Style Warriors for WOC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
The two that I have are very chalky...they do not blend well at all...I have terrible fall-out with them... I don't have this one however.

I don't really use mine that much b/c I don't really like the texture either. The yellow color had a bunch of fallout and the purple didn't really pack on well w/ my 239....that and I accidentally spilled water on that side so good portion of it is f*ed up anyway.

Overall, since I do have colors w/ better texture and that are easier to use, these duos just sit around and get no use. Maybe I'll give them to my sister now that I think about, she keeps asking me if I have any makeup I don't want lol.


Well-known member
^^ Good Idea I think I will load mine off on my niece she loves makeup and I will throw her a few MAC items in there for good measure


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ I have a couple of HIP duos and I really hate the texture...I am waiting to hear thoughts on the texture of this one

I have this one, or should i say had. With the purple one, I had to pack on a lot of the color to get it to appear vibrant on my lid, the gold was pretty but more of a wash. I'm mad that they look so similar but not mad because HIP duos kinda suck IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
The lipstick looks nice....Your pics are uber big

Yeah they were, I resized them.

Miss Redgal

Well-known member
what's the f&f sale

Originally Posted by Curly1908
Ladies, stop buying those perm items until the F&F sale in a few weeks!

I hate the way that the MUA did my makeup for Style Warriors.
He used Chestnut liner on me, but I'm gonna play around with some of the NYX liners I bought when I decide to use my stuff.

So I bought:
Brave New Bronze l/s
Gold Rebel l/g
Tempting e/s --> I'm really surprised that I liked this so much.

There are tons of swatches already, but if anybody needs NW50 swatches then I'll post some.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Redgal
yes please we are about the same shade
this will help me to decide if i really want these drops

question if i dont choose to mix in my foundation how else can i use this to get the all over effect

I'm going to do the face after I finish curling my hair tonight. I need something to do anyway since I've been doing nothing all day. I don't plan on putting it in my foundation because I don't think I want the glow all over, so I'm going to call tonight face 1.


Well-known member
Okay, so I have to remember, I should not take pics at night.
So the pics would probably be better in the morning and I may think of redoing it in the morning. These pics include the bronze hero lustre drops. It's ok. But I think I could probably get the same look with a combo of bronzer, highlighter, and blush (which is what I normally do). Please forgive the bonnet and any hair you may see on my shoulders, I just washed my hair and it is bedtime round here.






Well-known member
Cheeks look great!! Girl I have started off a many night with a bonnet by morning the bonnet is nowhere to be found ...LOL


Well-known member
Hair bonnets are all the rage (I like mine at least). You're lookin' good even though the picture were at night.


Active member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Cheeks look great!! Girl I have started off a many night with a bonnet by morning the bonnet is nowhere to be found ...LOL

lol same issue here. sometimes i wonder why i go through the trouble of puttin it on

and is there an official date for the sale? (there goes saving for color craft)



Well-known member
^ Are you talking about the F&F...if so the last I heard it is going to be June 10-14...but not positive


Well-known member
Your cheeks looks gorgeous. I so happy to see the bronze hero luster drops being used on a WOC. I was thinking it might be to orange, but on your skin it just looks glowy and pretty. I think I'll keep it on the list and not swap to the gold one!


Well-known member
Yea, I need a new one. I want a satin scarf actually. Glad you got at least an idea of what the bronze hero looks like.

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