studio fix liquid problems...


New member
i was actually lucky enough to find a shade that, if it wasnt perfect, i couldnt tell... i dont know what i would be in other foundations but i was an nc35 in SFF... and it blends pretty well for me. i use a sponge just cuz my broke ass cant afford the 190 yet, but i'll get it next week or something... yay :-D


Well-known member

this is not the most flattering pic of me hahah buit this shows how yellow the nc20 foundation was on me, I can't believe that I didn't see it, even though it was night and there was no natural light...I mean come on!!!

now I have nw20, and to be honoust, i like the color!!

I'm going to post my fotd in a sec, and you can see that nw20 still is kinda yellow on me...weird...


Well-known member
OMG Sanne! That is exactly what the NC20 looked like on me! Like I had gone into liver failure
not a nice look. The NW20 in your FOTD is a much better match for you!


Well-known member
Ok... Been using this foundation for over a week now... Long post LOL...

two things that I found helped a LOT when applying this foundation...

Correct Application: Keep it really really light on your brush...

I can get two looks from the same foundation when using this, so application is key when applying this...

I use a drop about the size of 1/2 of a pea... I put that on the top of a Oil of Olay moisturizer cap (since i can flip it and use the inside to wash my brush after I'm done), but I'm sure you could use anything to mix the foundation on...

I also grabed the 187 brush (brush details below, and why the 187 rocks for this foundation). I spray my brush with a few spritz's of FIX, and then swirl the brush around the top of the cap, spreading out the foundation thinly over the cap, as well as my brush.

For the actual application, i work on my entire face at once. I very lightly apply a few passes on my right cheek, then chin/neck, then left cheek, nose, forhead. At this point I basically have light foundation stripes across my face from the white feather like tips on the 187 brush. I keep going in this circle until I have a light coat on my face, applying more pressure as the brush has less and less foundation on it. At this point I'm still haven't used any more foundation than what was on my brush when I started.

187 Brush Plug: Once thing that's neat about the 187 brush, is that initially when it's wet, the white tips are all clumped together into a bunch of little points. As the amount of foundation is reduced on the brush, the white tips expand until it looks almost like a powder brush. So initially while at the begining I was applying foundation in little stripes, by the time I've done a few circles on my face, the tips have expanded, and it's buffing my entire face. The stripes of foundation first applied are buffed out to leave a light finish on my face. I also use less pressure when applying the foundation in the begining when the brush is wet, as compared to when it's dry, i'm firmly buffing my face.

If any areas are not covered properly, i just go back to the moise (but not wet) foundation thats on my cap, and get a light coat on my brush (doesn't clump the brush like the first application) and buff out those areas. Remember, to do my entire face, i've only used a drip about the size of 1/2 a pea (sometimes I dont even use it all).

Once thats done, i use the same 187 brush in my blot powder (it's dry at this point due to how little foundation I use to do my face) And lightly go over my face. Even though my Blot Powder is a NW20, it looks visibly lighter than the foundation and it totally matches my color once both foundation and blot powder are on my face. Gives a great glow.

Couple of spritz's of FIX to set the blot powder, and I'm good to go.

This stuff is so amazing, i fell asleep the other night w/out taking off my foundation, and even after sleeping with cheeks to pillow both sides after tossing and turning, my foundation still looked good in the morning when I looked in the mirror b4 my shower. I could have just walked out the door had I been rushed LOL...

Incorrect Aplication: Using way to much foundation...

The first few times I tried using this, I poured way to much onto my mixing cap. Since I was a powder user b4 this, I had to re-learn application.

I was basically starting on the right side of my face, and working to the left, giving full coverage as I went. End result? Orange Face. My face was visibly darker than the rest of my body. Same foundation, totally different look.

I think this foundation works like a powder and a liquid, which is why so little works wonders. Since it almost buffs itself out over your face as it dries. This may also be why people who are not using the 187 brush may be having more difficulty when applying this foundation. Since if you use a normal powder brush your going to get a thick application on the first pass, unlike the "stripes" I get while using the 187, that buff/blend onto my face as I work in circles. If you have a solid application, there is no where for the foundation to buff it self out onto, since your completely covered, and your also applying more foundation than is really needed for that location of your face.

When I was getting orange face, I was using more than the 1/2 a pea I'm using now, and even going back and getting more to give full coverage at the start, rather than latting the foundation spread itself out as it dried, giving full, but light coverage.

Hope this helps...


Well-known member
If you use such a small amount, the 1/2 pea thing, will you be able to cover scars or marks, etc.? It seems like with such a little bit of foundation to start with that the coverage would be sheer and cover nothing if it's spread out so much.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BabyFu18
If you use such a small amount, the 1/2 pea thing, will you be able to cover scars or marks, etc.? It seems like with such a little bit of foundation to start with that the coverage would be sheer and cover nothing if it's spread out so much.

