Summer Vacation


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What's everyone doing for summer? Any special plans?

We're moving to Oslo, Norway so that should take awhile. Going on a trip to Paris with some friends in June (it's my graduation gift) which should be awesome. Never really toured Paris, just seen the airports :p

Other than that, spending almost the entire summer with my parents, and three of my brothers in Cavtat, Croatia (lame, small town, luckily it's not far from bigger cities like Dubrovnik or Sarajevo).


Well-known member
I'm working a lot and going down to Syracuse, NY for some baseball with a bunch of people from work; Going to Canada's Wonderland (Toronto, ON) with my friends and taking lots of roadtrips down to Montreal, PQ (lots of night at the stripclubs and bars haha). Ummm having my birthday mid-July, moving my boyfriend twice in three months and hanging out by the pool with my friends and just having fun.


Well-known member
Wow, Norway! Geez can't top that, lol! I'm going to Hawaii for two weeks next week. And later in summer I'm sure there'll be lotsa trips to the beach, the lake house, and possibly Yosemite. But mostly just working,


Well-known member
No real vacations for me

I'll surely go camp in the forest, 2 or 3 times but on week-ends.

Cant wait to find a stable, well paying job.

I have 5 days, but I have to keep it until I know when I'll go to the hospital to remove my underharms lipomas...


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Not much going on here, Going on a road Trip to North Dakota, I'll pass thru Las Vegas and visit some friends, salt lake city to do who knows what ,and were also planning on seeing mount Rushmore. We are gonna try and see stuff in between to make our trip more exciting. Hopefully I will be able to walk by then <crosses fingers>


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We won't be traveling for this year's vacation. Just a bit of time away from work. Maybe a quick trip to NYC. DH and I are spending a couple of weeks in Europe next year, so we are saving vacation time.


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I'm going to be college visiting (Mostly Texas, Boston, New York, Rhode Island, New Englandish areas, as well at McGill in Canada), then I'll be off at Parsons for 4 weeks studying Drawing and Design in their Summer Intensive studies! I'm very excited.


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Nothing much for me, either. I just spent the past week running the lighting for a dance show (no pay) and will be heading to Batam, Indonesia for a week-long church camp in June. I'll spend about three weeks in June/July taking care of lights/sound for a series of graded theatre exams (with pay, this time!), and then will be trying to spend as much time with my boyfriend as possible before he leaves for NYU in late August.


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Let's see...In June, we're supposed to spend a week in Colorado checking out some houses and land, but I don't know if that's going to happen...other than that, I have classes all summer long (I am taking 16 credits over the summer) and that's pretty much fun.


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visiting sweet home chicago a couple of times.
Probably hit up Galveston Island too for a short vaca trip


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We always spend the summer vacation in the Alps, Kaprun, Ischgl(sp?) or Kitzbuehl because I haaaaaate heat. I love austria and the mountains, I'll probably never get sick of it no matter how many times I've been there


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I'm going to NYC for a week next month. =] I've never been farther north than West Virginia so I'm excited. I've been to Rome and Athens and stuff.. but never a big city in the US.

And its all expenses paid by my best friends parents for her 21st b-day. So deff doing a lot of shopping and clubbing. =]]]]


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Everyone has a more exciting summer lined up than I do haha! I am looking for a job as a camp counselor, and I think I've found one at the farm camp my niece goes to and loves. that would be fun, but hard and dirty work!

I'm going camping several times with my fiancee, hopefully making it to some Red Sox games, and trying to lose weight, which will take up a lot of time unfortunately haha. The best part for me will be at the end - when I move to Washington DC and start graduate school in August!!


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Going to Cedar Point (amusement park in OH) in a few weeks.....visiting London/Paris for a week in September. My first time in Europe