
Well-known member
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is not in love with the W&D packaging! I look at it and just go :sigh: I hate the Cinderella packaging too,it's SO cheap looking! I might check the Toledo collection out Thursday after work since I need to hit the counter anyway since I'm almost out of foundation,but I don't know. You get anything from Pencilled In?
Me too buddy and yes the Cinderella packaging either (why?????)! No I didn't get any from the pencilled in collection!! Edge to edge is the only one I liked based on the swatches but I thought I will check those out next time I go to the store!! Yeah if you can make it to the store, that would be the best!!

Dolly Snow

So bored! Need new red lippies.
RED lol more red?


Well-known member
Me too buddy and yes the Cinderella packaging either (why?????)! No I didn't get any from the pencilled in collection!! Edge to edge is the only one I liked based on the swatches but I thought I will check those out next time I go to the store!! Yeah if you can make it to the store, that would be the best!!
I wanted to get a lot of pencils at first , but I think just maybe one of the reds and edge to edge for me now. Or I'll just buy another Mrs Mia Wallace pencil (LOVE that pencil!) and call it a day.


Well-known member
Oh I know and you look absolutely fabulous RED!  Also I've been meaning to ask, which liners are you picking up from Pencilled In? 
Thank you! :blush: Eh. Maybe none or maybe 2 since I've kinda lost all enthusiasm I originally had towards them over the last couple of days. If I get any, maybe just FYH and ETE. Possibly CW.

Dolly Snow

Thank you!
Eh. Maybe none or maybe 2 since I've kinda lost all enthusiasm I originally had towards them over the last couple of days. If I get any, maybe just FYH and ETE. Possibly CW.
Those are great picks. What happened with the enthusiasm towards them? Just not interested..or because they are perm you can take your time.


Well-known member
Those are great picks. What happened with the enthusiasm towards them? Just not interested..or because they are perm you can take your time. 
I don't know, I've just realized that when it comes to MAC lately I have little to no enthusiasm about anything they do as of late. I've bought two things from them since like October or November and I'm not all that in love with either of them. I do like their pencils and could use more pencils which is why I think I had mild enthusiasm to begin with.

Dolly Snow

I don't know, I've just realized that when it comes to MAC lately I have little to no enthusiasm about anything they do as of late. I've bought two things from them since like October or November and I'm not all that in love with either of them. I do like their pencils and could use more pencils which is why I think I had mild enthusiasm to begin with.
I give them that, their pencils are good quality.
I hope there is a collection around the corner that catches your eye.


Well-known member
Thanks, ladies! :love: Do it! I just got it the other day and am already in love. You guys are so cute! Have fun!
Thanks Anaphora!
Y'all are so adorable together!
Thanks Dolly Love!
Sooo cute!
Thanks WD!
That's a cute pic!! Have fun!!
Thanks V!
  [COLOR=0000FF] Yay Sass----so glad you're doing better!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] Be safe 'C"!!!   I don't know if we can rely on old Punxsutawney Phil---the [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]groundhog![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   That's about all the snow is good for---snow angels, skiing, sledding and building snowmen!!![/COLOR]:fluffy:    [COLOR=0000FF]​Sounds like fun day---as long as you're inside[/COLOR]:sigh:   [COLOR=0000FF]Gorgeous!!!  I love the whole look.  I'm wearing an orange lippie today too.  Boo for makeup rules.  Wear what you want!!!![/COLOR]   :wavey: [COLOR=0000FF]Hi WD.  That's a nice oldie but goodie!!![/COLOR]    :woot:   [COLOR=0000FF]14 all at the half!!!    [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Sassy!  You look beautiful in your green.  What lippie are you wearing?   [/COLOR]
Thanks Meddy! It's Lime Crime Velvetines Salem!


Well-known member
Evening, ladies! [@]charismafulltv[/@] how are you doing in the storm? I think we've got about 9" but the wind is drifting it a lot higher at my house.

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