The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Sorry you have to deal with storms. Hope the weather gets better soon. Usually I don't believe in particularly bad weather in certain years, but this year seems really bad globally.

i hope all you lovely people had a great weekend. mine was pretty un-eventful but that is how i like them! lol! there is something very wrong with me though. it turns out i have an extra £100 of fun money i didn't know about and now instantly want to spend it on goodies!! why can't i leave it be!?! all i can think of are glossimers, aqua liners and lipsticks!
Sometimes I like my weekend to be uneventful too. Too much drama in the weekdays so it's nice if I can have some peace and quiet time. Congrats on having the extra money! Let us know what you buy. I watched Superman and Superman 2 (halfway) on Sunday and it was quite amusing. I watched them when I was young and didn't remember much except for images of the hero flying around lol. I watched Green Lantern on Friday night and caught the last train home. Lucky that I caught it otherwise the cab fare is very expensive. The superhero movies feel the same.

I used the chanel Ultra correction lift lip cream last night and it gave a slight tingling feeling. I'm also surprised that the product feels like a thick cream and not a balm/gel. It leaves a white film on my lips. I'm not used to how it feels on my lips and I think I applied too much. I noticed the jar is heavy! winthrop and elegant, does the lip cream give you a tingling feeling? If I just apply a thin layer, will it be moisturizing enough for a night?

I received an email saying the Givenchy summer collection has arrived, and so have the gelee d'interdit glosses. I'm curious to try out the glosses but I don't need more glosses at the moment.


Well-known member
^^^ MissQQ, great to hear that you are liking the Guerlain bronzer :) This week I think I might cave and get one or two of the Guerlain single eyeshadows, they are super soft and pigmented :love: Have a great week, girls :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Let us know which ones you pick. Each pan contains a lot of powder so I read that it is not that expensive. I have a quad consisting of all pastel shades and while they are soft and pigmented, I can't really use the quad on its own. Guerlain made the quad to be paired with another quad with dark shades. I have unfortunately bought a quad that doesn't represent the best of guerlain e/s. Thanks I love the bronzer! I want to use it everyday.


Specktra Bestie
Have a great week, girls

I'll be curious to know what you think of them. So far, the only Guerlain eye shadow experience I've had is with the Terre Indigo palette, which is not quite the same thing as their regular shadows. Some of them look lovely.


Well-known member
HG--I just knew that was Carmen in your avatar. She is so freakin amazing. I look at her and I am just wow'd by her beauty. She the apiteme of class and elegance.


Well-known member
Have a great week, girls
years ago i had a single guerlain sahdow. it was from a holiday collection i believe and must have been from either 2007 or 2008. all i remember is that it was a reddish colour that looked like mac cranberry shadow and came in a lovely red compact :)


Well-known member
Thanks Bis -- I did manage to find a few cute pairs of shoes. Such a pain to have to order and return by mail -- but I've finally found some that worked! Glad you like your haircut -- I just got mine trimmed and colored and it feels so much better!
I know what you mean. It is a pain to order shoes online only to have to return them. But usually I find the best ones online, so much more selection. Even at my age I like really funky looking shoes and heels. I have toned it down quite a bit as I don't want to look silly. But I still want to have some fun with shoes.

A couple of months ago before we went out west I was trying to find a new pair of hiking boots that fit well, gave great ankle support but didn't feel too tight on my left ankle that I had surgery on that is still sensitive and prone to swelling. My husband thought I had gone off the deep end. I first ordered about four pair. And boot sizing in general run differently from shoes and hiking boots are even weirder. So I then sent a couple back to get a different size and then a couple more in different brands. At one time I had nine boxes of hiking boots stacked in the den trying to decide. Funny thing is after I picked a pair I was sick a good deal while we were out there and never wore them. We still had a great time at Zion & Byrce National Parks and Death Valley and a few days in Vegas before and after.

I told my daughter it is all her fault:) That this would never had happened if I had not loaned her my other brand new hiking boots last spring when she was spending a weekend with a guy she was seeing at the time and forgot and left them at his house. Not long after that they broke up and bye bye to my boots.

That was long, sorry. I guess this is what happens when it's almost 3AM up with your dog.


