The 30+ club


Well-known member
It would help my skin if I gave up the ceegars tho
LOL - NO! The cig adds to the look


Well-known member
I'm actually looking forward to my 30's! I'm 28 now but I think I'll enjoy the 30's. It will be good to see the result of a lot of my hard work payoff in my 20's later on :)

Tina - when are u turning 30? I'll be 30 on Feb 5, 2012 :D

Your birthday is right after mine!!! YAY for Aquarians!! lol


Well-known member
I'm 32 and quite content to be in my 30s. I kept getting warned about some huge crisis that I was supposed to go through when transitioning from 29 to 30, but it never happened.

I'm happy to live in a time when people aren't expected to give up their style and "get serious" when they turn 30. You can be responsible and still retain your cute.


Well-known member
I'm 32 and quite content to be in my 30s. I kept getting warned about some huge crisis that I was supposed to go through when transitioning from 29 to 30, but it never happened.

I'm happy to live in a time when people aren't expected to give up their style and "get serious" when they turn 30. You can be responsible and still retain your cute.

Yay to retaining the cute! LOL! The only issue I have with getting older r the constant reminders that my eggs are somehow "drying up"...yes I know fertility drops off big time when I hit 35 and all but I am nowhere close to wanting children just yet. And what's with the push to get married too? Geez I have time people!

And either way I'm happy with myself anyway so I'd be proud to adopt and get a puppy later in life if I marriage and pregnancy don't come my way. :)


Well-known member
Yay! I'm so in! I just turned 31 in late November and I swear last week I was 17 or something. Time FLIES!

Age doesn't matter much to me or the hubs. We both just take each day we're given and find something to laugh at and enjoy!

One thing I've been noticing lately...I see a younger person walking to a car, getting in and driving away in it and I find myself wondering how a 12 year old has a license. 16 looks SO young now, lol.


Well-known member
I'm late, but I want to join! I'm 34 and the thing I like about my 30s is I'm more comfortable with myself than I ever was in my 20s. That alone makes getting older worth it!


Specktra Bestie
Late to the party, as always.... I'm 38 and honestly I've never felt better. I had a grand time in my twenties, but I think I'm a happier person now than I've ever been. Plus, of course, I don't feel my age. Or any age, really. I just feel like me. I still look forward to everything I can do, I have a great guy and a home full of cats and makeup and clothes and shoes. I have great friends- this is probably one area where I would say my life has improved since my 20s- the bonds of friendship and who I'm really close to. I also think that my thirties have taught me a lot of discipline and focus that I didn't have when I was younger.

And anything that's declining in my 30s can be fixed with concealer.


Well-known member
Yes, these are good times and I agree, I hate when people judge you because of your age and that your supposed to have kids, or supposed to do this or that. Hubby and I are quite happy at this stage in our lives and are looking forward to the future. As I get older I have less time to dedicate and less tolerance towards people who don't approve of me the way I am. You don't like it, good for you. Just leave me alone. SOME people have quite some nerve. You can tell I've been bugged about the kid issue. NOBODY'S BUSINESS! Grrrrrr!!!!!

On a lighter note, as I said once before, I feel young and take better care of myself now than I did in my 20's. Good times.


Wow, I was 17 last year, and now about to turn 30 in a few months; with 2 marriages & 2 kids that have fattened my thighs....Yikes!!! lmao! I can't wait for my thirties, I don't identify with most people my own age anyways. I agree with you Fancyface(love the blog/vids btw) later is greater when it comes to having a family, especially husbands, you need all the time to store up the patience you're gonna need...hehehehe


Well-known member
I just recently turned 48 and that isn't stopping me from MAC hauls, Sephora and Macy flings! Nice to meet everyone! I am new to MAC and loving every moment of it!