Sucessful Benefit Demo/Interview


Well-known member
Nice one Babyloo! Did they say when you would find out? I was asked which store I would like to work I said either in Stockport or Manchester.. and then she went on to say it would be up to the store but she didn't say when I would find out! And I forgot to ask! Also.. because we both made it to the 2nd interview stage does that mean that Benefit loved us and does want us to work for them but we have to wait for store approval after an interview? Because I'm really nervous and want to know if Benefit loved me hahaha! Can't believe you got to use Posietint! What's it like!!!? x


Active member
Nice one Babyloo! Did they say when you would find out? I was asked which store I would like to work I said either in Stockport or Manchester.. and then she went on to say it would be up to the store but she didn't say when I would find out! And I forgot to ask! Also.. because we both made it to the 2nd interview stage does that mean that Benefit loved us and does want us to work for them but we have to wait for store approval after an interview? Because I'm really nervous and want to know if Benefit loved me hahaha! Can't believe you got to use Posietint! What's it like!!!? x

If the only thing you have left is Store approval (the store you will be working in just have to ask you a few questions so they know what you're like as well) Then yes, Benefit definitely like you and have given you the job, but they can't officially give it to you til the store itself has interviewed you. I was chatting to the girls on the counter though, and they said store approval is easy peasy, if you got through the Benefit interview then you'll get through store approval. Yay!
I don't know when mine is though, she said someone from the House of Fraser would call me yesterday or today to sort out a time I can come in and see them for approval, but I haven't had a call yet. hope it's soon, I want to know what salary it will be and that it's definitely in the bag. I wish I could start straight away, but I have 4 weeks notice to work in my current job!!!

Oh, and Posie tint is lush!!! It's a really nice colour, and you can build it up quite bright (which is how I like it!) or just have it really natural. It was great for demos on people as it made everyone look really pretty!


Well-known member
Oh my god, thanks so much for like ah what's the word.. confirmin it for me! Love it love it! Bloody excited haha!


New member
Hi everyone!

I've found everyone's comments really helpful, but just wondered if anyone has been interviewed by Benefit for an area manager role? I have an 'audition' with group and individual tasks next week and just wondered if anyone has any further help for me? All I know is I have to wear black!
hey babyloo and unbelizable!!!im in the same boat as the 2 ov u i m waiting 4 my store approval too! im quite nervous about how to answer the qusetions they will ask me...... so if uv been for your store approval since last time u wrote on here please please please could u giv me some advice on what Q's they ask and what answers i should reply with!!!! thanx guys hope it all went well 4 u xxx


New member
I have been working with benefit for over 7 months now. At christmas we got vouchers to order some benefit stuff. Also a little bit after christmas we got another sort of voucher, a product allocation thing to order benefit products and now in April none of us have recieved either also I have not been to any of the training days yet. I was wondering for those of you who have worked for/are working/ know of someone working for benefit...are these things unusual..??and what have been your experinces in regard to these things?

Thanks XXXX


Well-known member
err, I don't know how your organization really works -- but then, nobody but the CEO and possibly CFO really do. I do know that many companies are cash strapped -- they are suffering liquidity crunches which have put many companies in jeopardy of filing chapter 11 (Stila and Jane so far). Not too sure about yours, maybe you could ask your HR person
Good luck!