The Cult Of MAC


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Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
So what makes someone a MAC collector v. a MAC fan or avid user? And why do you collect or buy MAC?

in my case it's because i've been using it so long - 23 years, before you could buy it at Simpson's in Toronto at the very first MAC counter.

i met Frank Toskan through friends in the opera/theatre community and i lived in the same neighbourhood he and Frank Angelo did, so it was easy for me to get. back then, customers were like family and i was so young and clueless about makeup - especially when i had to do my own for performances - and Frank T was a good teacher.

extreme brand loyalty on my part.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
in my case it's because i've been using it so long - 23 years, before you could buy it at Simpson's in Toronto at the very first MAC counter.

i met Frank Toskan through friends in the opera/theatre community and i lived in the same neighbourhood he and Frank Angelo did, so it was easy for me to get. back then, customers were like family and i was so young and clueless about makeup - especially when i had to do my own for performances - and Frank T was a good teacher.

extreme brand loyalty on my part.




Well-known member
I got into MAC the same time that the fluidlines came out. my first items were Chatru paint, Engraved powerpoint and Sea Me shadestick. I put them on as soon as I got home and they stayed on throughout the night. that's when I fell in love. I had stopped wearing makeup because it would come off an hour after I applied it, so this got me back into it.
the reason I don't collect is because I like to actually use everything I buy. I'd feel bad if I had unused eyeshadows just sitting in my droors that I wouldn't touch. I mean, yeah it would be nice to have Judy Blue eyeshadow, but from swatches I have seen, it's quite fugly, and I'm not willing to pay 300 dollars for it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by baby_love
the reason I don't collect is because I like to actually use everything I buy. I'd feel bad if I had unused eyeshadows just sitting in my droors that I wouldn't touch. I mean, yeah it would be nice to have Judy Blue eyeshadow, but from swatches I have seen, it's quite fugly, and I'm not willing to pay 300 dollars for it.

baby_love, i agree with you. members here at Specktra will often send me PMs saying "you must have the most amazing collection of MAC, will you send me a picture", but i don't. i've always been very careful about only buying stuff i will wear.

what's the point of getting some rare lippie that's going to sit around, go rancid and be unwearable? just to say you own it?

what a waste of a beautiful colour that someone could wear and love...

twinkle, when i lived in Ottawa and i knew all the MAs at 2 locations, they would always introduce me to new staff by saying "this is A, she's been a MAC customer for so long that Frank Toskan himself did her makeup", and they'd all look at me like i had been in the presence of a god!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
baby_love, i agree with you. members here at Specktra will often send me PMs saying "you must have the most amazing collection of MAC, will you send me a picture", but i don't. i've always been very careful about only buying stuff i will wear.

what's the point of getting some rare lippie that's going to sit around, go rancid and be unwearable? just to say you own it?

what a waste of a beautiful colour that someone could wear and love...

twinkle, when i lived in Ottawa and i knew all the MAs at 2 locations, they would always introduce me to new staff by saying "this is A, she's been a MAC customer for so long that Frank Toskan himself did her makeup", and they'd all look at me like i had been in the presence of a god!


That is hilarious!

And I agree, I only get thing's I am interested in. For me, my thing is eye color, so I have ton of eye shadows, shadesticks, liners, etc.
(although I am fairly new to pigments) because bright colors (and color in general) excite me. And I have more than the average woman's share of the basics like lipsticks, blushes, etc. But I try not to get lipsticks I don't think I will use because they will only go bad, and I shy away from a lot of glosses, because on pigmented lips esp. a lot of them look similar to each other. Sure there are some unique colors, and some colors that play well with specific lipsticks and general must haves that go with nearly everything, but I don't need a drawer full of beigy-peachy-gold lip glosses at $14 a pop.

So I consider myself a fan, avid user, etc. but not a collector. I don't collect post cards, and I don't get everything from LE Collections and I am not trying to track down past LE items, although if I had unlimited resources, I probably would, and I think it's cool that a lot of members have these really extensive MAC Museums, it's a great resource for the rest of us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yummy411

I second that!!
I am not a collector. I do have a few back-ups though. I have seen swatches or recommendations on Specktra for pigments that I have overlooked for years and I had to have them. Without Specktra, I would have less pigments. I was not really an addict before, but Specktra has changed all that!!


Well-known member
I think I've become a MAC Addict, more than a collector. But this "addiction" also includes being an avid user and a huge fan.

