teachers with tattoos???


Well-known member
i think with high school, it wouldnt be a big deal. there are a good many teachers at my school with small tattoos. however i know that at middle school, it would have been a HUGE deal for a teacher to have a tattoo. if you know any teachers in your area, ask them because it probably depends on location, too...


Well-known member
im a teacher, i dont have a tattoo (muslims arent allowed) but i do have a nose piercing which no one has ever blinked twice at.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Hey death cabber- at the time it was in Cobb County.

ha, Cobb. Why am I not surprised?

meant to quote, but hey, you get an extra thanks


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Philosopher
im a teacher, i dont have a tattoo (muslims arent allowed) but i do have a nose piercing which no one has ever blinked twice at.

wow, im really surprised they let you have that! I always assumed i have to take mine out, maybe i wont have to! Can i ask where you teach, and what grades? thanks!


Well-known member
I'm a teacher (looking for a full time position, but still..) and have 3...one on the back of my neck is very visible. I'm in art so it's a little more accepted, but just about every other teacher I know has at least one. It's never been a problem for any of them, but you definitely want to make sure you'll be able to cover it up should you need to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by litlaur
ha, Cobb. Why am I not surprised?

meant to quote, but hey, you get an extra thanks

someone loves me! lol

probably because cobb is one F'ed up county. i hated it with every fiber of my being


Well-known member
Originally Posted by XsheXscreamsX
wow, im really surprised they let you have that! I always assumed i have to take mine out, maybe i wont have to! Can i ask where you teach, and what grades? thanks!

I teach in north england, UK. and i teach high school kids