The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
thank you dear.. I just popped in while my sister wakes up (she takes so many meds she is slow to get up in the morning). But I am having a lovely time and making them have a lovely time.

We went for drinks.. (neither of them drink) so I got themVirgin Pina coladas and they thought they were delicious milkshakes to get drunk on.. lol.
They ate well and I took them shopping. My mother only needed some new jammies and my sister needed a lot of stuff.. she is down from a size 8 to a size 4
but is feeling better and hanging on, hanging tough. She applies her BOY every other hour.. lol.

you did us proud darlin.. lol. You hit that store like a Tsunami
-- and your list is the most gorgeous!

C! your purse sounds like mine.. well I actually carry two.. lol. My briefcase has no papers, just mu
and people who don't know me think I totally lost it.. but those who do want to know what's inside. Strange world. Oh I took mom for a trim at a local salon, and the whole place had dropped jaws when they saw my haircut and mu.. lol. Mom and my sister were so proud but one thing the young gal who cut their hair said, was that I should or could get a highlite in the front long piece of hair to allow for the grey (which grows like a bloody weed) to peek through and it would add more contrast.. I think she may be right !!

Glad you ladies are liking Mystery.. it is another of my staplier staples.

katred, I am jealous -- you got Antigone.. I might have to pay the Ebay Shysters.. lol.

Bonitinha.. now you got me thinking about Starfish.. this place should have a sign on it "Enter at your own risk".

and speaking of risks.. I have been watching the market futures for NY go nuts since yesterday when Libya was hit.. now this? man.. I need a trading partner since Jeff is gone... sigh.

and finally.. Almus.. poor dear. Paleta is downright crazy, I used to play it too and got hit in the leg once, and wow what a hematoma (nice colours.. lol). Glad it's nothing serious, but rest and get well soon bigggg


Well-known member
HG, it sounds like you're having a lovely time - I know it has to be such a boost for your mom & sis! I hope it was also recuperative for you. Safe travels back home, and protect those purses!!
Lots of goodies in those! Your hair idea sounds very pretty - very distinctive!!

Elegant, you're talking me into a couple more - Fetiche sounds like a winner, and I'm going to try to get Antigone from one of the 'international' beauties here.......***crosses fingers***. Monte Carlo, Chance and Romance are still definites.

Here's part deux of the Dior swatches - you can get a general idea of them - again, fairly true to tone, but they're brighter or maybe just shinier in person........if anyone needs a color description, just let me know.

I'm starting to like 'Bobo' - it's a really pretty light tangerine color - soft and subtle like orange sherbet maybe.......and Fourreau and Perfeto swatched beautifully - Perfeto is a gorgeous, deep vampy wine color. Good thing these are perm.....I think........



Well-known member
Here are the Armani Eyes to Kill Intense - I don't know which color is which - they're by numbers which drives me bananas, but here's what I think they are (I didn't get to write the numbers on the bottom, but I know I picked up 7, 8 and 9):

Bright pink on right: Sweet Fire #07
Lighter pinkish on left: Champagne #08 (I think)
Black w/ pink in middle: #2 Lust Red (I think) or it might be #3 which I can't find a name for
Purple-y /pink on lower left: Moonlight #12 (I think)
Rosy looking color on bottom left: Rock Sand #9 (I think) - it's not really what I would call pink though - more of a taupe with maybe a skosh of rose - it's the only one that doesn't really photograph its color - the others are dead-on. They are very smooth going on, and I wore them Friday (my MUA tried them on me) and they stayed all day. They might be a bit 'frosty' for some folks, but they blend down well, and can be worn more muted or more over the top, depending on your mood.

Karla has swatches of them, which are excellent: I really like the looks of Khaki Pulse and may try to get a sample of that next time.



Well-known member
HG, I hope your sister is feeling better, also thanks to Boy :) Michelle, yay for getting the star fish bronzer :) It seems the collections has not arrived here yet, so it looks like I need to wait a bit longer for mine ;) Almus, great to hear you are ok and no concussion or anything. Hope it heals all up soon and the only thing left is the funny story to tell :) Cheryl, ooooh, I like the one in the middle, but I will be good. Very good. I'll never be able to use up all the colours. Great that they gave you samples :) And I loved the classy invite Chanel sent you for the launch of the RCS, I hope they have a nice private event with Champagne.