I also use a small amount all over my face, then I go back with a concealer brush and pat on red areas, zits, etc...for thicker coverage

I've just never found a concealer I liked, so this works really well for me.


Well-known member
I just got this yesterday. I was a little skepticle about going in the NW colors as I've always worn NC15. I must say that this foundation is my new favorite. I dotted it on and then blended with the 187 and then sprayed some fix+ and then used the sheer select loose powder and I love the way my skin looks today. Of course I am curiose to see how it looks when I get home from work. I usually use BE foundation, but I think this is my new favorite


Well-known member
Yeah I usually wear an NC20 in all my MAC foundations (Full Coverage, Select, Hyper Real) and it was way too yellow for me, so I'm an NW20 in Studio Fix Liquid, but I do love the color, it's perfect for me.

Originally Posted by Sanne

this is not the most flattering pic of me hahah buit this shows how yellow the nc20 foundation was on me, I can't believe that I didn't see it, even though it was night and there was no natural light...I mean come on!!!

now I have nw20, and to be honoust, i like the color!!

I'm going to post my fotd in a sec, and you can see that nw20 still is kinda yellow on me...weird...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

MAC foundations run to the extremes, unfortunately. Mixing them to create wearable colours is just a reality, unless you're really hot on looking like a tangerine or your skin tone is heavily slanted towards yellow or pink.

Totally agree...sometimes you have to mix more than 1 color to get a shade that matches your skin an MA, my big thing, more than anything else, is that the foundation match perfectly. I myself am in between shades and ended up mixing NW 25 and NC 20 to get my color...


Well-known member
I am really loving this foundation. I think it's my new fave. I have been an NC30 in all of MAC's foundations/powders and I am still an NC30 with the Studio Fix Fluid. I know that a lot of people are moving up and down with their colours though. I put it on using the #190 brush and that's it! I don't set it with powder and I love the way it still looks hours later. The coverage is amazing.


wow, there are such great instructions on how to use this! i bought this in nc37 and i am NC40 otherwise. would i be able to use my prescriptives bronzer brush instead of 187?


Well-known member
i like this foundation
i use nw15 and sometimes in some light i look far too orange and just yuck but then in different light in a different room i look v pale
its strange
this foundation is hell for my nose, ive had problems with a bumpy nose ever since i was 11/12 and plastered on make up for theatre and wore it for hours and hours
so i apply a diff foundation for my nose
but everywhere else its fine


Well-known member
I'm not sure about this foundation yet, somedays i love it, others i hate it. The only other foundation i have used was select spf in NC25, but as it got to winter i went to get the SFF and was colormatched for NC15. I use the 188 brush for best effect (i don;t have a 187 yet) and am pretty pleased with the coverage and finish and it's lasting quality's but I'm also dubious about the colour. I think if i go up it's going to look too orange but the NC15 makes me look very pale, maybe i need to mix the colours too. At the moment i just use a bronzer to warm me up a bit.

I've been trying some other foundations including colorstay in buff, clinique repairwear in bare buff, and prescriptives flwaless skin in cream. The colorsatay makes me look even sicker, and the clinique and prescriptives are a little too dark but i can get away with them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BabyFu18
If you use such a small amount, the 1/2 pea thing, will you be able to cover scars or marks, etc.? It seems like with such a little bit of foundation to start with that the coverage would be sheer and cover nothing if it's spread out so much.

A small amount will need to blend it to death and then spot apply (lightly) on any areas that need additional don't want to go for the spackled look...


Well-known member
I love this foundation but NC42 is just that little bit too light for me. I do not want to sit and mix shades every morning, my makeup application takes too much time as it is!


Well-known member
i agree with with Lara about customblending the foundation for a perfect match. believe m doesn't take much time. I just pump some out of the botle and mix it with my brush, apply and buff it on my face that's it!. No hard work or anything. Once you know how much you need of a certain color it's easy to do. I would say when you have the time, practice and you will get the hang of it and be ready in no time. I don't know maybe it's easy for me to say being a mua (but i believe everyone can do it realy). But even years ago when i was a teen starting with my mu i blended difrent shades cause it was so damn hard finding a color for my skintone. Mixing 2 or 3 difrent shades, trying to make a good color for me. Sometimes you have to give it a go.

Keep in mind that most people have difrent color depending weather it's summer, winter or in between. I mix my nc44 with a drop of nc45, during summer i only used nc45 and now nc44 is turning yellow on me . I may have to get a lighter shade to mix with my nc44, but for now i can balance it with my studio fix nc43 and it looks good (for now).
I have to see what happens later on in the winter

Go to mac and let them help you out with it, go get some samples

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