Elena - Gorgeous! I don't know who Veronica Lake is, but you sure looked like an old Hollywood star. Love your posing too
Anneri -
, good luck with all the moving! Sending you virtual massages

. Hope you have a great start in your new job! Sorry about the incisors broken off again... Hope the dentist could fix it up better this time! Oh and so sweet with the dragon plushie!
Almus - Enjoy your vacation! That cheese cake does sound yummy!
Michelle - Hang in there with the exercise! No pain no gain... heheh. That being said, I also need to do more cardio stuff. I've been slacking off running since it was either too hot or raining (yeah, I know, excuses

). And that lake is so beautiful and serene

MissQQ - Feel better soon! Sometimes the recovery process really takes longer than the actual fever/flu stuff... Eat well and get more rest
Cheryl - So great to find Peacocky at the CCOs. I wish we have them here too... I still love the shadows I got from that collection and I use them often too. Turned out the big winner for me is Spectacle of Yourself.
Katred - Read your blog with the Naked palette as well. Thank you! It gave me some more idea to play around with the palette.
And hi Lou, HG, Bis
To everyone who has good summery weather: I'm so jealous!!! We had mostly rain and only 20 degrees Celsius (68F) here. I could use a vacation to somewhere warm, but at the moment we're not sure we could afford it yet

. Oh well, all will be good in due time, right?
Really sad about the tragedy in Norway as well... I couldn't believe how anyone could pull off such evil

. And Amy Winehouse... I'm not a fan but she's a genius with a really unique voice. She'll be missed.
I'm very busy right now... sometimes being a freelancer you wouldn't think you'd always find the time to browse Specktra... but no, lately it's just crazy. I have a new web design project due in mid August... plus a game app, and still working on that novel.
Miss you all!!