Well-known member
HG -- glad you are having a lovely time with your mom and sister. Always fun to have some girl time! I wore Starfish today and am loving it. My daughters just want to get it out and look at it LOL

Cheryl -- ooooh, more pretty swatches! I really liked Blush when I tried it on also. Too many pretty ones (they had brand new unused testers at the counter I was at also -- woot!!)

Elegant -- I need both of those lippies -- holy cow, gorgeous!

Bis -- did you see it's official that the Coco Shines come out on our birthday? Exciting!


Well-known member
update: I tried the cle de peau concealer again and mixed it fully with eye cream and applied with a hot little finger.. looked fine on app, and later started looking dry again.. ugh. On the other eye, I tested Maybelline (don't shoot me HEnders only ) "Age Rewind" concealer on one end/highliter on the other. I used the concealer first over my normal eye cream of the day, and then used the highliter end.

I felt like throwing my Cle de peau against a brick wall
cause the Maybelline beats it hand over fist.. at least it's cheap enough that if I do go insane and launch it, it won't hurt my wallet. But def worth a try imo.
I bought the Maybelline Age Rewind concealer today in Light/Medium - I never know if the color they're describing in concealers is my skin tone or the concealer itself (I usually go a bit lighter under my eyes).....I'll give this a try tomorrow with my eye cream - it was pretty inexpensive - $6, so I'm anxious to see if it works for me! I also picked up Maybelline's 24-hour concealer - not that I have high hopes for that, but it was $5, so I thought I might see if it works on my discoloration. I'm wanting to try the Hourglass concealer, but need to be at a store that carries it for that....perhaps on my next trip west. I am also thinking of trying to get a sample of the CdP, but trust HG's opinion so it's not a priority. If the Mayb works, awesome!

I decided to try a couple of the new Regenerist products - something that supposedly works on discoloration (I've not had too much luck with these, but we'll see) and the Night Resurfacing Serum. I've been using the regular serum and microsculpting cream for awhile, and my skin's been doing well. I have a nagging area on the left side of my chin that seems to be exacerbated by toothpaste, and I'm trying to keep from having to go back to the dermatologist for whatever steroid they'll put me on, but other than that, no dry patches, no other irritation, but plump-y, smooth skin everywhere else. Not counting my expression lines!
I wouldn't trade those for anything!!


Well-known member

omg ^^^ the site just jumped & put my comments half in the box & half out of the box

so that concealer is going back. I still like VS the best. Anybody use/like Chanel's longwear concealer???


Well-known member
thank you dear.. I just popped in while my sister wakes up (she takes so many meds she is slow to get up in the morning). But I am having a lovely time and making them have a lovely time.

We went for drinks.. (neither of them drink) so I got themVirgin Pina coladas and they thought they were delicious milkshakes to get drunk on.. lol.
They ate well and I took them shopping. My mother only needed some new jammies and my sister needed a lot of stuff.. she is down from a size 8 to a size 4
but is feeling better and hanging on, hanging tough. She applies her BOY every other hour.. lol.

you did us proud darlin.. lol. You hit that store like a Tsunami
-- and your list is the most gorgeous!

LOL at the milkshakes - well it does sound delicious! Aww, sending well wishes & comfort for your sis! I'm happy that you are having a good time together.

I want to go shopping with you too!


Well-known member
I haven't ever tried Chanel's but I will certainly get a sample next time I'm out there. I have samples of just about every MAC concealer, and I know folks rave about them, but I just haven't found my HG yet. I'll check out the VS one as well - I read your post awhile back about it - must give it a go. I always manage to go back to my MUFE Lift, but it doesn't have fab coverage. I don't need a lot, but want some.

I'll definitely keep you posted on the Mayb AR - I laughed out loud when I read your comment about the plump-y butt!!
And yeah, that smiley on the right is definitely getting the stuffin' squeezed out of it!!

