Dolly Snow

Are you at the Dr now?? It's almost midnight here... what time zone are you in??
Not anymore. I'm in California pst. It was around 7 or 8 ish...the blood lab is open till 9 pm.
[COLOR=0000FF]   My hubs gets crazed when he has to wait for the doc---wants to charge the dod for his time. I had bld wk today too Miss Dolly---just routine but I was in & out in 10[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   minutes.  I wasn't at the docs offc though.  Our Ins requires that our outpt bld draws be done at a lab.  [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Until last summer the closest one was 30 minutes away.  They[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   opened one practically around the corner.  Man was I happy when they did that.[/COLOR]
That's great. I'm glad you have one closer now. Same for this area, because it is sort of in the mountains..we didn't have a lot of places to do the bloodwork. We used to have to travel for an hour, now it is 15 min. lol your hub, sounds like my dad. He has no patience for the docs. When he has to wait and the doc finally comes in..my dad will say "about f***ing time" :lol: My sister took after him. I'm more like my mom, laid back and chill :haha:


Well-known member
lol your hub, sounds like my dad. He has no patience for the docs. When he has to wait and the doc finally comes in..my dad will say "about f***ing time"
My sister took after him. I'm more like my mom, laid back and chill
RE: Dad!!!
​ IT's such a drag having to travel a long distance and then wait a long time----it just sucks. I'm glad it's closer for you now.

Dolly Snow

   :lmao:   [COLOR=0000FF]RE: Dad!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]​             IT's such a drag having to travel a long distance and then wait a long time----it just sucks.  I'm glad it's closer for you now.[/COLOR]
lol ever since I could remember he has always been the same. It really does. Makes you feel like you aren't worth their time :(


Well-known member
Good morning! How are you? I haven't been around much... How's the job? And your dad?
I'm here for training. The person training me is upstairs dealing with a problem so I'm waiting in the break room. I'm about to die because my favorite jeans shrunk in the wash and they are so right they are making me sick :( and it's about 100 degrees in here


Well-known member
I'm here for training. The person training me is upstairs dealing with a problem so I'm waiting in the break room. I'm about to die because my favorite jeans shrunk in the wash and they are so right they are making me sick :( and it's about 100 degrees in here
I'm so sorry, Crimson! Hopefully they will come get you soon.


Well-known member
[@]IAmakeupaddict[/@] I finally got settled in with all my brow products and love them! For everyday I've just been using Taupe Brow Wiz, MAC Omega e/s, and Nars brow gel. When I am going somewhere special or using more makeup, I do the same but define the arch and tail more with Soft Brown Dipbrow. It's working out well!


Well-known member
[@]Anaphora[/@]. I'm loving my blonde dip row and blonde duo brow powder. I've had the ABH clear brow gel for awhile and use that too. Highfive for our on point brows! [@]v0ltagekid[/@] how do you like your camera? I just "accidently" bought the d5300 too. I got an email that it was on sellout woot today only for $529 with the kit lens (which I already had but whatever) it's factory reconditioned but I'm sure it's fine. IT comes with a warranty so I figured for that price, why not?

Dolly Snow

You, too! :) Anyone getting dolled up for the weekend? I'm on my way to a birthday party and used that as an excuse to to play around with my Naked3. Plus, wearing one of my all time fave lipsticks: Diva. Love those fierce dark reds! 
I am! Your look sounds gorgeous. I love diva! Mine is simple nudey brown orangey eye with lady danger on the lips.


Well-known member
Just placed an order with ulta for the Nyx prismatic eye shadows high voltage lipsticks and one intense butter gloss also got the brow pomade and eye makeup remover! They have the contour palette but for 30 bucks it's 25 on the Nyx site


Well-known member
Just placed an order with ulta for the Nyx prismatic eye shadows high voltage lipsticks and one intense butter gloss also got the brow pomade and eye makeup remover! They have the contour palette but for 30 bucks it's 25 on the Nyx site
...so tempting...


Well-known member
Annnd sold. I grabbed the butter glosses in Toasted Marshmallow and Orangesicle, then the 3C Palette in Medium. I have no willpower.
Lol neither do I! I spent 40 bucks but that's it for me I'm not buying until makeupgeek comes out with new products in May

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