Sunrise, FL CCO (Sawgrass Mills)


Well-known member
I went about 1-2 months ago and here is what I remember seeing:

Tendertones: (about 6 colors)
A red one
A light purple one
Brown-ish one

Other lip stuff:
2 of the Fafi lipsticks (I think they were Strawbaby & Flash n Dash)
Heatherette glosses in Style Minx & Sock Hop
Holiday lip palettes & glosses
Lip conditioners
And a lot of diff. lipsticks & glosses

Both Fafi blushes
The darker Heatherette beauty powder
The usual foundations, blushes etc..

They had like 4 different, purple, blue
Fluidlines: delphic, sweet sage, non-confomist & a few others
Paint pots in Blackground, Fafi Perky
Matte2: Pen n Pink, Graphology, Post Haste, Blanc Type, Typographic..I think they had 2 more matte2
Neo Sci-fi: Evening Aura
Moonbathe: Clair de Lune
CCB: I didn't look at the names but I know they had Pearl, a burgundy one, brown one and about 3 more.
Only 3 pigments
They had a few paints including Flammable & Bare Canvas.

They had about 15-17 nailpolishes

Brush sets from Holiday '07

They had more stuff but that's all I remember.


Well-known member
I was there about a week and 1/2 ago. They didn't have a whole lot, but I saw the 187 again, they had sold out before. The pigment and eyeshadow selection was shit, but I called the other day and she said they will be getting a shipment the beginning or middle of the month, whatever that means. I'm going to call tomorrow and see if she has any update on perhaps what might be in the shipment (*crossing my fingers for more pigments and paint pots*)

I'll let you know what I find out!


Well-known member
Thank you! Next time you go, if you don't mind, can you look and see if they have any NW20 foundation, thats not studio stick? I'm trying to save a little money
Thanks again


Well-known member
I was there last night.. nothing in NW20. They had HyperReal in NW100 and a Studio Fix Fluid in NC15 or 25 i forget.

They did have all the Colour Forms stuff though.. all the brush sets (there were 3, i think that's all of them right?), the eye and lip palettes, and a blush from that collection too.

The rest was the same old crap. The only e/s they had was Pen 'n Pink, and the same pigments Viz-a-Violet and Off the Radar. Not even any new lippies.. I was pretty disappointed.

I did pick up Perky paintpot though.. not sure if I love it, but it looks HOT with Melon pigment on top.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pratbc
So, where the heck is Estero? I have lived in Florida all my life and never heard of such a place. I live in West Palm Beach now. Is it anywhere near here?

Thanks in advance.

Estero is right by Fort its on the west side of FL...its small so not alot of people really know about it..i think it was part of fort myers b4 but i'm not sure lol


Well-known member
Ok, was there in the zoo they call Sawgrass Mills last night...

They had some Neo Sci-fi stuff:

-Evening Aura e/s
-Time and Space e/s
-Femme-Fi e/s

a dark brownish lipglass with sparkles (forgot the name) and one other l/g but it wasn't Pink Grapefruit l/g that i've been dying to get.

Other than that.. nothing really too interesting. They need to get some PIGMENTS here dammit!

And I have another gripe.. they need to remove the testers of things they run out of. because TWICE i've been there recently and wanted a lipglass and they're friggin out of the one I want.. always. Ugh. I was really looking forward to this gorgeous 3D glass or whatever its called, in this shimmery gold color. Guess what.. no more. Same thing happened last time with VG V lipglass. Keep up with your damn inventory!


New member
Hi girls:

I went to the CCO today. They had a few brushes the 187, 183, 222, and a big powder brush.
moss scape PP
perky PP
evening aura and time & space E/S from neo sci fi as well as both bronzers from that collection.
they also had like 5 holiday brush sets and lip palettes.
Viz a violet pigment and like 3 loose beauty powders.
Fix +, Green gel cleanser and some moisturizers.
They also had two Lipsticks from FAFI and a buch of slimshines.

I just bought one brush, evening aura E/S and Layin Low PP, which was the last one.


Well-known member
^thanks for posting, Rossie! I was meaning to go this past weekend but never made it. I was hoping they had some new stuff, but it seems like the only thing they didn't have last time i was there is moss scape p/p. I may check it out thursday though and see if anything catches my eye.


Well-known member
last time i went was the middle of Feb. and they didn't really have much... no new pigments or e/s. She said the next shipment would be around the middle of March, so i'll probably check it out later this week or next.

I'll be sure to check in after i go there


Well-known member
Thank I live in WPB so I am usually never in that area. Unless I have a good reason. I wanted to go to the Ikea so maybe I'll wait.


Well-known member
Ok stopped in today on my way home from work. No pigments, but they have a few new eyeshadows.. Dreammaker, Lotusland, Talent Pool from Starflash.. Submarine and Illegal Cargo (i think those were both from Naughty Nauticals) and they had 2 fafi dolls. That's pretty much IT! Kinda disappointing.

The only thing I picked up was Dreammaker e/s, it's a really pretty gold color.


Well-known member
I was in there last week, like Wednesday I think. They had a bunch of eyeshadows... Hush, Poison Pen, Nylon, Satellite Dreams, Pen n Pink, Time & Space, Greensmoke, Crystal Avalanche, and i think one other.

No new pigments, the only one they have is Viz-a-Violet.

They did have a crapload of blushes, and one CCB. and of course a bunch of lip/plushglasses.


New member
Has anyone been lately...all the youtubers are talking about great CCO finds wondering if there have been any here...thinking of going tomorrow...
Any news on what they have here? My mom's going in about 2 weeks, I'm hoping she can pick some stuff up for me. Also, how is the staff there? She might be a little lost so hopefully they're nice and can help her out!

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