^ seriously.
you should need a license to breed/raise children. Poor kid. That will def. traumatize him.
So this isnt a stupid customer thing, but is a weird customer situation.
I work at a small bookstore/cafe in a small college town in montreal (actually, my last day was yesterday, woot!!) and i'm telling you, the locals are fucking crazy. Like, i ask other merchants and we cant figure it out, these are the weirdest people ever. I could start an entire thread about these people. ANYWAY, A lot of the male clientele like to hit on me or flirt with me. I kind of ignore it and go about my day. About a month ago this guy came in, Mr.Ginger beard (i;m also ginger). He introduced himself, and i introduced myself. Serve him coffee. Then he says " I really like you're hair." I said thank you and left it at that. Next day he comes back "You look really pretty today HEather." Again i say thank you. Since then he;s been coming in everyday... he's really quiet, and theres a tension about him thats kinda creepy. Anyway, Last week he blurts out "So, do you do any professional acting?" I found that question weird, cause ive never told him about my studies (i was an acting student about 3 years ago). I told him yes, i studied for a bit and did some extra work. He jumps at the response and goes on and on about all these actors like Gwenyth Paltrow and Jason Stateam (?).
Then, no segway "So i really hate my girlfriend right now"
me: uhhh
him: yea i know its bad. Things arent going well.
me: maybe you should nt be dating her if you hate her....
him: So you wanna do something tonight
me:uhh... i cant. i have shcool till midnight (which is true)
him: no, how about anytime! Dinner or something
me: i have a boyfriend
him: oh. a boyfriend eh. oh ok. You a... you look kinda red. you're blushing
me: no im not (im just embarassed at this point and want the convo to end)
him: oh maybe its cause i put you on the spot.
so awkward...