The girlfriend, the boyfriend, and the exgf.........


Well-known member
I'm a firm believer in respect, and I don't believe that you or your boyfriend should be okay with her disrespecting either of you. That's just ridiculous. I'd definitely have a problem, and I'd let my boyfriend know about it. If he has a problem with letting her go then obviously he doesn't respect your feelings either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashleyisawesome
I'm a firm believer in respect, and I don't believe that you or your boyfriend should be okay with her disrespecting either of you. .

Exactly. Some people just don't know how to respect someone else's relationships, and those are exactly the type of people you need to put your foot down with the second it becomes a problem for either of you.


Well-known member
Tell your boyfriend right now to DITCH HER or you're gonna have to leave him.

I was in this situation before, girl you don't have to feel like this! You're more than this. If she doesn't respect your relationship then he has to let her loose. My bf used to talk to his ex and friend of 5 years, I felt REALLY uncomfortable about it. At first, it was hard for him because they've been friends (that's what he tells me) but sometimes she asks him if she can come over and stuff. NOPE! Not gonna happen, so finally he had to tell her he can't talk to her no more.

Ask yourself this: "Why does he NEED to be friends with her?". I honestly think that you should ask him who's more valuable to him, you or her? Sometimes you have to LET GO OF THE PAST to move on to the future!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prinsesa
Ask yourself this: "Why does he NEED to be friends with her?". I honestly think that you should ask him who's more valuable to him, you or her? Sometimes you have to LET GO OF THE PAST to move on to the future!

For real.


Well-known member
as shes asked him to spend the night you should tell him you think thats crossed a line and your not happy with it...that she needs some boundarys or you wont put up with it

iv had this before, think girl basically tried 2 steal my bf and followed him around in clubs. she even elbowed me once at the bar in a club! my friends had to hold me back that night!!! in the end i had to message her on myspace and tell her to back the hell off...that finally worked.

talk to your bf first about how you feel, dont call her names or anything just be reasonable that you trust him but dont think shes appriopriate. if she dont get the hint you should have a word with her somehow


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
your man should know that would make you umcomfortable - you shouldn't have to say it. Why is it so hard to find a man with common sense?!
And for the other girl.. don't we so want something when we know its someone else's.
You need to tell him.. he can have sleepovers with her or he can be with you.. that's it.

Pretty much!


Thanks for all the replies and support, girls

Just for an update.. after a long fight/discussion with him, I've finally got him to understand why I had a problem with this setup. He had been clinging pretty strong to the "well, I'm not going to do anything, and I told her about you, so it's fine" thing, so I had to kinda break it down for him. After working through a pretty web of lies designed to "make me calm down", I came to the conclusion that he's obviously not the respectful type.

I do trust him, but I hate feeling disrespected and I can't see "being a nice guy" as a big enough reason to remain friends with a recent ex (who is clearly not a good friend). This one's cut loose, in any case.. it's amazing how corrupt your viewpoints can become after listening to someone try to rationalize their behaviour repeatedly. Again, thanks for the words.. sure glad I'm not the only "crazy gf" in this world, haha.