

Well-known member
I got my first tattoo back in April; it's a memorial for my father. I don't have any pictures of it fully healed, but here's one of while it was starting to heal and was peeling.

It's fully healed now, so if you'd like, I can take a picture later today. I've also got 7 piercings: two in one ear, one in the other, two in my nose, my left eyebrow, and my lip. The way I feel about the matters of "what will it look like in 30 years?" and "you won't get a job with tattoos/piercings" is that A) I could be dead in 30 years, and B) I wouldn't enjoy working at a place like that anyway! Although I do understand why some people think that tattoos and piercings are unattractive, and they shouldn't have to look at me all day either.

You could go in and talk to a tattoo artist, and brainstorm ideas with them; if they're a good one, they'll be more than willing to help you out. You could also take in some pictures of different tattoos that you like, or pictures of other things you like (animals, flowers, whatever floats your boat) after looking up the meanings for them in different cultures... for example, lots of people get tattoos of koi fish, or carp, because in some cultures they symbolize strength and perseverence.

Hope this helped some! It turned out a lot longer and rambly than I had originally thought it would!


Well-known member
Make sure you put it somewhere where it can be concealed if neccessary. I have one on my leg from knee to ankle (Storm of the X-Men). I've had it for about 10 years and I do not regret it. It's the one part of body that will probably never be fat and flabby and I can conceal it when I wear pants and capris. Have the time I forget it's there until some goes "What's that on your leg?"


Well-known member
I've got one of my hand, it's an arrow and I absolutely adore it. It's inbetween my index finger and thumb and nobody ever notices it which is why I got it there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eulchen
yeah, i dont mean anybody else shouldnt get one because i wouldnt get one for me... if you want one because it looks good and you like it, get it...

i just was kinda put off it when EVERYBODY around me seemed to have gotten one of these, and especially with those right up yer bum (we call them "arschgeweihe" in germans, well "ass antlers" would be the english translation") they werent anything special, because ALL had them. it was a trend, and i thought it to be boring, everywhere you saw a women with lowcut jeans, you also saw one of these. some even had the same design, not good when youre living in a small town... thats why im not so much into tribals. now that its not a "trend" anymore i guess its ok again

edited: actually, thinking that a design is lovely/pretty/whatever can be a meaning, too, can it? so to get this straight, my non-liking of tribals is something purely personal. and i admit that some designs look really good, its just not something i would get tattooed on my skin.

Lol at 'ass antlers'! I personally don't care for tribal and don't see why so many people get them if they aren't in a tribe or really into tribal culture. Just seems almost blasphemous almost to walk around with things you don't know the meaning to inked on your body... That's just me though, there has been some tribals I admire like this guy with black and red hearts and zig zags up and down his sides. It was cool.
I tend to like tattoos that are pleasing to the beholders eye and have some kind of discreet symbol to the persons personality, memories, or interests. Like if you've always thought outside the box and you've always been considered eccentric, maybe something like a space shuttle or a space/ cloud theme that you can elaberate on. If I were you, once I had the idea in my head, I'd wait at least a couple months to see if I still like the idea since there's no rush.


Well-known member
Couple of things...
I have two. They are neither small nor inconspicuous, I LOVE them.
First, decide on what you want. You say you want to design it yourself. STOP. Find someone whose tattoos you like, get a referral and get that artist to help you. Unless you are some kind of kick ass graphic designer, what you want will not translate well.
Once you have the design, photocopy it and put it everywhere. Use it as your bookmark, stick it on the bathroom mirror, the microwave, the wor steering wheel... if you still like it after a couple of months, then it's time to decide on where.
Wrists, shoulders and ankles are the most gravity and stretch resistant.
Feet are good but you need to wear flipflops for at least a week, lest you mess with the scab.
And one thing about the "tramp stamp" - the worse thing is going to be when these gals want babies. It's right where they put the epidural, and they *won't* because if any flecks of ink get picked up into the needle and stuck into your spinal column, it could cause serious problems.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
Couple of things...
I have two. They are neither small nor inconspicuous, I LOVE them.
First, decide on what you want. You say you want to design it yourself. STOP. Find someone whose tattoos you like, get a referral and get that artist to help you. Unless you are some kind of kick ass graphic designer, what you want will not translate well.
Once you have the design, photocopy it and put it everywhere. Use it as your bookmark, stick it on the bathroom mirror, the microwave, the wor steering wheel... if you still like it after a couple of months, then it's time to decide on where.
Wrists, shoulders and ankles are the most gravity and stretch resistant.
Feet are good but you need to wear flipflops for at least a week, lest you mess with the scab.
And one thing about the "tramp stamp" - the worse thing is going to be when these gals want babies. It's right where they put the epidural, and they *won't* because if any flecks of ink get picked up into the needle and stuck into your spinal column, it could cause serious problems.

great advice^^ but have to disagree on one thing about the tramp stamp and epidural.. they "did" give me a epidural even though i had a tattoo there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bootyliciousx
I want to get one of an prayer hand.

Is that true!? 98% woah!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
Couple of things...
And one thing about the "tramp stamp" - the worse thing is going to be when these gals want babies. It's right where they put the epidural, and they *won't* because if any flecks of ink get picked up into the needle and stuck into your spinal column, it could cause serious problems.

