Different shampoos work different I guess.. I have a dry/normal scalp. I can keep my hair unwashed for over a week lmao (the occasional dry shampoo sprays but thats it), maybe that's why it's not breaking? maybe u wash urs too often?
My boyfriend is doing the weirdest thing. Over a year ago I saw on a blog a girl who stopped washing her hair with shampoo. She used baking soda for shampoo and apple cider vinegar as conditioner. Eventually just turned into using water and the PH of her scalp "reset" or something so she doesn't need styling products...
So I told my BF and now he does that.. he hasn't used shampoo in over a year and his hair is really clean lol... once a week he does the baking soda/apple cider thing and his hair is super soft

and he spends like no money.
edit: just clarifying we aren't dirty hippies haha... and his hair is pretty long, he can put on a man bun.