Well-known member
Over the past year I've put on a bit of weight. Don't like it at all. But it just keeps piling on. Considering that I only have 3 pairs of jeans that fit me and they are pretty tight right now on me, I NEED to get this weight off.
My problem stems a lot from my poor diet and lack of exercise. I love junk food and just food in general. I have been told that I eat more than most men on a regular basis. Yes I realized that I do over eat and it's becoming a problem. I don't get much exercise cause I'm a recent highschool graduate and haven't been able to get a job til now well hopefully. So I'm kind of stuck at home all day. There isn't much I can do around the house to really work off calories besides actually working out on the stationary bike. I need to stop making excuses as to why I can't work out and actually get my butt on that bike and start peddling!
As for my diet, I've been considering a new route. Instead of completely cutting out carbs (which you actually need, well the good ones you do) or whatever I'm going to cut down on the junk food. I will try to make my meals as low fat and healthy as possibly and cut what I normally eat in half. With the meal it'll be accompanied by at least half a bottle of water to help give me a more fuller feeling in my belly. I've done a diet similiar to this years ago and it did work. But since it's been a while I don't remember all of what it did to my body. I was wondering if anyone else on here has tried this approach and what they had experienced. I had been told by my gym teacher last year that yes it would be hard and I would feel hungry a lot when I first start out but eventually my stomach will in a sense "srhink" and it will take me less food to make me full. Sort of the same philosophy as a gastric bypass obvoiusly without the surgery or anything invasive.
As for drinks..No more pop. If I want it it'll have to be diet. But for now it's either water, juice or 2% milk and thats if I'm really being good.
For exercise I want to do at least an hour a day on my stationary bike. I'll split the time in half and do half an hour in the morning and the other half later that day. I'll also use my big blue exercising ball to help me to some abdominal workouts which I will start off with first so that it's not too much for me to handle. I'll then move on to other parts of my body that I'll work on.
I'm currently about 5 foot and maybe 2 inches at the most? and weight 125lbs. There is not set weight that I want to be down at, cause it's not really weight your looking at losing but fat instead. I just want to be able to fit into my old clothes and have an easier time finding clothes to buy when I'm out at a store. Plus I'm hoping it'll do me a lot of good health wise (I'm at risk for high cholesterol and diabetes. I want to beat those two illnesses as much as I can).
My problem stems a lot from my poor diet and lack of exercise. I love junk food and just food in general. I have been told that I eat more than most men on a regular basis. Yes I realized that I do over eat and it's becoming a problem. I don't get much exercise cause I'm a recent highschool graduate and haven't been able to get a job til now well hopefully. So I'm kind of stuck at home all day. There isn't much I can do around the house to really work off calories besides actually working out on the stationary bike. I need to stop making excuses as to why I can't work out and actually get my butt on that bike and start peddling!
As for my diet, I've been considering a new route. Instead of completely cutting out carbs (which you actually need, well the good ones you do) or whatever I'm going to cut down on the junk food. I will try to make my meals as low fat and healthy as possibly and cut what I normally eat in half. With the meal it'll be accompanied by at least half a bottle of water to help give me a more fuller feeling in my belly. I've done a diet similiar to this years ago and it did work. But since it's been a while I don't remember all of what it did to my body. I was wondering if anyone else on here has tried this approach and what they had experienced. I had been told by my gym teacher last year that yes it would be hard and I would feel hungry a lot when I first start out but eventually my stomach will in a sense "srhink" and it will take me less food to make me full. Sort of the same philosophy as a gastric bypass obvoiusly without the surgery or anything invasive.
As for drinks..No more pop. If I want it it'll have to be diet. But for now it's either water, juice or 2% milk and thats if I'm really being good.
For exercise I want to do at least an hour a day on my stationary bike. I'll split the time in half and do half an hour in the morning and the other half later that day. I'll also use my big blue exercising ball to help me to some abdominal workouts which I will start off with first so that it's not too much for me to handle. I'll then move on to other parts of my body that I'll work on.
I'm currently about 5 foot and maybe 2 inches at the most? and weight 125lbs. There is not set weight that I want to be down at, cause it's not really weight your looking at losing but fat instead. I just want to be able to fit into my old clothes and have an easier time finding clothes to buy when I'm out at a store. Plus I'm hoping it'll do me a lot of good health wise (I'm at risk for high cholesterol and diabetes. I want to beat those two illnesses as much as I can).