How would you even look that up? I thought about it....
I love this show b/c it is so far removed from everything that my life is...
Jenevicia- OMG I couldn't stand her. She was always so nasty and looks like she had grease and dirt and pure sank caked on her. He was always pulling the nastiest most immature things and then calling the other girls immature, I don't know what in the world she was thinking or what world she was living in.
Cordelia had some major problems she knew she was ruing her relationship, not that she cared until she realized she was leaving then she tried to "fix" things with Taylor. She had major self esteem issues and I think she just caused crap to push people away so that she couldn't be hurt by them in the end.
Darlene- Needs to stop drinking .... I love her but she was psycho when she drank.
Tanisha- I think she is a good girl deep down. She was always trying to make things better until you crossed her and then she was all over the girls. If you were her friend she was there for you , and you always knew where she stood.... I think thats the Kindda friend I would want to have.
Hannah- I really like her. She's kinda quite until she got really really angry
Neveen I never actually knew what to think about her. I cracked up when she was telling Darlene that she had scars all over her face and she was like "where" and Neveen said Right there B&^%$... and motioned to all over her face. For some reason I thought that was sooo Funny
Over all My fave was when they remixed Tanisha and the " Iddin't get no sheep cause a yall..... I loved it