The “I know things are dire out there, but this will make you smile” thread


Well-known member
Ok I have a cute story, my dd is 2 years and learning her alphabet, so I told her sing "a, b, c for daddy"
She smiled and started singing "a, b ,c, d.....daddy!" And gave a huge smile, lol


Well-known member
Meet Itchy and Scratchy! Shown with Mama Chloe!

The little boys were born just tonight and are so cute and soft! These are Myotonic Goats, so when they get older they'll "faint" when they get startled. Gotta love the little guys!


Well-known member
This is such a cute thread and def has me smiling =]

Too bad I can't get a pet right now, I really want a dog. But the allergies are pretty unpredictable blahh.

But if I could get one right now I'd either get a all black Pomeranian or a muddy reddish color pitbull like the one Cesar Milan from Dog Whisperer has named Daddy whose such a sweety!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
Meet Itchy and Scratchy! Shown with Mama Chloe!

The little boys were born just tonight and are so cute and soft! These are Myotonic Goats, so when they get older they'll "faint" when they get startled. Gotta love the little guys!

OMG, I LOVE goats. I don't know what it is about them, but I have always wanted a goat. LOL @ Itchy and Scratchy.. those are the names of my boobs!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
Meet Itchy and Scratchy! Shown with Mama Chloe!

The little boys were born just tonight and are so cute and soft! These are Myotonic Goats, so when they get older they'll "faint" when they get startled. Gotta love the little guys!

I just died and went to heaven. Can I come over?


Well-known member
Goats are super sweet, I really like mine. My husband and I have six now, five fainting goats and one Nigerian Dwarf...they are all small too, about the size of a pygmy goat only not built like a bulldog.

MzzRach, you should come over! They are so sweet and would love them!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melozburngr
fainting goats!!!

oh.. and thought on this forum people might get a chuckle out of this!!


Yes, it did!


Well-known member
My life pretty much sucks right now and the only thing that makes me
is my kitten, MAC, so here are some recent pics!

Checking out his namesake!

Napping in the Giants helmet!

I look like crap, but this picture always makes me feel better.


Well-known member
I know this pic of Chewy is posted already, but I giggle when I see it:

My genius husband decided to buy this sweater because it was on clearance. He bought an XS (a size that would fit about a 4 lb. dog) and thought he could stuff our 20 lb cat, Domino, into it. That didn't fly, so he nabbed our 10 lb. cat, Chewy< and put him in the sweater. The look of death on his face about says it all:

After that Chewy wouldn't let DH near him for several hours...gee, I wonder why?

Annnnd finally, Domino who knows not the meaning of modesty:

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