hai ladies
so a one of the comments up there reminded me i meant to share this with you guys on friday, but it completely slipped my mind!
the district manager for MAC is a regular customer at our starbucks (i amost flipped my shit when she first told me, but i digress).
anyways she knew i was super excited for Style Warriors and she asked me if i got it. i told her i got almost everything, but i was having issues with Bright Future and Vibrant Grape and their lack of intensity, and how for the color to show i have to either pack it on or put it over something else, and the shadows themself were chalky/linty.
and she AGREED (which surprised me because i'd expect "zomg maybe you got a bad batch," but she was completely honest).
so she told me that yeah those two colors in particular are hard to show up and she has to wear them over a PAINT. she was wearing Bare Canvas paint and applied Bright Future over it (and it really did look intense on her). i told her that my eyes are sensitive and tear up often and i actually had Bare Canvas paint and whenever i wore it my eyes would sting so bad that i'd have to rub my eyes until my makeup wore off. her reaction to that was O_O.
so yeah.
those two colors really do suck in the intensity dept, unfortunately. i mean, they're great to have and everything especially if you have to right stuff to accompany them, but it was still disappointing... ESPECIALLY IF YOU CANT WEAR PAINTS :-[ but for anyone having issues with them, before you return them i guess invest in paint/paint pots?
just a little heads up
PS. i didnt know how much you could cross-post links and stuff so i'm just going to say i have a Style Warriors-inspired FOTD/tutorial up on specktra and the youtube page (located in my signature) if anyone wants to check it out