Stupid Customers


Well-known member
Originally Posted by franimal
Her husband came back hours later to pick him up. I feel so bad for that kid to have such a psycho mother.

He wouldn't have had to worry about picking the kid up.
I'd've called the police to get the child. Poor kid. He doesn't need to go home with parents like that.


Well-known member
^ seriously.
you should need a license to breed/raise children. Poor kid. That will def. traumatize him.

So this isnt a stupid customer thing, but is a weird customer situation.
I work at a small bookstore/cafe in a small college town in montreal (actually, my last day was yesterday, woot!!) and i'm telling you, the locals are fucking crazy. Like, i ask other merchants and we cant figure it out, these are the weirdest people ever. I could start an entire thread about these people. ANYWAY, A lot of the male clientele like to hit on me or flirt with me. I kind of ignore it and go about my day. About a month ago this guy came in, Mr.Ginger beard (i;m also ginger). He introduced himself, and i introduced myself. Serve him coffee. Then he says " I really like you're hair." I said thank you and left it at that. Next day he comes back "You look really pretty today HEather." Again i say thank you. Since then he;s been coming in everyday... he's really quiet, and theres a tension about him thats kinda creepy. Anyway, Last week he blurts out "So, do you do any professional acting?" I found that question weird, cause ive never told him about my studies (i was an acting student about 3 years ago). I told him yes, i studied for a bit and did some extra work. He jumps at the response and goes on and on about all these actors like Gwenyth Paltrow and Jason Stateam (?).
Then, no segway "So i really hate my girlfriend right now"
me: uhhh
him: yea i know its bad. Things arent going well.
me: maybe you should nt be dating her if you hate her....
him: So you wanna do something tonight
me:uhh... i cant. i have shcool till midnight (which is true)
him: no, how about anytime! Dinner or something
me: i have a boyfriend
him: oh. a boyfriend eh. oh ok. You a... you look kinda red. you're blushing
me: no im not (im just embarassed at this point and want the convo to end)
him: oh maybe its cause i put you on the spot.

so awkward...


New member
I work in this convenience store near a high school and an elementary school. The kids there are unbelievable!
This one time, a girl came into the store and finds that she doesn't have enough money for one of the candy bars. Normal people would just put the candy bar down, but not for her. She threw the candy bar really hard like it's some kind of garbage..unbelievable! I ignored her the first few times, but recently she did the same thing to a candy cane and broke it in half. So I told her off. I basically said you can't just throw things there, you can easily break it and you don't own anything in this store, so show some respect. I know she's just a kid but didn't she learn to respect in school?
Also, some of the high school kids are just rude. And I was really hurt some of the times. So one day, the store was crowded with people, and to get them going, I basically said: keep moving guys, don't block the door please. And some of the high school kids said to me: go back to your country. I was shocked to hear that. First, I didn't do anything wrong here. Second, why are they saying these racist comments? I did nothing to them!
I grew kinda tired of them, so I just ignore them. But seriously, what is wrong with them? When I went to high school(about 2 years ago), all the people were really nice and open to all cultures. But what is going on now?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zyga
I work in this convenience store near a high school and an elementary school. The kids there are unbelievable!
This one time, a girl came into the store and finds that she doesn't have enough money for one of the candy bars. Normal people would just put the candy bar down, but not for her. She threw the candy bar really hard like it's some kind of garbage..unbelievable! I ignored her the first few times, but recently she did the same thing to a candy cane and broke it in half. So I told her off. I basically said you can't just throw things there, you can easily break it and you don't own anything in this store, so show some respect. I know she's just a kid but didn't she learn to respect in school?
Also, some of the high school kids are just rude. And I was really hurt some of the times. So one day, the store was crowded with people, and to get them going, I basically said: keep moving guys, don't block the door please. And some of the high school kids said to me: go back to your country. I was shocked to hear that. First, I didn't do anything wrong here. Second, why are they saying these racist comments? I did nothing to them!
I grew kinda tired of them, so I just ignore them. But seriously, what is wrong with them? When I went to high school(about 2 years ago), all the people were really nice and open to all cultures. But what is going on now?

The hell? I can't believe someone would say that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
You all must visit one of the funniest sites on the 'net

Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes

this one from that site cracked me up...

Hoochie Grannies, Gotta Love ‘Em
(A little old lady is getting coffee. She is wearing thick blue eyeshadow, pink circles of blush, and bright red lipstick.)

Me: “Here’s your coffee. That’ll be $2.75.”

Little old lady: *gives me a $20* “Keep the change, dear.”

Me: “That’s very generous, thank you!”

Little old lady: “After work, go buy yourself some makeup. Just because you work at a coffee shop doesn’t mean you have to look like a slob!”


Well-known member
Originally Posted by just0lovely
these are actual situations from today...but they seem to happen everyday... i work in a retail pharmacy.

"i want to pick up my prescription" -did you call in a refill?
"no...but im out and my plane leaves in 2 hours and i need it" -there's no refills..
"you should have known to call the doctor and get it! why do i have to call you every month for a refill!"

"im here to pick up a prescription for Amy" -ok...what's the last name?
"uhh..i dont know. she just told me its here and to pick it up" -well you have to have this information in order for me to know who it is you're picking up for
"amy....tall girl with short brown hair...ummm..i dont know anything else..all i know is i cant leave without it or she'll be mad"

"20 minutes to fill my prescription?!?! omg i've never had to wait that long before!! hmmm....let me think....i dont know if i should wait......hmmmm....." -10 minutes later....
"ok - i think i'll wait for it! Why does it take so long???" -bc you just wasted 10 minutes of my time talking to me about the wait time!!! and not only that - you interrupted me every 2 minutes asking me if its ready when you see me helping the line of people that formed behind you!

