Tea Tree Oil?


Well-known member
I use 100% tea tree oil on blemishes and it works better than anything else I've come across!


Well-known member
I just bought some tree tea oil. I was able to find it in the Vitamin Aisle at my local Walmart. I'll try it and let you guys know how my skin likes it. I hope it will hlep with my breakouts. It seems to help a lot of your girls out, so hopefully my skin will like this stuff too! Thanks everyone for the suggestions!


Well-known member
Ok guys! I just started using the tree tea oil for 2 days. I've noticed a HUGE improvement in my skin. My pores are noticeably smaller and my breakouts are much smaller. My pores especially on my nose and t-zone were so huge I could see it in the mirror. But now this same area, the pores have shrunk and is much smaller now. Now it's only day #2 for me, but I can tell my face is liking this stuff!

After cleaning my face with cleanser, I use a cotton ball with some tree tea oil on it, and wipe my whole face with it. I know some people say you need to dilute the tree tea oil and not use it alone b/c it's too strong. But my skin actually likes it. After my skin soaks up the tree tea oil, I then put a little bit of moisturizer.

The smell is something I still need to get used to. It's pretty strong. But it's not that bad. The only thing is the scent lingers for a while before it disappears. But I already love this stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by colormepretty
i use 100% Tea Tree Oil on spots and it works wonderfully! i LOVE it.

Is that safe to do? :<


I started using tea tree oil about a month ago and it works pretty well,but sometimes it doesn't seem to do much unless i apply it a few times throughout the day.i got my 2 oz bottle from walmart for about $7.


Well-known member
It works best when applied 3-4 times a day. I use it full strength. I hate how it smells but it doesn't irritate my skin and it does shrink pimples, so I keep using it. Luckily I don't breakout alot so I don't have to smell that stuff too often!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Is that safe to do? :<

I have the 100% pure tea tree oil and I used it for a cystic acne once. Personally it was too strong for me, it' kinda burned my skin a bit. Not like peeling off burning but I would totally dillute it if I were to use it again. So yes, be careful with the full strength stuff. Maybe mix it with some toner or water.


Well-known member
I just very recently purchased the Body Shop tea tree oil foaming cleanser and the blemish stick.

I substitute the tea tree cleanser in place of my clinique cleanser at nighttime.

The blemish stick is amazing. I've dotted it on my blemishes twice a day for the last couple of days and I have to say it pretty much destroys a zit within 12 hours. I love it.

I'm contemplating getting the mask because I just love masks, I have two that I use routinely already, heh.


Active member
i use 100% tea tree oil as a spot treatment (i think i got mine in the vitamin section at walmart) and it works wonders.. its a natural antiseptic so it kills the bacteria that caused the blemish in the first place... however the smell is not so pleasant..

also.. lush has a cosmetic warrior mask that contains tea tree oil in it and it works wonders to clean our poors and heal blemishes.. the smell on that isn't so pleasant either though

oh the things we endure for beauty...
This stuff is a godsend - this year for some reason my chest decided to break out and was an awful mess until I discovered the hg that is tea tree oil. I use the Thursday Plantation 100% TTO. I use it undiluted on my chest but dilute it a bit with water before putting on my face as it can be quite drying. I also use the Thursday Plantation Acne Wash for my chest in the shower and found the results to be remarkable and I don't mind the smell at all.

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