the eagles let hank baskett go to make room for michael vick


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
All I want to know is why people aren't doing something about the players who drive drunk and kill PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See Vick will never own a dog again but these as*holes get the right to drive and atleast 1 was drinking and drinking AFTER he killed someone!
Yet no one says anything about them, and it's blowing my mind!

Right? Donte Stallworth got less time and killed a HUMAN. But then, when he paid off the guy's family, what incentive did they have to go after a harsher penalty?

Let's be honest, the NFL is full of criminals. I remain convinced that Ray Lewis murdered someone despite popular opinion. Warren Moon beat the crap out of his wife on a regular basis.

You can't hold people to a different standard simply because they hold a job above minimum wage. Vick did MORE time than the average person who abuses animals and has the right to return to his livelihood in the same manner as any convicted felon.

As an interesting sidenote, many in the rescue/animal rights communities will tell you that the Vick case has actually been life changing for many pit bulls. They've determined a new method of dealing with seized fighting dogs and rehome and retraining them. Before they were just immediately destroyed. At least SOME good has come from the whole situation.


Well-known member
This is the last time I am posting in this thread. I respect everyone's opinions but honestly do not think he got nearly enough time for it.
Is he supposed to get life for hurting a dog? That actually sounds great to me (I have said wrose about him, to be honest.. let's just say it involved him and a pack of dogs). I do not harbor spiteful hate on him, this is just how I feel and what I believe and it goes towards anyone who harms animals, rich/poor/famous/whatever.
I work in law enforcement and i can tell you he got the smallest sentence I have ever seen for the amount of dogs he hurt.
but before you rolll your eyes at our posts, i can say that not all of his dogs were fine. many were hung, many were killed and many had to be put down because of the behavorial problems he caused.
as i said, this is the last time i post since my beliefs will not change and i see no reason to keep saying the same thing over and over again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Half N Half
Of course people care about players who are out there driving drunk & putting people's lives at risk. I just think that people are less outraged by it because first of all we hear about drunk drivers everyday and a lot more people out there would consider drunk driving an accident and a "mistake". I don't think most people who are out there getting in their cars after a night of partying are thinking "damn I'm drunk and I feel like hitting someone with my car and killing them".

Less people would consider PURPOSELY chosing to torture and kill animals a "mistake". This was an ongoing thing that Vick was doing. He knew exactly what he was doing! I'm not excusing drunk driving in any way, but you have to be one SICK ASS person to do that to innocent animals. That's how serial killers get started!

Well, "accidents" happen due to drunk driving; I no longer believe drunk driving is an accident. That's a choice. You choose to drive yourself home instead of call a cab or a friend, or heaven-forbid leave your car out all night. You choose to drive knowing you shouldn't be driving, and whether or not you kill someone, it's still not okay. Just like sponsoring and participating in the cruelty of animals was a poor choice.

I don't condone any crime that's not committed in self-defense/self-preservation. But again; this is the NFL. It's not K-Mart. Standard labor ethics don't apply here. When you show up late for work, you may get a verbal warning or docked pay. When you show up late for practice, you pay a $50,000 fine. You don't fill out an application and interview to be a running back; you play your ass off, get seen, and get drafted.

I'm not saying that I think professional athletes/other celebs who commit crimes deserve to get off easy. Nobody should be above the law. But you're all failing to recognize that he paid his debt to society. He served the sentence that was given to him by a jury of (probably not) his peers. An NFL team is NOT going to give a shit. As long as he can still run, tackle, catch, and sell tickets and merchandise, he'll play for as long as he's good. Past crimes overlooked; I'm not saying it's right, but that's how that industry works. Its not like a "regular" job.

It'd be a hell no at PetSmart though.


Well-known member
This topic just makes my blood boil. I know people who have been convicted of felons and I know people who have been convicted of misdemeanor assaults. Even after serving their time they struggle to get emplyoment. And the jobs they find are not hardly enough to support themselves. So I doubt Vick could work at the local Taco Bell, KFC, or Kroger. Unless its been 7-10 years since a conviction, most normal jobs won't hire people with certain charges. Period. So what exactly should he be doing? Getting public assistance? Hell no. I have no problem with him being in the NFL. If you don't like Vick, don't support the game. Don't support his sponsors. Are enough people going to stop buying Nike's to make a real dent in their profits? No. But for those who don't, that's just one more size 8 for me. This guy will be haunted by this the rest of his life. Should he be? Yes. But we don't need to throw it in his face when you can bet he's doing that enough himself. And if you don't, talk to some who has actually served time and tried to rebuild their life. That is REAL!

I have utmost respect for Eagles coach for bringing Vick in. He said it was the right the to do. He knows from experience because both of his sons served time for drugs and saw first hand what it's like to try to be normal after that. Vick was involved in a very stupid thing but that makes him human. Most of us have just been lucky enough to have our stupid deeds go unknown.


Well-known member
I just think that this is a big deal to some of us because we love our dogs like they are our own children and just because our own dogs were not harmed of course it is going to strike a cord.
I don't care who signs him to play; he is an athlete and it is what he does. I do not think his conviction should necessarily harm him in his job, HOWEVER, that does not mean I will think much more of him than as an animal abusing low-life.

