The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Oh no, the bloggers obsessions stuff is back in stock, and my friend's cc has expired in the meanwhile :( would any of the lovely ladies be willing to do a cp for me for a few of the eyeshadows and joyeuse? I'd be really grateful for your help! Thank you very much for your compliments! I got inspired after watching a video that was posted on specktra and decided to try a smoky eye look. I was quite pleased with the result myself, although I've still got a long way to go :) HG, now I get it! The pinky was your actual pinky! I thought it was a nickname or a doggy name, silly me! I hope it'll get better soon! Sending the best wishes for you and your family, especially your sister!


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about the bad flu bug, miss QQ! Hope you'll get your energy back soon enough! *big get well hugs for you*


Well-known member
Elena!! You gorgeous woman you!!! I LOVE your avatar!!

I'd be happy to get the items you are looking for - i just ordered the bloggers items this morning - I can place another order and try to get Joyeuse as well (I think it's still available at Nordies) - let me know!!

Happy Hump Day everyone!!!

MissQQ, glad you're feeling better! Hi HG!!


Well-known member
MissQQ -- sorry you have been down with the flu! Glad you are starting to feel better. It really takes a lot out of you, doesn't it??

Elena -- I would say your smokey eye skills are fabulous! You have a "model" look about you -- gorgeous girl!

I am trying to add more weights and strength training to my workouts and I am so sore today. I can barely move

Hope you are all doing well!


Well-known member
Hi ladies!

Two more days and I'll be on vacations! Yeyeee!

I have a lot of catch up to do these days and well, believe or not, I have some research to do too! Fall collection is not still on the stores and I am thinking about waiting a bit and maybe get my stuff on the duty free at the end of August.

MissQQ, flu is always bad, but on summer! I hope you will be fully recovered soon =)

By the way, last weekend I cooked a *great* cheese cake with macadamian nuts topping. I have several pics, so I should upload one. It was really tasty, although it has like a ton of sugar

Michelle, stay strong and constant! Once you start exercising, you just cannot stop!

HG, elegant, stv, Cheryl, cute ... and everyone! Hope you are having a nice summer days and be aware of those extreme hot temperatures (over 38ºC here!)


Well-known member
Almus -- I hope you have a wonderful vacay! Hooray!
I hear ya about the exercise thing. I have been good about cardio -- but not so great about doing weights. I am determined to add strength training at least twice a week in with my cardio. I feel so old now that I get so sore!!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Bonitinha

I feel so old now that I get so sore!!

No way! It's not a reason for feeling old. As my dad says: if every single muscle of your body hurst the day after, that means you have been *actually* exercising


Well-known member
Hello! I've been knocked down by the flu bug for the past couple of days but I'm back. Feeling weak and have no energy, guess I have to wait for the virus to be out of my system.

Michelle - The lake view is beautiful. I can mentally teleport myself there and enjoy the sunshine and breeze.

HG - My thoughts are with your sister and your family.

Elena - Love your avatar. You are gorgeous!

katred - Your homemade pool in your avatar looks very relaxing. There is a public pool near my house and I go there in the weekends to swim. But the water isn't as clean as I like it to be and it gets very crowded. So usually I swim for about 45 mins and I'm off to the showers.
i hope you feel better soon sweetie. try and stay relaxed and eat lots of furits and veggies!


Well-known member
Hello all! I can certainly sympathise on being tired and sore - yesterday we put furniture into storage and all my personal belongings plus a cupboard and a a big cabinet for my books and numbers of boxes into my bf's flat. We had help, but my bf lives in the fifth floor - and it's a very old 19th cent. house without an elevator.
It definitely was a good workout, but I feel like a dead thing today! And later I've to go to my apartment and clean it thoroughly - boo! More work... and my body doens't want that. It wants to lie on the couch!

Elena, you look so incedibly stunning! Kate is right - like Veronica Lake!

Almus - have fun at your vacation!

hugs and love to all Ratonas!


Well-known member
Oh, ladies, you really got me blushing now!
Veronica Lake is such a stunning woman!
I admire the "old Hollywood" so much, because back in those days the beauty was still completely natural.

Have a wonderful holiday, Almus!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day today. I'm off to go shopping in Amsterdam today. The weather is finally getting better here, it's warm and sunny! Yay!


Well-known member
Elena - Gorgeous! I don't know who Veronica Lake is, but you sure looked like an old Hollywood star. Love your posing too

Anneri -
, good luck with all the moving! Sending you virtual massages :p. Hope you have a great start in your new job! Sorry about the incisors broken off again... Hope the dentist could fix it up better this time! Oh and so sweet with the dragon plushie!

Almus - Enjoy your vacation! That cheese cake does sound yummy!

Michelle - Hang in there with the exercise! No pain no gain... heheh. That being said, I also need to do more cardio stuff. I've been slacking off running since it was either too hot or raining (yeah, I know, excuses :p). And that lake is so beautiful and serene :).

MissQQ - Feel better soon! Sometimes the recovery process really takes longer than the actual fever/flu stuff... Eat well and get more rest :)

Cheryl - So great to find Peacocky at the CCOs. I wish we have them here too... I still love the shadows I got from that collection and I use them often too. Turned out the big winner for me is Spectacle of Yourself.

Katred - Read your blog with the Naked palette as well. Thank you! It gave me some more idea to play around with the palette.

And hi Lou, HG, Bis

To everyone who has good summery weather: I'm so jealous!!! We had mostly rain and only 20 degrees Celsius (68F) here. I could use a vacation to somewhere warm, but at the moment we're not sure we could afford it yet :(. Oh well, all will be good in due time, right?

