Ladies I need some make up advice. How do you handle the huge amount of fallout with the Naked palettes? Don't get me wrong. I love my Naked2 but the fallout during application ist super annoying. Do you put tissues under your eyes before applying or do you do your eyeshadow before you put make up on the rest of your face? I read beforehand that there was fallout but in reality I find it kind of a pain to work with sometimes. I always apply carefully, hoping not to cause too much fallout and then I have to wipe the glitter off my face, leaving me with sparkly skin that I try to cover with concealer.. it's a mess.
Unfortunately, the only really good solution for me is to do my eye makeup first, then face makeup after

I don't like doing it that way, I prefer more time to decide how I want my eyes, but that method really works. The only issue then is blending your under eye concealer with any liner/shadow/mascara you put on the bottom lash line. I use the tip of a beauty blender sponge for that part and it works pretty well. The other thing some ppl I know do (and it works if your fall out is just larger glitter and not heavily pigmented powder) is to dust translucent setting powder (eg Laura mercier) under the eyes and on top of the cheeks then dusting that off when you're done with your eye makeup, glitter or large powder grains (or if you're talented smaller grains) go right along with it

I've tried the tissues and putting specially made sticky things under my eyes and it's just a nuisance. Either do eyes first, put translucent powder, or do both! Oh and with some powders applying wet helps! Or even with glitter glue, but that's like GLITTER glitter, not like the naked palettes.