*sigh* thanks for listening to my vent, that felt so much better.... =)

Hun, I feel your pain!!! I was a Target intern for a little while and we actually would give people to the minute wait times. Like if they come in at 12:00 and it'll take 15 mins... you come back at 12:15! UGH!! I don't understand why some people just feel so damn entitled that they come before everyone else. One that stuck out in my mind was a man that dropped off his wife's prescription at 1:00 (we would close for lunch @1:30) and was told it'll take 20 minutes.. "WHY?!?! My wife is sick!" Yeah, her and everybody else in this damn pharmacy.. "I don't see anybody else waiting!" Sir... We have other people waiting as well. "Well, they aren't standing right here waiting!" Sir... I have given those people a time to come back as well... And for your information, Ms. Smith is standing right there and has been waiting very patiently thankyouverymuch... COME BACK AT 1:20!!! If ya come back later than that and it's 1:31, then it'll be 2:00!!! GEEZ!

Back in the Kaiser Permanente days before school... those were some crazies... This lady ran out of her blood pressure meds and apparently it was an emergency that she get them right freakin' now. Mam, your prescription is expired... it's only valid ONE YEAR from the date written... not one year from the date you decided to have it filled... damn. My crazy ass pharmacist that day is just intently staring at the bottle and glancing up and giving her confused as hell looks. She then told him "Well, I don't know what the big deal is, I take them everyday!" and he nonchalantly says "mam, are you aware that you don't just nibble at the tablets?" She went off! MY BLOOD PRESSURE IS HIGH YOU NEED TO HELP ME!!! Gee, wonder why it's high... Ok, I'll help you... there's the after hours clinic right there... next to us... go see the doctor. Bloody hell...

I hate retail... glad I'm not doing that anymore...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dr_Girlfriend
Hun, I feel your pain!!! I was a Target intern for a little while and we actually would give people to the minute wait times. Like if they come in at 12:00 and it'll take 15 mins... you come back at 12:15! UGH!! I don't understand why some people just feel so damn entitled that they come before everyone else. One that stuck out in my mind was a man that dropped off his wife's prescription at 1:00 (we would close for lunch @1:30) and was told it'll take 20 minutes.. "WHY?!?! My wife is sick!" Yeah, her and everybody else in this damn pharmacy.. "I don't see anybody else waiting!" Sir... We have other people waiting as well. "Well, they aren't standing right here waiting!" Sir... I have given those people a time to come back as well... And for your information, Ms. Smith is standing right there and has been waiting very patiently thankyouverymuch... COME BACK AT 1:20!!! If ya come back later than that and it's 1:31, then it'll be 2:00!!! GEEZ!

Back in the Kaiser Permanente days before school... those were some crazies... This lady ran out of her blood pressure meds and apparently it was an emergency that she get them right freakin' now. Mam, your prescription is expired... it's only valid ONE YEAR from the date written... not one year from the date you decided to have it filled... damn. My crazy ass pharmacist that day is just intently staring at the bottle and glancing up and giving her confused as hell looks. She then told him "Well, I don't know what the big deal is, I take them everyday!" and he nonchalantly says "mam, are you aware that you don't just nibble at the tablets?" She went off! MY BLOOD PRESSURE IS HIGH YOU NEED TO HELP ME!!! Gee, wonder why it's high... Ok, I'll help you... there's the after hours clinic right there... next to us... go see the doctor. Bloody hell...

I hate retail... glad I'm not doing that anymore...

Hey I work at the pharmacy at Wal-Mart, and there are some crazy bitches out there. Like this one time. Our pharmacy closes from 1:30 -2:00 on weekends because there's only one pharmacist on duty. So, much like every weekend, there is a line of people waiting outside of the pharmacy waiting for us to re-open. So I was helping my co-worker cut down that crazy line and we finally got to this man. I greeted him and he said "my god what in the hell is taking you all so long? I've been in line for 15 damn minutes!" (I promise he wasn't even waiting for that long). So, I reply with:" sir, we just opened back up from lunch and this is what happens I'm sorry." He continues to shake his head, throws up his arms and shit. So I ignore it and go on with helping him. I ask him for his date of birth (to verify the right prescription) he says it's for his mom. I said okay well what's your mothers date of birth? "I DON"T KNOW??" I said okay well can you verify an address for me? "123 bla bla bla, why do u need to know all this shit? Because it's company policy sir, by asking you those questions, I am making sure that i'm giving you the right prescriptions. "well give me my damn medicine and I need to go". At this point, i see that her insurance information is not in the system so it's showing that the total was going to be $1200 for all of his mom's meds. I ask him sir does your mom have insurance? YES SHE DOES JUST LET ME HAVE MY MEDS. I said okay well do you have her card with you, because we don't have it on file? he said NO I don't you should already have it. I said sir we don't have your card on file with us. Him: YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME, I FILL HER SHIT HERE ALL THE TIME. I said sir, did you fill at our location? NO! BUT I GO TO THE OTHER WALMART!. "sir, even though you are filling your meds within walmart, your information doesn't always get transferred to every walmart that you go to." WELL JUST GIVE ME MY GODDAMN MEDS I GOT TO GO NOW!! Then I say, well do u want to pay $1200 dollars? "that shit costs 1200 dollars, wat the fuck is wrong with you, do u know what you're doing? Me: yes i do sir, this problem can be easily resolved if you have her insurance card with you? I ALREADY TOLD YOU I DON'T FUCKING HAVE IT!! "well then can you go get it?" DO I HAVE TO GET BACK IN LINE IF I DO? Yes sir you do. then he walks off mumbling some shit to him. I swear, some people are so ignorant. I just want to slap them.

and don't u just love it when you get those occasional meth addicts who come in looking for sudaffed 24 hour? lol