Thanks Nicky a.k.a Beauty Allure


Well-known member
I just wanted to take a mintue to thank youtuber and MAC makeup artist, Nicky for posting such awesome and informative videos and for offically introducing me (and my to the wonderful world of MAC products.

When she recommends a product, I buy it ! The tips she gives, I use and my makeup application has improved because of her.

I also wanted to introduce myself to her through here,with a pic, since she always responds to my questions and comments on youtube. Thanks girl! You are fierce!!!! I'm Tiffany by the way :) How many ways can I say thank you!?


Well-known member
I love her videos too!


Well-known member
OMG, WOW! Seriously, I was not expecting this at all. I am so blushing and cheesing like crazy right now.


Thank you so, so, so much for taking the time out of your day to write this up about me. This is beyond anything that anyone has ever done for me online and I appreciate your kind words like crazy. I could cry, no joke. It's amazing to think that my silly little videos have made such an impact on your makeup life. At least, I can think I'm doing something right ... hehe!

There are truly no more words that I can use to express my sheer shock and amazement that you did this. You've officially given me more hope to keep pushing ahead and continue doing the vids. Thanks so much again, Tiffany.


Well-known member
That's a nice gesture. I haven't checked out your youtube channel but I like your FOTDs on here. I will check it out, I really love watching youtube makeup vids when I'm bored, hehe.


Well-known member
i love her tutprials as well! i always comment on them. Sometimes i re watch the videos because i really do enjoy them

thank you Nicky <333


Well-known member
Another subscriber here! Lurve your youtube tutorials. I always check to see if you have any new ones up


Well-known member
I love her work too. She's good at what she does! So, Nicky/Beautyallure/Lipshock, keep it up. You have quite a large fan base!


Well-known member
Just found her on youtube yesterday and I was SOOO excited!

I love her FOTDS, I was pretty amped about her having a channel.
SOOO gorgrous :]


Well-known member
You chiquitas are freaking awesome!

This is why I love Specktra. So supportive and welcoming you all are. :]


Well-known member
Another subscriber checking in!! I love all of her work, and she's just so damn pretty, how can you not watch her ?!

Your foundation vid was just great! And I don't see a single flaw on your bare face, makeup just enhances your, flawlessness (that's a word now, btw, lol)...

Keep up the awesome work