Really sad about the tragedy in Norway as well... I couldn't believe how anyone could pull off such evil :(. And Amy Winehouse... I'm not a fan but she's a genius with a really unique voice. She'll be missed.

I'm very busy right now... sometimes being a freelancer you wouldn't think you'd always find the time to browse Specktra... but no, lately it's just crazy. I have a new web design project due in mid August... plus a game app, and still working on that novel.

Miss you all!!


Well-known member
^ Cutie, you look gorgeous too in the new avatar

Ah.. yes, Elena does look glamourous and exotic in the pic.. and a lot like V. Lake... but then so does Katred, who looks like Jayne Mansfield.. all sexy gorgeousness!

you gals are just too beautiful.

msqq.. thanks for your well wishes.. I am hanging on and holding tough but it gets harder by the day.

Almust.. thank you for you kind regards... enjoy your summer too!

to all I may have missed.. big hugs


Well-known member
oh for some useless chatter.. I have found a good use for my old UDPP -- since the heat has been unbearable and I have minimal eyebrows I always pencil or use a powder product on them to give them "some" shape and colour and with the heat these were kind of fading away before 3 pm.. now I use the UDPP on my eyebrows only .. that glue is so tough it holds the products together even in the pool..

(it does not work on my eyelids tho.. lol)


Well-known member
Astrid -- that is a cute new pic in your avatar!! Sorry you are not having the best of weather -- hopefully you can escape someone warm soon!

HG -- glad you are holding on and staying strong. It must be so tough -- hugs.
Glad you found a new way to use your UDPP -- I might have to try that out.

I have a new baby niece today :) My brother and his wife just had their first baby today. I have had 3 nieces born this year (and one to come in September). I love to spoil those babies with cute girly stuff

Well, hubs and I are off to a movie for a weeknight date. Hope you all have a great Friday and a fabulous weekend!


Well-known member
Michelle, my goodness! Lots of girls in your family!!! You lucky girl!! Congratulations Aunt Michelle!! Keep up the good work on the workouts - I think you are inspiring me!

Astrid, love the new avatar - good luck with the project - I hope it warms up for you soon!

Almus, have a GREAT vacation! Be sure to post those cheesecake pics - it sounds mouth-watering!!

Anneri, you're steps closer!

Miss QQ - thanks for the description of Pink Cloud - I'm looking forward to getting it!!

Winthrop - did you get your Enthusiast?

Nora, we'll wait with you!!

HG, biggest of hugs!!!

Elegant, Kate, Birgit, Ingenue, Queenofsnark, Alisha, where are you? Who did I forget? Hope you're having a great day!!!

Did anyone order the Bloggers collection? I broke down and got the shadows and 2 of the lipglasses........I also got backups of the shadows.
I think I need to name all of you in my "makeup will"

I just want to say that I love all of you girls - I look forward to hearing about your lives and thoughts - it's a nice break for me in a house full of testosterone........I'm so glad we have 'the Ratonas'! You're a special bunch of women and I am very happy to 'know' you all!


Well-known member
^^ You are so sweet Cheryl. Thank you for all of your kind comments. I love this group of ladies on here, too. You are the only ones who understand my makeup addiction! And it is fun to catch up on what is going on in each other's lives :)


Well-known member
Hey Michelle, how is exercising going? Here it's sooo hot now, that I get very lazy even thinking about moving a finger

Almus, have a GREAT vacation! Be sure to post those cheesecake pics - it sounds mouth-watering!!

Did anyone order the Bloggers collection? I broke down and got the shadows and 2 of the lipglasses........I also got backups of the shadows.
I think I need to name all of you in my "makeup will"

I just want to say that I love all of you girls - I look forward to hearing about your lives and thoughts - it's a nice break for me in a house full of testosterone........I'm so glad we have 'the Ratonas'! You're a special bunch of women and I am very happy to 'know' you all!
And here it is "the cake":

Digestive cookies as a base, cheese cake and on top, a crunchy mixture of melted caramel and macadamia nuts ... very healthy ... totally light! LOL

What has happened with the bloggers collection is so unfair to us european girls! There are bloggers everywhere, and MAC fans everywhere! In the age of internet and worldwide market, why is that they didn't sell that collection here. I wish I could have put my hands on some more e/s ...

Cheryl, testosterone can be a bit too much sometimes, hehe.

On the other hand, I have to do some more pictures of my "Dama de noche" (I think the proper translation is night blooming cestrum). It has tons of flowers now and the scent fills our apartment at night ... I wish I could send of them to you, they are marvellous!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi everyone! Weekend is here! :) Michelle - have fun working out. I don't like weights too, they feel boring to me and I'm so bad at them. I don't like lifting anything heavy except my bag which I can't help because I carry loads of stuff around. I don't workout actually, but you have inspired me so I shall think about it. Lol, if only thinking = actually working out. Alms - yum! I want the cake! I'm not sure if my country is getting bloggers collection. It would be interesting so I'll keep a lookout. Your apartment must be smelling and looking beautiful!


Well-known member
Almus -- the exercise is going good . . . except I woke up today with a huge headache and don't feel like working out this morning. Maybe I will start to feel better and get motivated (hopefully!). I am drooling over that cheesecake -- yum!!

MissQQ -- I have a friend that uses like 18 pound hand weights to work out. Yikes -- I use 5-8 lbs and work my way up to 10 LOL I am a wimp!! I am determined to keep at it. I saw a t-shirt the other day that said "I Run to Eat" Exactly! I work out so I can still eat good food :)

Cheryl --- have you tried out anything from the Bloggers collection yet? Do you consider them "must haves"? I only ordered one lipglass the first time around -- maybe I should have ordered more?
It is a bummer they are not offering internationally so all of you can have access!

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