Talent Plus


New member

I am so glad to have found this forum. You all have some great advice. Can you shoot some my way?

I have an interview for counter manager for EL at Dillard's. I am a Dillard's employee already and was handpicked by management for the position, as long as EL agrees after interviewing me. I am so excited! I have always loved EL, and want to pass with flying colors. I have both a face to face and a talent plus on Friday.

I would love to hear any advice or tips for my talent plus and/or my face to face with EL. Also, what do you think I should wear?

Thank you soooooo much,


Well-known member
My advice would be to take a look at the current campaigns and advertisments to see what new stuff and looks they are promoting and try to recreate those on your model in your own way.

Also, watch how the current EL employees do makeup and dress, that would be a good start.

Who do you currently work for at Dilliards?


New member
Thanks for the advice! I had my interview Friday and they hired me! I transfer from the ladies RTW department next week!

I have always wanted to work in cosmetics...I love makeup. It is a small store so I think that is why I was able to get in with just a little experience. I have a lot of management though and a passion for beauty products!