Well-known member
Oh Kate I forgot to to say I love your new cut. It suits you very well. It really does bring out your eyes.

I can't believe you guys did the cut yourselves. I would not trust myself with cutting my hair and even less with my husband.


Well-known member
i hope all you lovely people had a great weekend. mine was pretty un-eventful but that is how i like them! lol! there is something very wrong with me though. it turns out i have an extra £100 of fun money i didn't know about and now instantly want to spend it on goodies!! why can't i leave it be!?! all i can think of are glossimers, aqua liners and lipsticks!
Oooh... have fun Lou! I'd also would think of ways of spending it
. What did you get?

Katred - is your cat a Sphynx? I love them

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Anyone seen the Bobbi Brown fall collection? I just saw it and the promo pic reminds me of elegant. The long hair, the lips and the pose, reminds me of elegant's avatar. I think elegant looks hotter! I'm interested in the palettes, I hope the pigmentation is good.

The blog also did the review of the YSL balm lipstick. I want my co-worker to help me buy one!


Well-known member
i saw the palettes this morning and was late for work, lol! i just sat and quietly admired them too long. tee hee!
not sure if I'll get one yet. i don't have a lot of BB, but I do like what I have so far.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ lol If I saw it in the morning I'll be late too. The pics are beautiful! I only have Nectar shimmerbrick from BB. According to the blog some of the products are already available in the US.


Well-known member
I saw the palettes this morning, too. They look beautiful! But since I got the Naked palette, my lust for nudes is quite satisfied!

I like the model's look - I even started to think about growing my hair and getting this kind of ombre look. And then I need different glasses...

The blog you cited, Miss QQ, also has wonderful pics of the new Armani collection! Drool...


Well-known member
I saw the palettes this morning, too. They look beautiful! But since I got the Naked palette, my lust for nudes is quite satisfied!

I like the model's look - I even started to think about growing my hair and getting this kind of ombre look. And then I need different glasses...

The blog you cited, Miss QQ, also has wonderful pics of the new Armani collection! Drool...
yeah i feel the exact same way to be honest! :)


Well-known member
Man, I love it when one minute I'm way too lazy and sleepy to film... then I film, edit, and upload just a few hours later, hahaha. It was just so sunny outside. I wanted to take my chances 'cos I never know when a storm will come or not (well, I do know... once one pops up somewhere, hah).

Ah, about high end mascaras. There are a few that I would love to try, but since I throw 'em out in three to four months, I just can't justify spending that much money every few months. Besides, I love my Prestige too much. c: And it's only 7 dollars!


Well-known member
[quote name="Miss QQ" url="/forum/thread/174086/the-chanel-ratonas-off-topic-thread/1620#post_2132126"]^^ Let us know which ones you pick. Each pan contains a lot of powder so I read that it is not that expensive. I have a quad consisting of all pastel shades and while they are soft and pigmented, I can't really use the quad on its own. Guerlain made the quad to be paired with another quad with dark shades. I have unfortunately bought a quad that doesn't represent the best of guerlain e/s. Thanks I love the bronzer! I want to use it everyday.
[/quote] I got two, and they are really huge and heavy: L'instant d'une emotion (a taupey grey) and L'instant d'un reve (are the names not lovely?). Also had my eye on L'instant d'une ondee, but they were out. And I got the Armani silk eye pencil. Like I needed more makeup ;) They taupey grey is insanely pigmented, the other one is also very good, but not like they grey one. I am seriously impressed :) Like you I am not so good with pastels only. Do you still use them? Great you like the bronzer. Did the smell bother you? [quote name="katred" url="/forum/thread/174086/the-chanel-ratonas-off-topic-thread/1620#post_2132186"]

I'll be curious to know what you think of them. So far, the only Guerlain eye shadow experience I've had is with the Terre Indigo palette, which is not quite the same thing as their regular shadows. Some of them look lovely.
[/quote] They are really lovely, especially the grey one :love: Seriously spoiled now with them and the Hourglass shadows. Btw, how is your wedding preparation going? Or did I miss it already? [quote name="LMD84" url="/forum/thread/174086/the-chanel-ratonas-off-topic-thread/1620#post_2132225"]

years ago i had a single guerlain sahdow. it was from a holiday collection i believe and must have been from either 2007 or 2008. all i remember is that it was a reddish colour that looked like mac cranberry shadow and came in a lovely red compact :)
[/quote] I'd love a red packaging. The only "bad" thing about the packaging is that it is gold and quite heavy. [quote name="cutemiauw" url="/forum/thread/174086/the-chanel-ratonas-off-topic-thread/1620#post_2132288"]

