Texas Sect's Sick "Temple"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Careful. Your words can, unfortunately, be taken in the same way as people saying seemingly *general,* negative words about, say, Jews, or Muslims...etc...These people aren't Mormons. They are a sick offshoot of Mormons; they are cultish pedophiliacs, aren't they.

My point is not to defend Mormons. I write this to point out that people who are not part of this sick place, but who may subscribe to Mormon religion, may become offended...

Doubtful. Utah Mormons, along with the rest of LDS, look down on these Fundamental Mormon Sects. The sect WAS excommunicated from the Church of Latter Day Saints because of their practices.

And, offensive or not, my opinion on the Mormon canon and how the Mormon Church evolves through the years to keep up with popular opinion and world relations doesn't raise it too much higher.


Well-known member
Is it possible the girl who called in the "tip" isn't real? Perhaps she was conjured up by the law/CIA/FBI ?? as a way to move things along & save the children? I keep hoping this may be true. Otherwise, mystery girl....well, I really fear for her safety.


Well-known member
This is so freakin' sickening. I read the affadavit, thanks to you, ratmist. I can't make myself understand how they got away with this shit for so long. I bet that girl is missing for a reason :/ I hope they find her, who knows how long this would have gone on!

So creepy. I bet this is nothing new. I bet there are at least a handle full of places like this that are "religious ranches."

Those poor, poor girls. Even the older women have a bit of my mercy. I'm sure those men are so powerful and brainwashing.

I'm interested to see how this case goes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Doubtful. Utah Mormons, along with the rest of LDS, look down on these Fundamental Mormon Sects. The sect WAS excommunicated from the Church of Latter Day Saints because of their practices.

yes. that's True!

And, offensive or not, my opinion on the Mormon canon and how the Mormon Church evolves through the years to keep up with popular opinion and world relations doesn't raise it too much higher.

Religion & politics, eh? Difficult subjects...& dangerous ones...I'm simply saying the way in which you wrote it could be taken wrong & cause one more disharmonious reaction in the World, even if it's one person reading this thread, whose aunt or cousin was born into the Mormon Church... (I don't mean f/this horrifying sect) ...I am not giving my personal opinion on someone else's religion, as I don't feel I have the right to judge. When people are being hurt, we all have the right to judge. But this is very judgemental of me, now, isn't it



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Is it possible the girl who called in the "tip" isn't real? Perhaps she was conjured up by the law/CIA/FBI ?? as a way to move things along & save the children? I keep hoping this may be true. Otherwise, mystery girl....well, I really fear for her safety.

I thought it sounded like a staged caller. Who knows?


Well-known member
See I do consider myself to be a bit religious, and America was founded with freedom of religion being a core value, however I am sickened. The plural marriages aren't the worst thing. It's the underage marriages, the girls who are married at 13 to men who are old enough to be their dad, and the fact that they are expected to churn out babies-girls, in particular. The idea is to marry the girls young, when they're still naive-because when they get older they're less malleable and they start to develop their own ideas.

I really fear for the kids who have been taken from the ranch, because this is what they have been (in my honest opinion) brainwashed to believe. The shock of being in the outside world is going to be very traumatizing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KikiB
See I do consider myself to be a bit religious, and America was founded with freedom of religion being a core value, however I am sickened. The plural marriages aren't the worst thing. It's the underage marriages, the girls who are married at 13 to men who are old enough to be their dad, and the fact that they are expected to churn out babies-girls, in particular. The idea is to marry the girls young, when they're still naive-because when they get older they're less malleable and they start to develop their own ideas.

I really fear for the kids who have been taken from the ranch, because this is what they have been (in my honest opinion) brainwashed to believe. The shock of being in the outside world is going to be very traumatizing.

On the third page of the affadavit is the following:

"On April 6, 2008, Rebecca Baxter advised Affiant that, between this date and April 4, 2008, she interviewed a child who has identified herself as [name removed], age 8, who advised that: [name removed] has four children and [name removed] is under sixteen years of age"

Based on how that's written, if the name of the person who has four children is also the name of a girl who is under sixteen years of age, that girl has given birth possibly at the age of 12.



Well-known member
These fundamentalist mormon sects are just out there aren't they? This is a clear case of abuse. As much as I am FOR religious freedom, a structured community that brainwashes and indoctrinates their children so that old men can have sex with young girls is no better than any other kind of pedophile. It's even worse when it happens under the cloak of religion.

I know quite a bit about the mormon faith and have known quite a few mormon people. While I find many, many, precepts of the LDS to be quite disturbing, I could also say the same about other faiths as well. When you meet a mormon outside of their church and the topic is anything other than their faith, they as a people are absolutely lovely and express their faith by recognizing that life is here and now. Mormons as a whole are just as horrified as non-mormons by these polygamist sects.
Warren Jeffs also headed the horrifying out there poly sect in Colorado City, Arizona.

I fully support everyone's right to find their own path (or not) as long as it doesn't cause any harm to another. But I can find nothing good about these strange polygamist sects and I do reserve the right to judge them, nor do I care if my distaste is offensive.


Well-known member
If anyone would like more information on the history of the LDS and these polygamist offshoots, read Jon Krakauer's book "Under the Banner of Heaven". It's quite enlightening. The Mormon church really took him to task over his book because it's not all that flattering but there's a lot of truth in it.

Jon is the same guy who wrote "Into Thin Air" - the disaster on Mt. Everest in 1996 when so many people, including 2 leaders of 2 expeditions died on the mountain.


Well-known member
Polygamy here is just an orgy of teen girls and children with one old man.

Keeping those young girls cranking out children was just a form of control.

They were really twisting up these girls minds to stay in control of them with using terms like "Spiritually united".


Well-known member
That's not entirely correct. It wasn't just for the sake that the girls were young, because older women were taken as wives as well. It's not, in the strictest sense of the word, pedophilia.


Well-known member
Actually, it's a way for one man to have a lot of variety whether his "spiritual wives" are old or young. Because the laws forbid bigamy or polygamy, they call it a spiritual marriage instead. The wives aren't really married in the civic sense. It's just another form of cohabitation when the wives are old enough to give consent and pedophilia when they're not. It's sickening either way.


Well-known member
It's beyond sickening, it's wrong, useless, and flat out ridiculous.

But reading about how polygamy got started in the mormon church to begin with is interesting.


Well-known member
I don't know... after hearing the mothers speak, I can't help but feel bad from them. Whether the sect or the gov't was right or wrong, it's heart wrenching to hear of mothers and children being separated like that and then misinformed about when they can see their children again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
I don't know... after hearing the mothers speak, I can't help but feel bad from them. Whether the sect or the gov't was right or wrong, it's heart wrenching to hear of mothers and children being separated like that and then misinformed about when they can see their children again.

It is heart wrenching. But then I think about a 14 year old girl being forcibly married to and raped by an old man and I don't feel so bad anymore.


Well-known member
I just like how Mormons "baptize" dead people into their religion by getting ahold of geneology charts, death certificates, etc. Albert Einstein is a Mormon now. :l


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
It is heart wrenching. But then I think about a 14 year old girl being forcibly married to and raped by an old man and I don't feel so bad anymore.

You got it.
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I just like how Mormons "baptize" dead people into their religion by getting ahold of geneology charts, death certificates, etc. Albert Einstein is a Mormon now. :l

That fucking shit...pardon my language...pisses me off. Marry a mormon? Die before it does? They can hold a baptism of the dead and *bang* you're on the rolls of the moron church.
I know someone who had to put it in his will that should he precede his wife in death, he is NOT to have a baptism of the dead to 'convert' him to mormonism.