Teen commits suicide live on webcam


Well-known member
they didnt take it seriously because he had threatened and tried it before, and apparantly had a habit of "attention-whoring." even when people called the police, the police didnt take it seriously at first. im not saying its right, but...
i dont know. i feel that suicide is a right...i do wish there were more resources and services available for people who are struggling, and i think the people encouraging him are definitely assholes and they will reap their karmic reward.


Well-known member
i think there's a definite line between attention whoring and suicide.
and as for the people who watched or encouraged - is life really that cheap?


Well-known member
attention whoring or not, people who are mentally ok do not attempt or succeed in killing themself. I do feel bad for this person. I feel bad for him because he obviously had a reason to do it in front of people, even if you or I could not understand why. Why did Mark David Chapman kill John Lennon? In his brain, he did it to be important or remembered. As crazy as it sounds to us, it makes perfect sense to someone who feels so small and like such a failure. Suicide is going against every natural instinct you have, so whether or not your objective is to die (as some people hope to be saved) you have to be in a very low place in your life that is not at all mentally right in order to resort to such measures. I do feel bad for this guy, I feel compassion for someone who ends their life no matter what means they do it by. It might be regarded as selfish by many, but when it ultimately comes down to it most suicides come from someone who feels like they do more harm to the world than anything, even if they are completely wrong. Read his suicide letter, i think it was very touching and tragic at the same time. But then again, maybe Im just too empathetic.


Well-known member
That is so very sad ... heartbreaking even.

It is so hard to wrap your brain around, no matter what angle you come at it from. Many of us have been touched by the suicides of loved ones I am sure, and what I can say about it is that the pain of the family members that have to live with it afterwards can be debilitating. However, I can also say that I have known people that I loved that chose that route and can't really hold their choices against them because I witnessed the pain of their own lives. I hope that his loved ones can find that kind of balance in their grief and know that he had his reasons, even if they can't understand what his reasons were.

I just feel that none of us can judge him, other than to say that he was seriously ill. My heart and prayers go out to his family ... and to him.


Well-known member
I feel so sorry for his family.

Part of me cant help but think of this forum- I know I havent been around as long here as most of you have and im kinda new in a sense to the specktra family, but I like to believe that if something like that were going on with one of us that we would all be there to take action immediatly to prevent it. I honestly cant see it gettin that far here as they did over there.


Well-known member
that is so horrible


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I feel so sorry for his family.

Part of me cant help but think of this forum- I know I havent been around as long here as most of you have and im kinda new in a sense to the specktra family, but I like to believe that if something like that were going on with one of us that we would all be there to take action immediatly to prevent it. I honestly cant see it gettin that far here as they did over there.

It wouldn't. Not to say that if the situation were the same and the OD already started when the thread was posted and the stream was started that there may not be a bad outcome, but I, personally, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the team does, would take something like that *very* seriously.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizzbeba
For the poster who doesn't understand why people feel sorry for him. If you look at the links that the OP provided you'll see that the teen talked about being baker acted. This means that he was a threat to himself or others (tried to commit suicide/homicide or physically hurt himself or someone else) and was institutionalized in a mental health facility. It is apparent from these actions that he suffered from mental health issues. Being from the counseling field, I definitely feel compassion for people who have mental health issues because they're oftentimes very misunderstood and stigmatized.

two of my uncles commited suicide, and tbh i didn't feel a bit of sadness for either of them. i felt sad for my pops when he had to watch his little brother be buried...but never for his little brother. both of those men died when i was a kid, so maybe i'm just desensitized.

i feel terrible for the people that saw it happening, though. now they're going to have that stick with them for the rest of their lives and that's fucked up.


Well-known member
there was something in the newspaper at the weekend that a teen in england had done something simular, commited sucide on a webcam...the police turned it off...things like this are really shocking.

i feel sorry for their mums...i mean knowing that it was plastered on the internet but they didnt know anything until it was too late.

hope these are just a few isolated cases. its really sad.


Well-known member
I do feel bad for him, and what he did is not selfish. It is a terrible thing, but if people had cared about him so much before, then they would have tried to do something to get him out of his misery. People can do things to help others feel better.

Instead, just like he was mocked and instigated while he was dying, that is most likely what happened to him in his life. Just because we don't understand why someone is depressed does not mean it's not a valid way to feel. I am so sure that he had so many gifts and talents that he couldn't see because of his mental illness, and the weak, pathetic individuals who instigated his behavior manipulated his insecurity for the pure benefit of hurting another human being.

I honestly say I hope that something terrible happens to those terrible people, and I hope that this boy finally has peace.


Well-known member
My 1st cousin committed suicide in June of this year...He was a 15 year Marine, had a beautiful wife and a beautiful 4 y/o daughter. His wife came home to find him hanging in the shower with his daughter's jump rope wrapped around his neck. The horror she witnessed cannot be accurately described because her hands bled from her trying to get the ropes from around his neck because he was not quite dead when she found him ...there was a slight pulse...But by the time she was able to get the military style knot untied/cut from his neck it was too late to save him no matter how much CPR was attempted.

Was I angry at him...Absolutley...Because he ripped his families
lives apart and the rest of our families hearts apart. He had so much going for him so we thought. He had recently become a civilian worker and was over one of the largest Casino's IT dept making well in the 6 figures. I suppose a great family, a great home and a great career does not always equal happiness.

After I got over the anger of the act....and got down to the true facts...which was that he had been on anti depressants after returning from Iraq and obviously the antidrepessants were either not working or making his mental problems worse. Everyone kept asking him was he okay...and he would always say yes, I am fine please stop asking me that. Because we did notice a change in him when he returned home. But he hid his medical issues from evceryone...we did not even know he was on antidepressants...and with HEPA laws his wife didn't even know.

So yes I feel sorry for people who commit suicide because normally it is not for attention....It is a cry for help without knowing exactly how to ask for help. They are at a mental point where they have no logical thought process and it's very disheartening to say the least. Until we have walked in the other person's shoes it is very hard to judge why they felt such a selfish act was warranted... We can only hope that God will forgive them for such an act and help their families get there lives back together and find peace and understanding.

Wow this brought back so many memories....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
two of my uncles commited suicide, and tbh i didn't feel a bit of sadness for either of them. i felt sad for my pops when he had to watch his little brother be buried...but never for his little brother. both of those men died when i was a kid, so maybe i'm just desensitized.

i feel terrible for the people that saw it happening, though. now they're going to have that stick with them for the rest of their lives and that's fucked up.

ITA... I feel horrible for people who have to go through the heartbreak of watching someone thye love die... even this kid knew his actions were going to hurt his family. How many times did he apologize and beg his parents not to think that it was THEIR fault that he was killing himself?


Well-known member
My heart sank when I read about that boy killing himself online. I can't only wonder just how sad and desperate he must have felt to do that.

It was the b'day of my close friend's brother last week. He committed suicide 4 yrs ago on New Years Day. He'd been out partying with his brothers hrs earlier ...next thing you know he'd killed himself. He'd left a letter next to where his body was found "explaining" his actions.

My friend wrote a really moving tribute to him on Facebook, describing in acute detail what happened that day and I was in tears at my PC by the time I'd finished reading it. I could almost feel the pain and anguish his parents and younger brother went through as the terrible truth dawned on them - all through my friends words.

I think suicide is a selfish act, but in the same breath those who commit suicide (and I'm not talking about mass murderers who shoot themselves the min the police arrive!) and seemingly "have it all" to those around them, are obviously hiding whatever pain and depression they're holding inside.

It's such a waste of life and my heart goes out to the relatives and friends who are left behind to pick up the pieces.