
Well-known member
   [COLOR=0000FF]I'm that way with primers---it's so hard to find one that works w/o making me break out and look like a hormonal teenager[/COLOR]:lol:
Ugh. I have two pimples at the moment and they're making me real sad. :sigh:


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] Awwwwww. :frenz:  Well I called the phone number that was in the E-mail and there was a message stating that, "this phone [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]does not accept incoming calls."[/COLOR]:shock: [COLOR=0000FF]  I was so glad that I ha sent the message via Email shortly after I got the order shipping notice because they responded to it:[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]"Hi Meddy,[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]We apologize if you received a duplicate order confirmation email from us recently - it was a mistake. We are testing new functionalities and our system resent some old order emails in error. [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Please rest assured there has been no breach of personal information and no orders or payment have been taken twice."[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]I'm so disgusted with them. What would anyone think several months after the fact, especially in this time of [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]cyber-crime and stolen identities.  I'm removing myself from their web site.  If they knew errant E-mails were being generated they should have made an effort to immediately notify their customers.  I was however so relieved that it wasn't something more serious & diabolical going on.[/COLOR]
Please continue to watch your account. I just had t to get a new one from the LC breach.
Salon Rouge over Nightmoth = win!
I have to try that!!! I wore Oxblood over Nightingale today!


Well-known member
I'm glad it wasn't a case of stolen info, Meddy! I agree that they should of sent an email letting people know what was going on. What else is someone to think besides identity theft when they get something like that in their inbox? Jerks.
Yeah! Total jerks!!!

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