I guess now it's time for me to go for high end mascaras :p
I'm having a hard time with the thread too! I always read people's responses but actually in real life I'm not very chatty so sometimes I'm just lost for words 


 [/quote] :nods: My fav is Lancome Hynose, and it does not dry up and I can use it for three months. Same for me with the thread. Btw, Cafemakeup is back up again :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
bis - the scent of the bronzer doesn't bother me - at the moment I don't love it, neither do I hate it. Certain scents can grow on me, eg chanel RA so maybe this will happen too. I have been putting my nose to it and feel the smell not as strong as a fresh JC. I love the JC rose scent. And thanks for the heads up! Why is Cafe Makeup back? Did she say anything? I'm glad its back! I hope to check out the guerlain e/s you picked although I don't like the packaging. Enjoy the silk pencil too!

Astrid - I'm a quiet person in real too, I just don't chat much. But I enjoy reading and responding on Specktra very much! Have fun exploring the HE mascaras!


Well-known member
Today I finally managed to go to my department store that carries all the highend brands. Even if it stopped to rain, the last days have been so hot and humid that I couldn't make myself go I hate this kind of weather. When I'm in the city, I always get the feeling I can't breathe properly.

I got Pensee - my first glossimer! And then I got one of the Guerlain Ombre Fusion shadows (the chocolate brown one) on a whim. They also still had the Terra Inca Bronzer. For the love of God, can someone please talk me out of it?

For someone who is unemployed it's really hard to justify this price - also, my Redhead MSF looks similar. Pleeeeaaase kill this lemming! (It is sooooo lovely!)

It seems I could be able to get an internship at a huge international cosmetics company which I love. Which is more than great, but it would mean I had to move (away from my bf), I'd earn no money (internships are not paid over here) which leads to all kinds of secondary questions. I really don't know what to do.


Well-known member
Anneri, the internship sounds very exciting, and it could open the door to many new things! It's a tough decision, I know, but you have to do what's right for you - especially when you're young! I too love Janet Evanovich - I have read all of her books and am always so anxious for her next one to come out! Lucky Stephanie Plum, eh?
I love Grandma Mazur! I'm afraid I couldn't talk you out of the Inca bronzer - I have enjoyed using it thus far this summer - I don't use it every day, but I love the effect on my skin!

MissQQ, sorry you didn't get Fauve, but I'm sure you'll be able to get it soon - it's one of my all-time Chanel faves! Glad you're loving 00 - it's my every day go-to bronzer now. I love the amount of color it gives me without looking too Malibu Barbie!

Astrid, beautiful pic!! You have a beautiful, thoughtful expression, and gorgeous eyes that reveal a gentle soul - your inner beauty really comes out in your photos!

Bis, I love the Guerlain shadows - I have the grey one too - and Ondee - they are so silky smooth and a real indulgence. It's a good thing they don't have an insane color selection, or I'd be in trouble! I have about 5 now.....

Michelle, I'm glad you found some shoes to finally fit! What an event - it shouldn't be that difficult, but at least you don't have to go around from store to store to try to find something - thank goodness for the internet, eh?

ShadowAddict, that's a shame about your boots - it's amazing how many personal items are sacrificed to failed relationships!

Trying on mascara? Gross! I am astonished that it's not a sealed cosmetic item everywhere -

Freddie, the storms will pass - maybe they can make you appreciate the sunny days that come along - the weather everywhere this year has been bad. Hang in there and stay safe -

I'm on my way back home from my son's college orientation - the flight is delayed but we should still make our connection to get back home on time. I'm looking forward to seeing my dog and getting back into my routine. It was a great visit with my family, though, and nice to get back to my alma mater - I'm still very excited that my son decided to attend my school.

Hope you ladies are having a good week so far (despite storms and heat - it was 107 where we were yesterday, with a heat index of 120) - find something to be thankful for!

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