Coming from a family in police as well as me working in wildlife rehab and at vet clinics has taught me many people who abuse their animals will is not a one time incident that just randomly manifests itself and disappears once they are caught. Time after time these people continue and the punishment for the crimes are not harsh enough and/or sentencing is not enforced.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sdtjefferson
This topic just makes my blood boil. I know people who have been convicted of felons and I know people who have been convicted of misdemeanor assaults. Even after serving their time they struggle to get emplyoment. And the jobs they find are not hardly enough to support themselves. So I doubt Vick could work at the local Taco Bell, KFC, or Kroger. Unless its been 7-10 years since a conviction, most normal jobs won't hire people with certain charges. Period. So what exactly should he be doing? Getting public assistance? Hell no. I have no problem with him being in the NFL. If you don't like Vick, don't support the game. Don't support his sponsors. Are enough people going to stop buying Nike's to make a real dent in their profits? No. But for those who don't, that's just one more size 8 for me. This guy will be haunted by this the rest of his life. Should he be? Yes. But we don't need to throw it in his face when you can bet he's doing that enough himself. And if you don't, talk to some who has actually served time and tried to rebuild their life. That is REAL!

I have utmost respect for Eagles coach for bringing Vick in. He said it was the right the to do. He knows from experience because both of his sons served time for drugs and saw first hand what it's like to try to be normal after that. Vick was involved in a very stupid thing but that makes him human. Most of us have just been lucky enough to have our stupid deeds go unknown.

Girl,I understand what you mean. My dad was in prison my whole life for manslaughter. A man molested my cousin and my dad HANDLED it. People judge my dad all the time. I feel bad for criminals that get judged after being released BUT I dont think he should of been signed again. I just cant believe he is going to be making that much money after what he did. Thats my problem with the whole situation.


Well-known member
Whoa Nelly! Did you guys here about this? This was on Perez Hilton

Reality TV really is going to the dogs.

BET is giving dog-abuser Michael Vick his own reality show, as of right now called The Michael Vick Project.

The show is going to revolve around his comeback to the NFL as a new team member on the Philadelphia Eagles and his tarnished public image as a result of his arrest for the dog fighting ring in 2007.

Vick says:

"I just want people to really get to know me as an individual. What I want to do is change the perception of me. I am a human being. I've made some mistakes in the past, and I wish it had never happened. But it's not about how you fall, but about how you pick yourself up."

PETA spokesman Dan Shannon begged to differ saying that "people who abuse animals don't deserve to be rewarded. They shouldn't be given multimillion-dollar contracts…or given the privilege of being a role model."

PETA might spew a whole lotta crazy sometimes, but we're with them 100% on this one!

Drop the show BET!

Will U be watching Vick's show?


Well-known member
I know I said I will stop posting in this thread but that is disgusting. He is only sorry he got caught and I doubt his dog fighting days are over. This is hardley something that he lives with everyday, I really sincerly doubt he feels bad plus his "punishment" is so light he does not really have a need to be sorry he got caught. Studies prove that if one abuses animals than they probably have moved on to people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sdtjefferson
This topic just makes my blood boil. I know people who have been convicted of felons and I know people who have been convicted of misdemeanor assaults. Even after serving their time they struggle to get emplyoment. And the jobs they find are not hardly enough to support themselves. So I doubt Vick could work at the local Taco Bell, KFC, or Kroger. Unless its been 7-10 years since a conviction, most normal jobs won't hire people with certain charges. Period. So what exactly should he be doing? Getting public assistance? Hell no. I have no problem with him being in the NFL. If you don't like Vick, don't support the game. Don't support his sponsors. Are enough people going to stop buying Nike's to make a real dent in their profits? No. But for those who don't, that's just one more size 8 for me. This guy will be haunted by this the rest of his life. Should he be? Yes. But we don't need to throw it in his face when you can bet he's doing that enough himself. And if you don't, talk to some who has actually served time and tried to rebuild their life. That is REAL!

I have utmost respect for Eagles coach for bringing Vick in. He said it was the right the to do. He knows from experience because both of his sons served time for drugs and saw first hand what it's like to try to be normal after that. Vick was involved in a very stupid thing but that makes him human. Most of us have just been lucky enough to have our stupid deeds go unknown.

If Vick gets a show I will 100% watch just like I watch all the other Crazy drug infested, over the top, no meaning Reality Shows ....If nothing for humor alone....If Paris Hilton can have a show ANYONE can!!!


Well-known member
I am glad that he is getting signed and he can try and move on with his life. I don't think its fair that his past keeps getting thrown at his face every single time. He has done jail time, and he has to live with what he did everyday.

I think its SO easy, to sit here and point a finger and judge someone, then to try and forgive. I mean, who are we to judge? Are we so perfect we feel the need to point someone else's mistake constantly?

He obviously isnt an ordinary guy, and this wont hurt his wallet. So for the people who are mad that he is gonna be making the same money, well what is it to you? If you don't want your money to go to him, don't watch the games, don't buy the merchandise, just don't support the team. He was gonna make the money regardless because he is a skilled athlete and damn good at what he does.

Its irrational to want him to go work at a taco bell, even then can you imagine the ruckus he would cause? Shoot, TB would probably hire him as a spoke person or something and STILL pay him tons of money for it.

I hope he truly has changed, and can move on. Like they say "May he who is free of sin, cast the first stone."

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