I'm only referring to people who abuse this money, how is spending it on drugs going to help anybody? Or spending it on themselves whilst their children starve and/or miss out on basic necessities?
These people get a heap of money already from the government and they do nothing to try and help themselves.
I've been dealing with centrelink for ages now and it's complete BS, I cannot tell you how many times I've left crying because the way I've been treated, yet people who have no desire to change their situation and stop being parasites on society, are given a free ride. It's a horrible cycle because the (majority) children of these people will just grow up to be exactly the same. I'm from a small town full of people like this and it sickens me. There is a lot of resources out there for people with drugs so they have no excuse.
Sambibabe, I think that's great for your friend, I'm not at all referring to people like that. My mother is a single mother and recieved $950 for my brother and we spent most of it (as it was intend) on a lovely day out.
Simplyenchantin, in general its not the childrens IQ's but rather the parents that is important, giving a substancial amount of money to somebody whose intelligence is HIGHLY below normal is completely reckless. These people would be better off with supermarket vouchers (many people who work in this area would completely agree).
I'm sure everybody who has recieved the money have been thrilled to see some of there hard on money come back but we pay tax for a reason. In my opinion I think if the government had spent the money itself purchasing products for places like hospitals, libraries, schools, etc. the money would have been better spend and boosted the economy greater.
We have yet to see the outcome from this spending spree and if as a nation we go into debt many government funded projects and services will be the ones affected. We can just hope things improve and/or don't get dramatically worse because it'll be tax payers and the community that'll feel it.