Oh, one other thing I meant to mention - I got a really cool looking brush today at Walmart (yes, I went in there, but this one is quite nice and not at all junky, plus they always have some nifty makeup finds). It's by a company called 'Paris Presents', and it's a 'high definition precision foundation brush'. Pic below - it's a nice quality, and has a good solid handle. I washed it with no shedding. It is synthetic, with bristles like MAC's 189 or 190. And it cost about $5.50. They also carry (but were out of) a nice crease brush, like the 217. I want to try to find that. I use my 217s and look-alikes all the time.



Well-known member
^^ I love getting new brushes! And you are lucky to live by a Walmart that isn't trashed! One of the pixiewoo sisters is coming out with a new brush line that will be sold at Ulta -- might have to check that out, too. Love my MAC and Sigma brushes -- I'll have to keep an eye out for these Paris Presents brushes. Now, if I could only hire someone to wash them for me every few days


Well-known member
Isn't this the cutest?? My oldest daughter had to do a report on a profession. She picked Makeup Artist :) This is her poster she made for her class. When I whipped out my old MAC launch postcards and Chanel ads, she about died and went to heaven . . .


Well-known member
Oh Michelle - I love your girls! That is just too cute!

Hey Jenn - that is funny!!!! NEED THEM

C - those look very nice & if they are soft - very cool.

I had to laugh, I got this really nice long wordy thank you note from the Chanel lady (same place where I met Clooney's girlfriend) she said she was so happy to find someone that loved makeup & loved to talk about it as much as she does


Well-known member
Oh, that is so great!!! What fun for her! Maybe a budding makeup artist?

Yes, I saw the pixiwoo vid about her brushes - I'm definitely going to check those out. I too love my MAC and Sigma brushes....I'd love to find some of the Louise Young brushes the pixiwoo girls use......they look very nice.

This Walmart (or Wally World as we call it
) is about 20 miles away, but worth the trip. The one nearest us is a pit. I hadn't been to this other one in quite awhile, so talked hubby into going up there this morning. I want to go back up there in a couple of weeks to see if those other brushes are in. There are about 5 in the line - including an angled blush brush that looks like the MAC 168 that I use every day - I want to get one that I can use with the Chanel bronzer I got last year so I don't have to worry about staining the bristles. And I'm always on the lookout for 217 lookalikes - I use the daylights out of those. And like you, hate having to wash them all the time!!


Well-known member
Oh Michelle - I love your girls! That is just too cute!

Hey Jenn - that is funny!!!! NEED THEM

C - those look very nice & if they are soft - very cool.

I had to laugh, I got this really nice long wordy thank you note from the Chanel lady (same place where I met Clooney's girlfriend) she said she was so happy to find someone that loved makeup & loved to talk about it as much as she does
She had so much fun with that poster. It was really cute to watch her create. She wanted to take my brushes and makeup into class -- ummm, no. That is where I draw the line :)

That is sweet about the note from the Chanel lady. Us makeup girls are kindred spirits


Well-known member
Cheryl -- yes, she really wants to go into makeup. So cute. My husband says "hmmm, I wonder where she gets that from??" LOL
Yea, I don't know where to get those Louise Young brushes? They look soft and very nice quality.
I know, I love the 217 for blending. It is nice to have a few of each -- but yes, ugggh with the washing. I wonder if Wally World online has those brushes??


Well-known member
Here's a video link about the brushes - apparently it's the same company that produces EcoTools -

Here is something from Karla - I love these photos! She pans all but the bi-color bristled ones like the one I got. I would love to see one of the sets (of course, one of them has the brush I bought in it - $11.98 for 4 brushes and I paid $5+ for one......

And a vid I found:

There's also a MUA review -

I couldn't find them on the Wally World website though - but their site is difficult to navigate, so they're probably there somewhere.


Well-known member
I have been buying Eco Tools brushes and do have some ParisPs.. they are quite good. I am not loving my smelly goaty squirrelly brushes as much any more just because they do smell when I wash them, which is every time I put on mu.. lol.. (don't forget I am a germophobe).

The synthetic hair brushes are as good if not better than many of the newer MAC brushes which shed and smell.. Lancome also makes a great powder and blush brush with synthetic fibre -- I have about 6 sets of brushes for me personally cause of my germophobia but I won't buy another brush made out of some fuzz head animal's butt.

oh, Sephora foundation brush is excellent too (airbrush type look) -- also made of synthetic fibre.

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