my wrist! hooters worst nightmare!

LOL Worst nightmare, eh? Haha what do you think they'd say if this walked in the door?
...and I've added much more since then.

Take your no tattoo rule and SHOVE IT, Hooters!!! LMAO ...and honestly...I think they're just worried that girls with tattoos would attract "the wrong crowd". If they had the tattooed-girl version of hooters I'd totally go work there when I'm done with the navy...hahaha. It's good to have goals.


Well-known member
hey again!
sooo im going to reapply at hooters again this month, im determind to get a job there! lol. so im hoping that they will see that im serious about working there cuz it will be my second time applying.
i have a new look now sense the last time i applied back in july. i got a new hair cut and ive been working out, so im praying that they will see that and give me a job as a hooters girl!


Well-known member
Don't push yourself too hard, man. You seem like a very outgoing and bubbly girl and you could probably get a job as a server at other restaurants, some which have better tipping.

LMD84: I think the reason you're a nightmare to Hooters is because your tattoo is so small, yet visible and there, so it would irritate them. Kind of ironic. Poo on them. LOL.

My friends and I like to eat there sometimes because we love their artery clogging wings and appetizers, but we usually treat the waitress like we would any girl at school and we leave decent tips, so they like working with us on nights with really rowdy idiots flooding in, which is most nights.

I've applied to many restaurants in times of desperation and never got a call or interview from any of them. I don't think it's because I'm less attractive than anyone working there, but because I don't have that friendly look and flirtatious personality. I've worked at two clothing stores before: Ann Taylor Loft and Dolce & Gabbana. They liked me better at D&G lol. I don't work there anymore because they had to make cuts and I also got really busy with school. I just don't have that girl next door thing to me and that's just how I'm made. I think there is a job and place for everyone. ^_^ Don't limit yourself to retail and fast food.


Well-known member
im praying to get the job at hooters but i think a big challenge for me is being all smiley and bubbly all the time, im probley going to have to drink a ton of energy drinks lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
if it's what you want to do then go for it and i hope that you find happiness. it's a shame that only after a 2nd interview they said they are over staffed and will let you know though

personally i wouldn't want to work there.... i couldn't deal with all the rule! not that i'd be hired anyways! i have un-natural hair, fat, bright makeup and i have a tattoo on my wrist! hooters worst nightmare!

I am a pasty, flat chested, tattooed, sometimes four eyed smart ass so they would run from me too.

Originally Posted by darklocke
I was in the US the summer of 2002, and I visited Hooters with my ex-boyfriend - you know, men - and this one girl had a big hole in her pantyhose.. it looked so tacky! :p

No worse than a pale girl having to wear Suntan pantyhose!

Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
LOL Worst nightmare, eh? Haha what do you think they'd say if this walked in the door?
...and I've added much more since then.

Take your no tattoo rule and SHOVE IT, Hooters!!! LMAO ...and honestly...I think they're just worried that girls with tattoos would attract "the wrong crowd". If they had the tattooed-girl version of hooters I'd totally go work there when I'm done with the navy...hahaha. It's good to have goals.

"Waaaaaaah. The girl who brought me my wings and Coors Light had a tattoo."
Ha ha. I would sit in your section.

If you get hired...and they ask what size you wear, go up a size because they purposely give you outfits 1-2 sizes too small-or they used to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sierrao
im praying to get the job at hooters but i think a big challenge for me is being all smiley and bubbly all the time, im probley going to have to drink a ton of energy drinks lol

Wow! You REALLY want a job there, huh? To each their own, if that is something you really want to do, go for it.

Just my personal opinion, all that energy and passion you have could be better suited for something with more long-term commitments for a job or even something really needed in your town like a community support group or public speaking?

But if you really want it, I hope you get it!


Well-known member
I knew a girl that was a Hooters girl, I wanted to be one for the longest time (still do!) but the closest one is like 35 minutes away and I don't want to drive that far, especially at night. The main thing they tell you to do:

Always look like you are going out for a night on the town. Hair done at all times, and makeup done at all times.

You cannot wear your uniform anywhere BUT the restaurant. You either have to get ready in the bathroom, or wear something over it. You cannot be seen outside of the working enviornment wearing it.

