Thanks for the $900, Hello Kitty here I come.


Well-known member
I heard they're going by postcode but they're not announcing which postcodes will be done when to prevent people having their letter boxes targeted.


Well-known member
oh and i forgot to add we do our own taxes so it was deposited straight into our accounts


Well-known member
My partner and i have the same postal address? :S and our initials are s and they arnt that far away from each other


Well-known member
I want my Rudd moneyyyyyy. *pout* It had better be in my bank account tomorrow or I'm going to be very disappointed
I have been dying to do a big shop and the money is the most important part of the plan lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
I want my Rudd moneyyyyyy. *pout* It had better be in my bank account tomorrow or I'm going to be very disappointed
I have been dying to do a big shop and the money is the most important part of the plan lol.

lmao me 2! I NEED a back up of perfect topping! If the money doesnt come soon they might be sold out! And then I'll be really mad!


Well-known member
I really don't think I'll get it, despite all the damn derro's here getting it, spending it on drugs grrrrrrrr.


Well-known member
^^ oh I know, I got it but you know how they did the " family's " first. Well i had plenty of VERY young mothers skanked up to the nine off their faces spending it on going out and such. I really think that's such a waste. Even if i was to blow it all on makeup (wish i could, lol) at least you'd have something to show for it, if that made any sense??

The money cam in handy, our tv blew up two weeks ago....


Well-known member
Yeah I completely agree. I'm pretty lucky the only debt i have is my hecs but it angers me to see people who don't even bother to work, look for work or gain further education gain the $900.

My dad's gf work with the local hospital with housing and all her clients got it payment, most are complete bludgers. One family of 5 children all have IQ's under 70 and another recieved $3000 and wasted it completely in a week.

As far as I know I wont get it because I was on youth allowance during 07/08 (full time student) though I never recieved the education bonus.
I think the money should have gone into hospitals, school and other services that need funding.


Well-known member
^^ I'm a bit confused about your comment: family of 5 children all have IQ's under 70 - how is the kids' IQ's relevant to whether the parents get the tax bonus??


Well-known member
Woohoo thank you Mr.Rudd! My money arrived this morning. It's going straight to my boot and underwear fund.

Originally Posted by Paramnesia
I think the money should have gone into hospitals, school and other services that need funding.

I totally see where you are coming from but my hard earned tax dollars go in to funding those things every day. I'm glad that for once people like me - single woman, no family - got something back. I pay a lot of tax and damn it feels great to get see some of it back in my bank account. >_< My tax return goes straight to my HELP debt so this really is a nice little bonus.


Well-known member
im studying social work and politics atm and i completly disagree with the above comments, the reasons the money was given to the "bludgers" or "young mothers" was becuase the governemnt KNEW they would spend it, they KNEW they would go out and buy alcohol and smokes etc etc. that was the purpose of the payments, to get people to spend and statiscally these type of people will spend in sectors which will boost the economy. most middle income earners will save or put into mortgages or bills and students often spend on overseas trips or pay off HECS none of which help the australian economy. If the payments were welfare based and had nothing to do with stimulating the economy then i would agree there are more desrving people or causes for the money.
meh anyways thats my two cents not to offend anyone or anything


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
it angers me to see people who don't even bother to work, look for work or gain further education gain the $900..

If I lost my job, $900 would help me greatly, while looking for another job?

I do not have a so called bludger friend, but my best friend is a single mum. Her little one costs her so much and I am really happy to see her getting $900, so that she can buy something for herself and go out and have nice dinner/drinks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Hehe great stuff spectrolite! I need a boot fund too but I can't seem to find anything I like!

^^That Emporio (whatever it's called) place on Bourke Street mall that has 3 levels of shoes stocks Scooter, Mollini and some other brand. I was there on Sunday and found some great boots. I've searched high and lo for a decent pair of flat boots and I think I've found them. Gonna go get em this week! >_< I really need them too. I've got 3 pairs of boots all of them either have holes in the soles and leather or the sole/heels are coming off. I look like a derelict.


Well-known member
oh i understand why it was given. My point more is that if they spent it on stuff for their family that could actually be of use, for once, it would have still gone into local businesses.


Well-known member
I'm only referring to people who abuse this money, how is spending it on drugs going to help anybody? Or spending it on themselves whilst their children starve and/or miss out on basic necessities?
These people get a heap of money already from the government and they do nothing to try and help themselves.

I've been dealing with centrelink for ages now and it's complete BS, I cannot tell you how many times I've left crying because the way I've been treated, yet people who have no desire to change their situation and stop being parasites on society, are given a free ride. It's a horrible cycle because the (majority) children of these people will just grow up to be exactly the same. I'm from a small town full of people like this and it sickens me. There is a lot of resources out there for people with drugs so they have no excuse.

Sambibabe, I think that's great for your friend, I'm not at all referring to people like that. My mother is a single mother and recieved $950 for my brother and we spent most of it (as it was intend) on a lovely day out.

Simplyenchantin, in general its not the childrens IQ's but rather the parents that is important, giving a substancial amount of money to somebody whose intelligence is HIGHLY below normal is completely reckless. These people would be better off with supermarket vouchers (many people who work in this area would completely agree).

I'm sure everybody who has recieved the money have been thrilled to see some of there hard on money come back but we pay tax for a reason. In my opinion I think if the government had spent the money itself purchasing products for places like hospitals, libraries, schools, etc. the money would have been better spend and boosted the economy greater.

We have yet to see the outcome from this spending spree and if as a nation we go into debt many government funded projects and services will be the ones affected. We can just hope things improve and/or don't get dramatically worse because it'll be tax payers and the community that'll feel it.


Well-known member
I went to lunch with my friend and I didnt realise she got her payment.
The only thing she bought her 4 year old son was a pair of $30 shoes.
She ended up getting all 3 payments and she had already dropped out of the course she enrolled in at the start of the year.

I have never been more angry in my life! Yeah I know, its up to them to decide where the money goes but come on. 3 payments between one adult and one 4 year old.

And all this talk about 'free money', we will be paying it back for years.
Definitely agree with more being spent on schools and hospitals.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
Simplyenchantin, in general its not the childrens IQ's but rather the parents that is important, giving a substancial amount of money to somebody whose intelligence is HIGHLY below normal is completely reckless.

It's not the children's IQ? But that's what you stated in your first post, and that's exactly what I was trying to clarify. You've just dug yourself an even deeper hole in my opinion. As you put yourself forth as a reasonably intelligent science student it actually sickens me to read the above lines.

Do you know that IQ is not the be-all and end-all of intelligence? Do you realise it is merely one way of measuring intelligence? It's actually been proven to mean not that much at all. (I just thought that had to be said although it's clearly not the main issue!)

As was was pointed out above - the money was given to these people with a reason. It was a stimulus package to be spent, these people would spend it. It was not reckless at all, and as such why are you attempting to judge these peoples' intelligence? If what you're saying is that it was reckless to give these people this money, shouldn't you be judging the government's actions instead of innocent kids/families/whatever?

As for their parents, you're born with whatever IQ you're born with - do you think it's their fault that their intelligence is (according to you and clearly you are qualified to judge this) "HIGHLY below normal"? As far as I'm concerned, a person's IQ has absolutely nothing to do with the receiving of a stimulus package and your problem should have nothing to do with the people who receive that money.

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