the hmmm not sure fotd


Well-known member

So I got my hair did for my engagement pics this weekend. And I am not sure if I like it. I seem like such a complainer tho. I have gone back before after a bad haircut or whatnot and they fix it just fine.
I mean , I pay a lot and come back often, so I shouldn't feel bad.
The thing with this hair, is that one of the highlights is too thick on the front on the right side of my part, and the haircut it self is not what I asked for. I get that "posh" bob thing, and I dont think it is very much shorter in the back.
hmm.. they aren't open today, but do you think I should go back tomorrow? Am I crazy or is the hair ok and I am paranoid? thanks for any input

on with the face

bare study
your ladyship
deep blue green
some grey eyepencil
blacktrack fl

flowerplay loooveee this color!



Hair pic



Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I think your makeup looks really great.

I do kind of agree about the highlights. If you can bring in a picture so they can understand exactly what you mean.


Well-known member
That lip color is gorgeous!

I think your hair is beautiful, I don't see an issue. I really love the layering in the back.


Well-known member
You look too cute.

As fas as the hair, yeah I think you should go back. If you are not satisfied then they need to fix it. Tell them to cut some more off because that is not the Posh Bob. Her's is way shorter and a lil more layered. The color may be hard to fix, only because they would have to color the blonde back to you natural color and some browns are very hard to re- create. But if that isn't your natural brown it should be a piece of pie. Good Luck. Keep us updated.


Well-known member
Your makeup looks gorgeous, and I totally see what you're saying about your hair. It's not a marked difference between the back and front like Posh's bob is. I agree they could've done a better job with the highlights, too. I'd definitely go're going to have those engagement pics for a long time to come.


Well-known member
Your makeup looks hot & your hair looks hot. Very trendy. I love it.
But if you're not happy with it go back with a couple of pics & explain to the colorist & stylist exactly what you want.

I spend a lot of $$$ on my hair as well. I tell my colorist what I exactly want. You're paying for something that you want.

BTW: how do you post pics on here? I would love to post pics of b4 & afters which I have done ty


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacylynne
Your makeup looks hot & your hair looks hot. Very trendy. I love it.
But if you're not happy with it go back with a couple of pics & explain to the colorist & stylist exactly what you want.

I spend a lot of $$$ on my hair as well. I tell my colorist what I exactly want. You're paying for something that you want.

BTW: how do you post pics on here? I would love to post pics of b4 & afters which I have done ty


Well to post, you just go to Member FOTDs and, new thread. To do pics, i use and link the pics here. It is pretty easy. Message me if you have any questions!


Well-known member
I love the makeup!

On to the hair.. If it's not what you wanted, I'd DEF go back, the highlights seem slightly thick and if you were going for a posh look then they need to shorten the back! Other than that I like it tho.


Well-known member
I think everything looks wonderful. However, you are the one that must feel totally comfortable with the look. Go back & get exactly what you want. It's a special time for you.


Well-known member
I think it looks gorgeous! But, if you're going for Posh- go back to the salon as it's not nearly as stacked in the back as it should be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly

Well to post, you just go to Member FOTDs and, new thread. To do pics, i use and link the pics here. It is pretty easy. Message me if you have any questions!

Thank you so much XOXOX


Well-known member
the makeup is beautiful & i wish i had hair like yours.

that being said, if YOU are not 100% satisfied with your hair, GO BACK! especially if you're going to be taking your engagment pics soon. you can get your hair fixed but you can't re-take your engagement pics (i guess you can pay a lot of money to get new ones taken).

anyhoo, i say get it fixed if you feel iffy about it. good luck!!!


Well-known member
Hey Beautiful Hilly! You look so gorgeous! I like your hair, but you deserve to be 100% satisfied (or more
So...if you don't like something, *do* return & I know they'll fix it for you.

Your makeup is so so SO pretty! You have a mischievous smile, really Sparkly!
I will be at your pre-wedding celebrations *and* at your very wedding, at least in Spirit

You are adorable & you contribute so much here.
Your inner loveliness shows in your eyes & your smile,
& it would, no matter your hair/makeup.


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