There was a segment on Entertainment Tonight about those pictures, and worse, a lingerie company that sells kids lingerie. They said some of the pictures from that company's website (i think it was on the web) were so inappropriate, the newspaper that had the story wouldn't even publish them. Being a mother of a little girl myself, I am appalled at how a lot of mom's these days really just wanna have their girls all grown up. I don't want to sound judgemental, but I agree that kids should experience being kids first. Now and then I let my daughter put on some sheer pink gloss or put a bit of shimmery powder on her cheeks, but when it comes to clothes, I do not let her wear anything that makes her look like a "big girl"!!! There's just no rush imo.
As for HE brand names clothes, for me personally, I don't see the point. Kids don't know something is a brand name item unless they're told. They just know what they like. I don't see the point of making a big deal about that stuff and raising them to think that brands mean something. Eventually, I'm sure there'll be certain items that all their friends have and they will want, but we'll deal with that when the times comes!
MissQQ, have you picked up illusoire yet. I think I'm going to cave and get that soon. I tried Epatant today, and just love how easily it applies. It was a bit too shimmery for work, but I used a fluffy e/s brush to light apply a matte ivory shadow and that really toned down the shimmer. They need to add more colours of these!
I have some samples of the Doll Eyes mascara, and tried it the last couple of days. I'm not really a fan of it. But have to say that I don't like non-waterproof mascara in general, they give me panda bear eyes in no time, no matter what. It is better than the other HE mascaras I tried so far, like Helena R. or Shiseido, but it can give you spider's leg looking lashes easily. At least on me. Also I noticed that it has some kind of scent to it, I never experienced a noticeable scent in any mascara before, but I could smell my lashes even some time after I applied it, which was a little weird, LOL. But maybe I'm just sensitive and others won't even notice it.I saw some online reviews on Lancome hypnose doll eye mascara and I like it. It's not at my counters yet and I'm not sure if we are getting it. At my counter is hypnose precious cell or something. Those of you who use HE mascara and try the doll eye. Looks promising!
I have it and I am not really a big fan. I expect my mascara to give me volume, but the doll eyes does not. It has a very strong smell like the Lancome Drama that sometimes makes my eyes water. It does give me Doll Eyes lashes, they are very long and separated, it's just not what I wantI saw some online reviews on Lancome hypnose doll eye mascara and I like it. It's not at my counters yet and I'm not sure if we are getting it. At my counter is hypnose precious cell or something. Those of you who use HE mascara and try the doll eye. Looks promising!
Great to hear you can finally move and that about your jobI'm so looking forward to the weekend! First, it's weekend! ;-) Today was so stressful that I want just a break. Second, I'll finally move into a 'regular' apartment on Sunday! *happy dance*
I'm so sick of living out of the suitcase, and the shady house gets awfully hot in the heat we're having right now and it smells musty. I had to take all my clothes to the dry cleaners!
It's going to be a strange weekend, though - my bf is away from home and so that will be my first days alone in our apartment. Just the thought feels strange... BUT! I'm looking forward to all my CPs which await me at home. At last I'll get my greedy little hands on the Bloggers collex! Yay!
Because you talked about summer - I'm actually looking forward to fall. It's my fav season and I'm not really a person who likes and can cope with heat.
And to all the Ladies in the US - I hope you don't get hit by the hurricane! Stay save!
I would still ask them about it. Tell them you have sensitive eyes and that you heard that the Lancome mascaras smell very strongly and you want to make sure you can tolerate it. That's the reason why you want a sample, right?^^ Hi! How are you? Thanks for the detailed review on the mascara. From what you say, I don't think I'll like it too. I've used a conical mascara before, I think Rimmel's Sexy Curves and that was what I got in the beginning - a blob of mascara at the end of my lashes lol. I never tried a lancome mascara before, but I want to try their original Hypnose. It's hard to ask for a sample without buying anything.
Naynadine - thanks for your review too. I think the mascara smells since bis also smelt it. That must be freaky, being able to smell your lashes. I guess my curiosity about the doll eyes mascara is almost gone now, which is good.
I asked my esthetician about it and she said she would not recommend it, it apparently tends to break lashes. How are your friends liking it?Bis -- thanks, we had a great weekend -- it was so hard to get back to real life!
I will have to look into the Lacncome hypnose -- I am always trying new mascaras. I never seem to be able to find one that I absolutely love. Maybe because my lashes just aren't that fab anymore LOL
I have so many friends getting eyelash extensions these days -- but they are so expensive to maintain. For now, I will just stick to finding a mascara I love!
Better than me, I normally remember the details, but not what the products name wasI had a sample of the lancome hypnose and suprisingly liked it. NOw, I don't remember the details of it. LOL Just that I liked it.