Sundressing Nail Lacquers


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I haaaaaaaaate the promo photos. Hardly anything ever looks like it will in person.

That Seadip polish looks so bright and teal in the promo, but Estellea's pic makes it look so pastel blue and light.


Well-known member
WOW, yeah, that's REALLY different. I was kind of hoping it would be more tealish like the picture... it's pretty, but... not what i expected.


Well-known member
Yeah you can't judge it by the promo pic I'm afraid! Plus on the nails it's more green/purple than blue.


Well-known member
the polishes we got have mixed up names like estellea said about hers. so when you ask for a color, make sure you're getting the color you want.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lemon~Squeezy
I have seadip (although mine is labeled cabana which I thought is the dark burgandy one, mistake at the factory perhaps?)

Today I bought "Seadip" and mines is also labelled as Cabana. What is with MAC and all these labelling mistakes lately? Anyhow "Seadip" is gorgeous! I thought the promo pic looked blah but when I saw it in person I fell in love!


Well-known member
Okay, when these first went up on the website Tuesday night, Seadip was the blue one and Cabana was the brown one. Did anyone else see this? I ordered Seadip. I got it yesterday-- and it's the brown one. Now I look on the site, and they've changed the swatches and color descriptions so Seadip is the brown one and Cabana is the blue one.

I had a hell of a time trying to explain this to the customer service rep I talked to this morning. She basically called me a liar when I told her the swatches were different when i ordered. But I know what I ordered-- I was aware from people's posts on here of the labeling discrepancy, and I was very careful to make sure the one I ordered was the one with the blue swatch. Ugh.

I guess this is one of the reasons they don't like us to have early information about collections-- if there turns out to be a labeling error or something it causes problems. But regardless-- when the collection first went up on the site, it definitely said Seadip was the blue one. They really ought to inform their customer service people when they change things like that so they are able to answer people's questions. I'm sure I'm not the only one who didn't get the product she thought she was ordering


Well-known member
Is it just me or does Resortwear look totally different in person?? In fact, i thought they all looked somewhat different, which i guess is understandable. Anyways, i only got Summery...which i love =)


Well-known member
I ordered Resortware and Seadip from the website - Resortware is OK but far more silver-y than I was expecting. Seadip, however, is not blue as expected but the browish gold shade. Obviously Seadip and Cabana got mixed up initially when the pictures got posted
Was really excited to try the blue shade ... will have to pick up at the pro store. How annoying!!


Well-known member
exact same thing happened to me, i ordered seadip(blue) and got cabana(purple)

boo that. i tried it on hopping i might like it... it sucks. i doubt i'll be able to get anyone on here to buy it so i'll have to take it back.


Well-known member
whatever the name is (seadip, as it is labeled) it horrible on
i am SO disappointed!! summery is gorgeous, but you need three coats in order for it to look like it does in the bottle. but the brown is just nasty. it's like a greyish brownish cement color IMO
i don't recommend it at all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by velvet
exact same thing happened to me, i ordered seadip(blue) and got cabana(purple)

boo that. i tried it on hopping i might like it... it sucks. i doubt i'll be able to get anyone on here to buy it so i'll have to take it back.

*lol* I might be a buyer! I tried pm'ing you but couldn't. PM/email me if you're interested ([email protected]).


Well-known member
The peach (Summery) and gold (Resortwear) colors are HOT. I'm actually wearing the two together on my toes right now-- I put Summery on first, then Resortwear on top so it's this gorgeous warm gold shade with coral undertones-- the combination looks a lot like Melon pigment, actually.

From that picture I'm really not liking the non-brown Seadip/Cabana. It looks SO sheer. Maybe it'll be more blue with a couple of coats? If not, that swatch sure is misleading.


Well-known member
Cabana (originally, Seadip), is not as hot to me irl. The promo pic looked so much better...reminded me of the ocean and that it would be perfect to wear while on vacation. I do like the color looks pretty in the bottle, but it's way to sheer on. I just don't like frost polishes. If it was a cream, that would've been better!


Well-known member
I have the current seadip (brown one) and I love it! I didn't really have anything like it in my nail polish collection and so far I'm impressed... I've had it on for just more than 24 hours now and it hasn't even started to chip. I put on two coats so it almost looks black from a distance but up close the maroonish duochrome really shows up nicely... I honestly love this shade... When I swatched the others at my counter I was very disappointed especially with Cabana.

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