Summer is near, time to change foundation!


Well-known member
I've already done a search on this with keywords: liquid, powder, and foundation, and nothing popped up that answers my question. if anyone's found a thread like this, please post that link. Now off to the question!

The summer season is the worst for my, i've got oily skin and i know that if i use my studio fix fluid, it'll melt right off during the day. I've never tried a powder foundation before, and would like to get some recommendations on which would be great for an oily nc42 skin. im looking for a light-medium coverage.

what do you guys think of the studio fix powder plus foundation? and if i use the powder foundation, should i invest in Fix+?


Well-known member
I would try the minerialized skin finish ones for light coverage. thats what I think I wll be using this summer.


Well-known member
I would get a good oil free tinted moisturizer and brush some loose powder on top OR Giorgio Armani's Face Fabric.


Active member
Summertime is a tough one for me as well. However, I've been using MAC's MSF Natural in Medium Dark and it's been HEAVEN. IF at ANY point I feel I look too "powdery" I mist on a bit of FIX+ & I'm good to go.

I would invest in FIX+ it has been a GODSEND, throughout the YEAR!


Well-known member
I also recommend MAC's Mineralize Skinfinish Natural. It's perfect light-medium coverage - it works especially well with a kabuki brush. Lately i've been using a tinted moisturizer along with MSFN on top and it works wonderfully. If you need extra coverage, use a concealer underneath.

If you want more coverage, Studio Fix will be perfect for you. It has more of a matte finish whereas MSFN has more of a natural silky finish. Studio fix also works great with a kabuki. Because it contains more oil-absorbing ingredients, Studio Fix will work better for oily skin types.


Well-known member
you guys are awesome! i already have msf in medium-dark, so i'll go out and get some Fix+ (i returned mine) and studio fix. i'll start switching between the two and we'll see what works best for me. =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missfaithy
Summertime is a tough one for me as well. However, I've been using MAC's MSF Natural in Medium Dark and it's been HEAVEN. IF at ANY point I feel I look too "powdery" I mist on a bit of FIX+ & I'm good to go.

I would invest in FIX+ it has been a GODSEND, throughout the YEAR!

I second and third that.. the MSF in Light for me.. with a spritz of plain ol water


Well-known member
If you like something with more coverage, try Everyday Mineral Foundation, Revlon Colorstay [so light but amazing coverage] or MUFE Matte Velvet.


Active member
makeup and i do not mix during the summertime..... I need something with light to medium coverage for my blemishes n terrible under eye circles. i'm gonna try using MSF natural. Thanks for the suggestions. I pray that this works.

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