Dolly Snow

Are you dressing up and is anyone else here dressing up for Halloween?
Yea Japanese Anime, she is obsessed. She has most of the books and she draws these characters often.
Yea we had it made, and we are ordering the boots this Friday.
I don't really dress up, I haven't in a very long time. I do my makeup like normal lol most people think I am dressed up because I am wearing something vampy.
And it is like nah that is just me lol
The girls dad (my brother) always takes them trick or treating. He dresses up. He has always been big on Halloween!
Always in it for the scare


Well-known member
Yea Japanese Anime, she is obsessed. She has most of the books and she draws these characters often. Yea we had it made, and we are ordering the boots this Friday.  I don't really dress up, I haven't in a very long time. I do my makeup like normal lol most people think I am dressed up because I am wearing something vampy. And it is like nah that is just me lol  The girls dad (my brother) always takes them trick or treating. He dresses up. He has always been big on Halloween!  Always in it for the scare :eek:hboy:  
LOL! They think you're dressed up! I love Halloween and decorating the house all halloweeny

Dolly Snow

I love Halloween and decorating the house all halloweeny
As a child I used to hate halloween. Having an older brother who loved to scare the living daylights outta me was not fun.
But as I grew up and such I find it exciting. I love shopping for decorations....now I just love it.
Partially because the weather is always cold during that time of year