Your uniform has to be perfect at all times. Your tights have to be perfect, your socks have to be white with no stains, white sneakers and of course your shorts and shirt.

Always smile and be personable. If something is bothering you, let it go for the night and put on a smile.

Hope that helps and good luck!!


Well-known member
Personally I think you should set some higher goals, you seem to be focused on just scoring a hooters job (if that can be considered a "score") what is the draw to hooters? Its a mediocre chain where girls pimp themselves out in skimpy uniforms for minimum wage.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Strydor
Personally I think you should set some higher goals, you seem to be focused on just scoring a hooters job (if that can be considered a "score") what is the draw to hooters? Its a mediocre chain where girls pimp themselves out in skimpy uniforms for minimum wage.


You'd be surprised. I go there all the time with my boyfriend and his friends and it's not skank ridden like people think it is. They aren't taking their clothes off or living on their knees for a quick buck. They work hard. My dad knew a girl that was a secretary at his office that used to work at Hooters and depending on the night she would walk away with like $500 in tips. If that's mediocre for you, then I don't know what else to say. Half the girls that work there are going through college and driving brand new cars.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Makeupaddict88
You'd be surprised. I go there all the time with my boyfriend and his friends and it's not skank ridden like people think it is. They aren't taking their clothes off or living on their knees for a quick buck. They work hard. My dad knew a girl that was a secretary at his office that used to work at Hooters and depending on the night she would walk away with like $500 in tips. If that's mediocre for you, then I don't know what else to say. Half the girls that work there are going through college and driving brand new cars.

Maybe I should reassess my goals... Lol



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Strydor
Maybe I should reassess my goals... Lol


haha no! If that's not you, then no reason to be ashamed. People have certain goals for themselves and if mine happens to be me being a doctor and another girl being a Hooters waitress, I give them credit. At least they are striving towards something and not sitting around doing nothing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
if it's what you want to do then go for it and i hope that you find happiness. it's a shame that only after a 2nd interview they said they are over staffed and will let you know though

personally i wouldn't want to work there.... i couldn't deal with all the rule! not that i'd be hired anyways! i have un-natural hair, fat, bright makeup and i have a tattoo on my wrist! hooters worst nightmare!

me too girl, me too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sierrao
hey again!
sooo im going to reapply at hooters again this month, im determind to get a job there! lol. so im hoping that they will see that im serious about working there cuz it will be my second time applying.
i have a new look now sense the last time i applied back in july. i got a new hair cut and ive been working out, so im praying that they will see that and give me a job as a hooters girl!

at the risk of sound like a "hater" and whatnot
hunny, why are you trying so hard to work at Hooters? I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it, but restaurants come a dime a dozen. You're working out and all of that , changing your look to work there? Seriously? A job like that is only temporary anyway.
Try working at a firm, and office, medical office something hunny, changing ur life to work at Hooters is so not that serious.

To Strydor:
Where are u from? Waitresses make a decent amount of money, I don't think it's enough to live comfortably on, but for someone in school, or just graduationg from college to make a quick buck, it's quite alright, ur kinda making it seem like Hooters girls are skanky


Well-known member
I'd never even heard of Hooter's before I read this thread...
I've never been there, so apologies if I offend anyone but... is this the kind of place (like certain lingerie shops & other restaurants) where all the waitresses have to well endowed it the chest area, and with a tan?

Maybe I should apply there... I'm a 32A and paler than all of MAC's foundations, and I have red hair. And no curves to speak of. And sometimes I wear glasses.
If what I assume is right (as I said above) then gosh, would they ever love me... ;P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tahti
I'd never even heard of Hooter's before I read this thread...
I've never been there, so apologies if I offend anyone but... is this the kind of place (like certain lingerie shops & other restaurants) where all the waitresses have to well endowed it the chest area, and with a tan?

Maybe I should apply there... I'm a 32A and paler than all of MAC's foundations, and I have red hair. And no curves to speak of. And sometimes I wear glasses.
If what I assume is right (as I said above) then gosh, would they ever love me... ;P

Yea people may say Hooters isn't "judgmental" and the girls aren't "skanky" but hey that's what the restaurant has a rep for...


Well-known member
^ Maybe when I go to America I can apply there and if they deny me a job due to my breast size I can sue them... win! xD