Originally Posted by TangoMango
Alexa- Is homeschooling easier? I really want to be homeschooled, due to issues at my school but I don't think my mom would be down with that.
at first it was pretty easy.. see, i have what they call school anxiety. where it is nearly physically impossible for me to be in school.. no idea why or what makes me freak out over it. it had been going on since 7th grade and finally in 9th, my anxiety and depression got so bad that i just stopped going all together.
we signed me up to an online home schooling program (
http://keystonehighschool.com ) it was really nice at first, like i said. but then i found out my dad was diagnosed with liver cancer and my depression started all up again. i stopped doing the schooling last march and took a break until this sept. i tried to go back to school, doing a special program called NovaNet. it's where all of my classes were on the computer and i could work in a room with only 5-10 other kids (compared to 40 in my old classes). it was going GREAT until suddenly, out of nowhere, my anxiety came back in full swing. i stopped going around a week or two before halloween and i haven't been back since
i'm still enrolled in the online schooling until march so once the holidays are over, i plan on starting back up again lol.
so, to answer your question.. it definitely was better than hs in some ways but the self motivation and commitment is a lot bigger/harder than i could have ever imagined.