Actually this is a myth. There is no way ink can get pushed into the spinal column, or anywhere else. Firstly surgical needles are designed in such a way that they cut a crescent into the skin, they dont remove a core or plug of skin like many beleive they do. Secondly the pigment dries into the layer of skin and basically sits there like melanin does because. Sure tattooed skin can feel a little different to virgin skin, but this isnt because of pigment in the lower layers, its actually due to scar tissue.

The only possible way a lower back tattoo can interfere with an epidural is by making it slightly tougher on the anestesiologist (im sure ive spelt that wrong) to find the correct location for the needle...

If ink could get pushed into the body in such a way that 'flecks of ink' could get past the dermal layers of the skin the body would attack the ink with white blood cells, process it and get rid of it. This is actually what happens with lazer tattoo removal, the lazer breaks up the ink into smaller particles that get carried off by blood and lympatic fluid to be metabolised and disposed of.


Well-known member
My latest one is La Bella Vita written on my foot and 4 paw prints up the side of it. It has significant meaning as Bella is my cats name (hence the pawprints) and the actual quote has meaning due to overcoming a lot of crap in my life... I love tattoos, my only advice is to research and take your time with it, otherwise you may end up regretting it.


Well-known member
i have two so far and plans for...alot more. both of my current pieces have really deep meaning, but the piece i want on my left shoulder doesn't really have a whole lot of meaning. it's just a wyland painting that i've always really liked and always seemed really inspirational to me. but here's what i've got right now:


click here to see my other one. (this picture was taken right after i got it done, so there's a little blood.)

just remember that this will be on your body forever. and that there is nothing wrong with getting a piece just for art's sake, if you like it, you get it.
also remember too, though, that in most professional environments, tattoos are still not very readily accepted. keep in mind that you may be required to cover your ink up for work.


Well-known member
I got my first tattoo in November of last year. It was a tramp stamp that I drew myself. The second one I got in April. I drew the middle part (the knot work) off of a jewelry charm I saw online and the tattoo artist did the tribal surrounding it.
First things first. Get a tattoo that you know you're gonna want and not going to ever regret. Tattoos can't be taken off at the end of the evening like makeup. I knew 7 years ago that I wanted to get a tramp stamp but I just didn't know what I wanted it to be. Also, I didn't want it to be something that everyone else had and I wanted it to be "original". About 4 years ago I decided that I wanted to try drawing my own tattoo and a year later, I came up with the one I got for a tramp stamp. It took me 2 years later to work up the nerve to finally get it done so I got it last november. Now I want more ink..even after the second tattoo I got (which was really painful when he was working on the detail in the knot work!!).
The second one, even though it is not completely my own drawing, is still original due to the fact that my artist drew the rest of it himself out of nowhere. He loved the fact that I was all for him coming up with something on his cause it was the first time that someone had given him free reign over a tattoo, which made the tattoo that much more "sentimental" (in a sense) for me, because it was like I popped his "you do what you gotta go" cherry. lol.


Well-known member
Well....I HIGHLY recommend you think it through and Maxcat's idea of posting it EVERYWHERE for a few months is great! I have two tattoos. One is a whimsical butterfly that I got last March on my ankle that i LOVE and does have sentimental meaning to me, which I attached a pic of. BUT I got 7 stars on my foot lasy month and I HATE them. I rushed into getting them because I wanted them on the 4th and i wasnt sure on what i wanted. The placement is horrible and was the worst mistake. I have already looked into getting them removed. So my advice is to THINK IT THROUGH!!!!!


Well-known member
i had a tribal tattoo on my lower back when i was 19...
i had it done on a whim and really regret it...
im now getting it covered up with a oriental flowerback piece!

so with my other 3...(im on my bros computer so not very good pix!will update!) i designed them...then left them on my coffee table to look at everyday...

and if i still liked it after a few weeks i went for it

i have a dove on my neck (ouch!)
a gun shooting pink hearts on my inner for arm (not very clear pic sorry!)
and a swirly 'B' behind my right ear

i love them all...just wish i had the guts to get a sleeve like sabina kelley!



Well-known member
Before I got my tattoo, I wanted it to be something meaningful or unique. But I couldn't think of anything...and I thought about it all the time but I just couldn't make my mind up.

I eventually said you know what I'm just gonna go, and talk about it when I get there. My boyfriend's friend does tattoos, although he's not licensed...he knows what he's doing and I was completely comfortable with it.

So basically I ended up getting 3 flowers (pink and blue) with my name (Rebecca) above it. Yes, its common. Yeah, its not really unique (at all) but I honestly don't care. I love it...its my first tattoo and I don't regret name will never change lol.

its on my upper left shoulder blade. I wish I had a picture. anyways, I always thought if u wanted ur tattoo to really mean something, you'd probably have an easier time choosing one. In my case, I don't care if it means something...I'm gonna get what I like. I just hate on Miami Ink when the people tell these dumb elaborate stories about what their tattoo means. Not all of the stories are dumb, but...some are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
Once you have the design, photocopy it and put it everywhere. Use it as your bookmark, stick it on the bathroom mirror, the microwave, the wor steering wheel... if you still like it after a couple of months, then it's time to decide on where.

I absolutely agree...once I designed my tats (except my Ankh, but that was important & wasn't going to change) I lived with them...drew them on my body w/ marker to make sure I liked the placement & then put the design everywhere so that if I looked around anywhere I saw it & whenever I was bored, I would doodle them on everything.

And with my Ankh, had I had a chance to think about that one more, I definitely would have refined the design more (but that's ok cause I'm going back to get stuff added onto it when I can afford it again)

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