The $33 CAD for 8 MUFE e/s & BeneFit High Beam Haul!


Well-known member
Wow, how do you girls manage to save up your points for so long? As soon as my balance reaches $5 off, I'm like REDEEM!!!
I love their Reward program.

For you Canadian ladies - and non-make-up related - another great reward program is the Scotiabank and Scene Points program. I've gotten so many free movies since I signed up a year ago... you get points everytime you use your debit, and there's ways tons of ways to get bonus points.

Scene and Optimum are the only rewards I bother to collect... I gave up on Air Miles a long time ago.

Anyway, awesome haul! I love High Beam, I used to mix it into my moisturizer all the time. I gotta remember to reach for it more often.


Active member
Originally Posted by Willa
It's like Air Miles but you get points quicker
I've got sooo many things for free with it

I wish my Pharmaprix would carry MUFE but they dont

There is a Shoppers in Laval that carries it if you're willing to go on a little drive - store locator here : " + client + ": Store Locator


Active member
Originally Posted by star25
Wow, how do you girls manage to save up your points for so long? As soon as my balance reaches $5 off, I'm like REDEEM!!!
I love their Reward program.

For you Canadian ladies - and non-make-up related - another great reward program is the Scotiabank and Scene Points program. I've gotten so many free movies since I signed up a year ago... you get points everytime you use your debit, and there's ways tons of ways to get bonus points.

Scene and Optimum are the only rewards I bother to collect... I gave up on Air Miles a long time ago.

Anyway, awesome haul! I love High Beam, I used to mix it into my moisturizer all the time. I gotta remember to reach for it more often.

Haha. My boyfriend is like that. I think I just resist, knowing that the rewards increase substantially if I hold out. I'm like...could blow these points on snacks. Or I could wait and get $150 (or $200 in this particular case) of free makeup!

I love Scene. I have a Scene debit as well, and I always get my TTC Metropass via debit so I've also seen a lot of free movies :p HBC Rewards can be decent-ish too. I try to go to the MAC counter in the Queen St Bay instead of a store so I can get *something* out of purchasing

And yeah... Air Miles is pointless. I used to shop at a Dominion's and they take Air Miles, but hardly anyone does. Only really rack up with an Air Miles VISA.


Active member
Collecting Optimum points used to be so easy when you were allowed to collect points on bus passes. I had the points card racked up so high buying those each month.

I've noticed that a lot of the Shoppers in my area are carrying higher end makeup lines. You've given me inspiration not to cash in those points, I want to get free MUFE...

Has anyone else noticed that the lights they use in the new Shoppers make certain types of makeup "sweat". I love the MUFE concealer palettes but I refuse to buy them at shoppers because they sit under really hot lights all day. I went through an entire case of them looking for one that wasn't runny, and I couldn't find a single one. Everything else is fine, just products that are creamy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by star25
Wow, how do you girls manage to save up your points for so long? As soon as my balance reaches $5 off, I'm like REDEEM!!!
I love their Reward program.

Scene and Optimum are the only rewards I bother to collect... I gave up on Air Miles a long time ago.

I'm right with you...redeem! redeem! LOL I hit $10 and grabbed Benefit Coralista this weekend. And I thought THAT was a bargain

Scene and Optimum are the only points I collect too!

That is an AMAZING haul. You've inspired me to try harder at keeping my points. What a high that would be to walk out of there with that much product for so little money.

I have two huge Shoppers near me, and neither one carries MUFE. Fingers crossed that we'll get it someday soon.


Well-known member
omgosh. i should totally save my optimum points for mufe!! ive been spending them on apple green tea LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
omgosh. i should totally save my optimum points for mufe!! ive been spending them on apple green tea LOL

I just scared my dog because you made me laugh out loud

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