Wohooo it's alive
Anneri, don't worry... I'm also like that with answering threads, and then the next thing I know I'm already completely off topic
. I'm always reading everything though!
Well, it actually took me quite awhile to realize what was the core of my problems, and then another while to sort them out... taking the step outside was not very comfortable at the beginning, but I'm I glad I did! I feel better everyday (in general, as I still have my mellow days, lol). Also I think for me, doing some yoga/meditation help a lot
I'm trying to make my German more fluent

. And a little bit more of French too, since I already took some classes some years ago.
The lunch club, it's a meetup where people are meeting for lunch, but what's great is they actually organize a real chef for this, and the people are actually encouraged to get to know others in the place. As a result, we get good food and make new friends

. WIN!
Miss QQ, that's awesome with the violin! I always thought I wanted to try learn playing cello for some reason.
I think for me, the core was that feeling of I'm not where I wanted to be too... I felt very guilty for not earning much, and that doesn't help very much when I spent some on makeup. But actually, mu wise, it helped me making good purchases, so I'm only buying stuff I truly want (at least I hope so

). Hopefully with this change of what I do, I would also earn more

Loved watching Euro2012 too, but my favorite team was Germany so... was a bit sad there

. Spain totally deserve the win though, congratulations!!!
I can't even imagine what you must've been through these past couple of months... stay strong, HG! Hope you're feeling better now too, and you know we're here for you too!
One reason why I love mu is because it could definitely lift my face to look more glowy and fresh even when I'm feeling off weather

. Screw the people who said the most beautiful girls should be bare-faced. LOL.
Jenns! Yes, I'm doing better now

. How are you?
Congrats on your full time teaching

. Fingers crossed for your Jerome! I'm sure it's just a matter of time until he finds something really good
. Good luck on your wedding plans too! Next July means.. this month?
I agree, the Rrramon April fools is the best one I had so far
I guess the Ratonas are really a strong bunch!! It seemed like everyone was having problems earlier this year, maybe that was why the thread died?
Btw, I'm going to Paris later on this month, does anyone have a suggestion for some nice places to eat (without breaking my card) there?