The Customer Service Experience


Specktra Bestie
We all buy makeup from lots of different companies both on line and off line. So who, in your experience, offers the best customer service? Who needs help? Whose associates are the best informed?

Here's a few of my thoughts:

Zuneta had the best on line customer service I've ever experienced, bar none. So of course they got bought out. I'm sure that their new parent company (Cult Beauty) is awesome, but they decided not to carry any of the brands that made Zuneta so amazing. Sad loss.

There isn't a single brand that seems to give their reps adequate training. Being on line and particularly being on Specktra makes me more aware than they are of what's coming.

The only time that I had to return something to Sephora, it was very no-hassle, but I do wish that the associates there were a little less "on message". I know that they want them to push certain products at certain times, but I find that it can get kind of awkward. ("Oh, you're interested in all-natural skin care. Have you seen our new nail polish line?") I feel bad about that, because I realise that it's trendy to hate on Sephora.

The Mac stores in my area have really bottomed out in terms of service. There has been a ton of turnover in the last couple of years, it seems. When I go into a store these days, I feel like I'm either being smothered or that I'm bothering them by asking to buy a product. I get that everyone gets busy sometimes, but there needs to be a contingency plan in place to deal with customers who come in when the makeup artists are booked.

My first experience with a Chanel MUA was amazing. She was smart and knowledgeable about her products and the industry. That turned out to be misleading. She's no longer working any of my local counters and I find Chanel reps to be among the least informed and, in many cases, the rudest of any staff. It's actually affected my Chanel purchases in the last year or so. I can see how they've dropped off compared to other brands since my wonderful MUA disappeared.

So those are some of my thoughts. What are yours?


Well-known member
In my experience SA, MUAs regardless of which brands they work for seem polite and friendly at first but have no idea how to deal with a rush. Most Sephora empolyees Ive dealt with had very little knowledge about their products. The Mac counter ughh I like some of them but I usually have a hard time finding someone to sell me something. Sometimes it's like they dont even want to take my money. There have been a few times when there are a couple employees at the counter and I dont even get a hello or can I help you and forget it when they are busy you have to come back later. They forget about professionalism. After making a call to find out if they had a product I got a "I can't tell you right now, I'm very busy." Which I understand but there is a professional way to go about it. Many years ago when I worked for Sallys Beauty I said something similar only way more polite and I got a write up for it. Now I am finding its not just cosmetics its everywhere. Good customer service is dying fast.


Active member
I don't know if it's a regional thing (I live in Canada) but I find the SAs and MUAs at both counters and mass retailer (eg. Sephora) quite informed on the products that they sell. At every counter I have gone to everyone was really helpful and knew their stuff even if I was asking about a new collection or tips on how to use the products.

I think my favorite would definitely be Dior counters they have some of the nicest people who takes your needs in mind (like when I'm in a rush they won't pressure me to try out a new perfume). Also Shiseido is another of my favorites even though some of the SAs don't know much about their makeup line it's fun to talk to them and sometimes we end up informing one another on the newest products or how to use a product.

Online customer service irks me because of the time it takes to reply back or not getting a reply and sometimes I feel like I know more about a product than they do. Which is why I mainly do in store shopping it's therapeutic, fun, and relaxing.


Well-known member
In my experience, the MAC SAs don't have nearly as much knowledge about upcoming collections as we do. This might not be across the board, but I've showed up a week after a new launch and neither SA working had any knowledge of a lipglass that had been part of the collection. I really don't appreciate being looked at like I'm crazy.

I love Sephora's online customer service, but my local store has expanded and the knowledge and customer service there is seriously lacking. This is why I generally try to shop online with them.

Nordstrom's online also has great customer service. I recently accidentally put in my old address, and the Live Chat was able to fix it for me in seconds.


Well-known member
I find that most of the in store reps are less knowledgeable than people on Specktra. I tend to not rely on them for information. I don't find that one brand has nicer/nastier SA's than others. Around here it is more dependent on where you shop.

For example....

Certain stores in my area have some of the pushiest SA's I have ever met. My local NM for example, they are always in for the kill & commission. Really a hard sell. Follow me around the store (other customers too) kissing my behind, offering me water, and trying to sell me a $1000 crème that I don't need. Or would never buy for that matter - ridiculous prices. I always feel like they are pushing what will give them the highest commission and not what necessarily is best for me. I also never feel like I can "window shop" in that store. It is like I have a tail on me at all times. This happens with everyone who shops there.

My local Nordstrom has some really snotty SA's that barely give anyone the time of day (Chanel, Dior, & Guerlain especially). I have seen 2 or 3 SA's standing around chatting about their weekend plans and ignoring customers. The counters at that store that have great SA's are Armani, Burberry, and Tom Ford.

My local Macy's has amazing SA's at every counter. They are helpful but not overly pushy. The brands that store carries, however, are limited. I wish that they carried a lot more.

My local MAC freestanding is a hit or miss. Some SA's are great, polite, knowledgeable, helpful, and honest about what would be best for me. Other SA's are horrible & have an attitude.


Well-known member
I have to say, MUA/SA in the Mac store I go (MoA) are some of the friendliest + passionate + knowledgeable + hard working people I've seen. Not long ago I went in to the mac store to back to mac some stuff and everybody working there was so busy with clients, checking out, doing MU, matching people, oh dear it was a busy day but still these folks although juggling what they were doing they still found the time to ask people coming in if they needed some help. I honestly don't know how can they do it with a beautiful smile on their face. I felt overwhelm by the crowd and got out. Btw, I was at the store for about 10 min, left and then came back (when some of the people left) and got my stuff. Can't imagine how they must feel after work plus the patience they must all have. I felt so bad but they still take 5 out of 5 star from me. They rock.
Same for the SA of Sephora at the same mall. They are really friendly and they also give you space. They don't bombard you with anything and they are always willing to help.
Nordstrom online/phone CS is also wonderful. Never had a problem with them.
Now, there is an Ulta that I go to and some of the SA are so darn bitchy it's unbelievable. Sometimes I feel like they are breathing down my neck watching my every move and when I do need help with something they are not in the mood to help. It's so uncomfortable. I don't go there unless it's necessary. Period. There is one or two that are in a better mood but they are normally at the cash register.


Well-known member
Sometimes I like to go shopping either wearing no makeup or wearing a hat - looking like I don't know anything about it. Just to see how I am treated... I just want to see if there is a difference. It is fun for me! Especially when I ask for a specific item! I go back to the ones I've met that way more often. They've passed the test and I feel like I trust them a bit more.