I actually started using MAC's Studio Fix Compact a few years ago, but I never tried anything else until I got a roommate who was a big MAC fan. She had a huge traincase filled with eyeshadows of every color &would always letting me use them. She even gave me a quad she made w/ colors that she didn't use. That was in 2005. A picked up a couple of the shadows here & there, but I didn't really become obsessed with it until the end of 2006/beginning of 2007. My obsession with it has definitely grown due to specktra & another MAC community I am part of. I spend most of my free time at work trolling the sites, checking out swatches & FOTDs, reading up on products. I love the variety that MAC has to offer - not only in color, but in product as well. LE collections are also fun to look foward to! I've realized pretty quickly how expensive this addition is though! Every payday is like my MAC day... I usually go to the f/s on my lunch hour &tend to drop $100-200 each time. Ouch! But its worth it! My "collection" has grown immensely this year. But I definitely don't buy stuff that I don't think I will use.


Well-known member
Haha the Cult of MAC, so it is! That is so true!

I think,thank goodness, I am finally coming to my senses about the whole thing and my MAC hysteria is dying down. Hopefully fading away.
I have spent so much money and I don't use all of my products like I should so that is why I am stopping.
I might just get a thing here and there and thats it.
No money big $100+hauls. Getting MAC used to be like a rush, like
some sort of short lived euphoria. I was really into it.
Now I realize its a false fulfillment sort of. I have more than enough
MAC to be happy. I don't need anymore.


Well-known member
My obsession started in like 1985 when I first tried Stagelight cosmetics through JC Penney. I was thrilled with the intensity and sparkle of pigments and at the time I only bought a few colors because I could not afford more- then they disappeared and I was not able to find them again.

I spent the next 13 years or so trying to locate these things and asked everyone everywhere. As a makeup artist I just had to have this medium to work with for the results I wanted.

I had a fellow makeup artist tell me that I HAD to try MAC pigments. Well, we had no MAC anywhere near here, and I had no clue what he was talking about. I did not even know what a MAC was. HAHAHA

But the seed was planted.

Eventually I made my way to Ebay. I was looking for something to do a
REALISTIC peacock look and was exhausted from looking- nothing came close to what I was seeking. I had always been disappointed with every makeup I had tried. Even Lancome did not come close to what I wanted.

Then I found MAC pigment on Ebay and bought Pink Pearl and Frozen White. They were the same colors I LOVED from Stagelight. After that, I asked the person what to try for the peacock feather, and ended up with green brown pigment.

That was how it started.

Because I spent years trying to locate more pigments I went berserk trying to collect them. At the time, there was no MAC Pro website so I could never see the pro stuff. When I called the 800 number, they told me that there was no catalog. You just had to call and ask for what you wanted. But when you don't know what they have, you can not ask for it! So I had to ask them to read to me over and over and it was horrible!

Eventually they told me about MAC PPID card and after that, it was awful. I began to collect more things.

However, I only collect tools that I find to be invaluable in doing the makeup art that I need to do. Like I said(whoops ended up down at the end of this little narrative-
), as an artist, medium is what it is all about to me- I need to have a selection of colors to use, so I build it up.

What I collect from MAC is
MSF- there is nothing quite like the finish of MSF- every time I use it, people comment constantly about how glowy I (or whoever I use it on) looks.

Pigments (except many of the newer brands are no longer the same quality I like so I skip them)

Fluildines- unbelievably versatile as liner, base, and shadow

Liquidlast liner (I use them for base during watery eye season- they are miraculous- and the ONLY thing that I can wear during that time- and it is nice to have on hand for clients that might need that too).

Some shadesticks.....

But after Parrot and Aquadisiac (and many years of searching for perfect turq shadowS) I had to stop using MAC shadows because they disappear almost instantly on me and cause bad reactions too- so I won't use them on clients either- I just don't want the hassle of them having the same problem.

I have a few MAC shadows, but not many anymore.

Because MAC lipsticks are among the only ones I can use which do not cause my skin to peel off in sheets on my lips and it also treats my lips well, I collect those too, but only in colors I want to broaden my palette.

And of course MAC brushes- they are among the very best that I have used from any company- I usually end up going back to MAC brushes after trying others.

As an artist, I find that I need to have a wide spectrum of paints to choose from (even though I mix my own colors from them anyway). I have developed a style of layering colors to get other colors which crosses over into my makeup routines. I use all media like that in makeup too- from eyes to face to lips.


Well-known member
My obsession began around 1999 when I was tired of d/s cosmetics and I really wanted a foundation that matched perfectly. I found out about MAC on and then the fun began. Studio Fix is the only foundation from MAC that works for me, but their eyeshadows is what got me in trouble.
Even though I have so many e/s (their shelf life is forever) I know my massive collection isn't going to go rancid like lipsticks. I don't know why I keep buying them, but I do. Like a previous poster said, at least it is't drugs or alcohol.

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