Dolly Snow

My mom is such a trooper, she totally went to sleep while I napped

But I feel bad at the same time, cause she slept all night.
Making her some soup now, for dinner.

But man, this better launch at reg time. No fast ones like the mystery collection!


Well-known member
Total overkill. Plus I'll have a chance to use some oldies but goodies I've neglected due to all the new stuff!
True, everything was just back to back that there are so many I just used once as soon as I received it and then stashed ! But seriously after the matte nothing from MAC interests me atleast so far the new collections we know abut!

Dolly Snow

True, everything was just back to back that there are so many I just used once as soon as I received it and then stashed ! But seriously after the matte nothing from MAC interests me atleast so far the new collections we know abut!
Yes V the same for me.


Well-known member
At least you ladies on the east coast can sleep almost all night no worries.
I am going to try and nap after my shows come on lol

I really hope the nasty cold effs off away from you.
True! that is one good thing-the time zone. I seriously dont know if I will ever catch a collection from pst!
I hope so too! :(
Speaking of Shows, I just started on a new show, I mean just watched Pilot and I kind of like it- How to get away with murder

Dolly Snow

True! that is one good thing-the time zone. I seriously dont know if I will ever catch a collection from pst!  I hope so too! :( Speaking of Shows, I just started on a new show, I mean just watched Pilot and I kind of like it- How to get away with murder
That is a really good show. I like it too. Viola Davis is amazing in it. Pst is like a demon lol


Well-known member
True! that is one good thing-the time zone. I seriously dont know if I will ever catch a collection from pst!  I hope so too! :( Speaking of Shows, I just started on a new show, I mean just watched Pilot and I kind of like it- How to get away with murder
So good!!!!


Well-known member
My mom is such a trooper, she totally went to sleep while I napped :heart: But I feel bad at the same time, cause she slept all night.  Making her some soup now, for dinner.  But man, this better launch at reg time. No fast ones like the mystery collection! 
I'll go ape shit crazy if this pulls something weird again.


Well-known member
My mom is such a trooper, she totally went to sleep while I napped :heart: But I feel bad at the same time, cause she slept all night.  Making her some soup now, for dinner.  But man, this better launch at reg time. No fast ones like the mystery collection! 


Well-known member
True, everything was just back to back that there are so many I just used once as soon as I received it and then stashed ! But seriously after the matte nothing from MAC interests me atleast so far the new collections we know abut!
Not a darn thing is interesting me either. I MIGHT get sparks of romance, but ONLY if it turns out to be matte frost. I'm not even feeling mattes at the moment and may end up skipping that! I could just be bitter though. Lol


Well-known member
I totally get that. Last year I was really excited for so many of the holiday collections, this year everything does oook kinda meh. There isnt anything that I feel like I MUST have. I still might get few blush palettes (benefit) and thats about it for now. Considering the Hourglass bushes look all the same on me, I will be skipping that palette too. And the Lorac Mega Pro if I manage to catch the launch that is. The Chanel Blush looks too light and I think Jersey def was a better choice. If RG launches I might grab that. So far That is the plan till Dec. As for MAC I am not interested in any of the upcoming collections post the Matte one! :(  Eyeshadow Palette: The Stila one though the shades are really pretty, I am kind of skeptical about it due to the general reviews. I think you can go for the Too faced Natural Eye Neutral Eye Shadow Collection instead. That comes with look ideas and instructions too as far as I know. Or maybe one of the Tarte eyeshadow Palette will be good too - comes with look book too! Some options you can consider: http://www.sephora.com/natural-eye-neutral-eye-shadow-collection-P241303?skuId=1604016 http://www.sephora.com/rainforest-after-dark-colored-clay-eye-cheek-palette-P387174?skuId=1626977
I totally get that. Last year I was really excited for so many of the holiday collections, this year everything does oook kinda meh. There isnt anything that I feel like I MUST have. I still might get few blush palettes (benefit) and thats about it for now. Considering the Hourglass bushes look all the same on me, I will be skipping that palette too. And the Lorac Mega Pro if I manage to catch the launch that is. The Chanel Blush looks too light and I think Jersey def was a better choice. If RG launches I might grab that. So far That is the plan till Dec. As for MAC I am not interested in any of the upcoming collections post the Matte one! :(  Eyeshadow Palette: The Stila one though the shades are really pretty, I am kind of skeptical about it due to the general reviews. I think you can go for the Too faced Natural Eye Neutral Eye Shadow Collection instead. That comes with look ideas and instructions too as far as I know. Or maybe one of the Tarte eyeshadow Palette will be good too - comes with look book too! Some options you can consider: http://www.sephora.com/natural-eye-neutral-eye-shadow-collection-P241303?skuId=1604016{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-M3;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red115\green115\blue115;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\qc\parhyphenfactor20\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs30 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \uc0\u57346 \cb1 \ \pard\pardeftab720\sl320\parhyphenfactor20\partightenfactor0 \fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Open}
Thanks V! Those were the other 2 I was looking for her. Can't decide which one - maybe the tarte it comes with a blush. Hourglasses blushes all look the same on me too...so I'm skipping that too. I might get one or 2 lipsticks from the matte collection but if I miss them I'm won't be sad. Have a good day! I'll post a pic if my sister's make-up box before I send it to her. I guess since I don't feel like buying make up for me-- I'll just buy for someone else. I still need that fix LOL!


Well-known member
I'm glad you had a great weekend! I totally understand where you're coming from with not feeling makeup. I'm looking forward to my RHPS stuff and maybe snagging a matte or two but everything else so far is a big ol womp. I'm actually planning to not really buy anything else the rest of the year after this month (staples excluded) unless it's something really, really special. Everything is just all starting to look the same and I feel kinda burnt out.
Naomi - that's exactly how In feeling- burnt out!! And everything is looking the same. I hope you get everything you want from the RHPS collection! Have a great day!

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