U are right

I'll relax haha.. what TV show should I watch next? ;p Yay I hope ur packages make it! Nothing is moving here in LI, I don't think I'm getting mail today lol. Yikes that's hella cold for Texas :/ wow that's crazy I've been a tad worried, my family in Guatemala has been getting really bad cold weather. I feel bad for them, since there's no heat in the house. Since they haven't needed it in ... ever... since it's always Spring there. I am actually figuring out how to send or bring them heaters soon :/ Sorry ur packages are delayed, I have one coming in tomorrow, I think it may get delayed but I hope not :/ Glad ur classes are cancelled!!

My mom is alright, she went to a medical appointment today actually. :/ She hasn't gotten any money yet, there's a hearing scheduled for next week I think so the judge will appoint an amount. I am overly pissed that it's taken this long, but it should get resolved soon I hope. Her lawyer is nice. My mom is partially at fault, she liked the people at her job and didn't think it was necessary to get an attorney. I insisted and insisted for months, and finally she came to her senses, but it's really sad the people at her job were taking advantage of her :/. but no more girl.. Thanks for asking