the infamous "not work appropiate" eyeliner


Well-known member
when i first was reading that it was work inappropriate i was thinking black liner all over but that looks really nice, have no idea what she's talking about


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ishtarchick
can you believe my manager told me this was not work appropiate?!?!! sshheesshh!!! what? do you want me to look like YOU! you TOAD!!! /end of rant to my manager.

What do you do (workwise?) I can't believe that's not considered appropriate!!!!!!


Well-known member
That eyeliner is gorgeous and it looks fantastic with your eye colour


Well-known member
thanks everyone! i loved the look too, but she's sooo uptight and not makeup-savvy (she wears light pink frosty 80's lipstick when she's not working yuck!)
the answer to all of you ladies' question of where i work is @ a local café a-la starbucks, targeted towards older people, and specifically the shop i'm in is the one where most aunties & grannies go. so we aren't allowed to wear any real color to work, like, we have to look elegant and classy and toned down. I had gotten my way with neutrals, but sunday i just felt like wearing light green so i did the eyeliner... pfff the rest of the story you know it.

so that's one more reason i'd reaaaally love to work for MAC, so can get applauded for stuff like this instead of getting a "warning" bah! whatever!!!!


Well-known member
I love it also. I recently was asked by manager to leave work and not to come back until the next week because I got my nose pierced with a TINY TINY stud. THe reason they wanted to be gone for the rest of the week is because it caused so much turmoil (people telling me to just quit and so forth). It actually was so small that most people did not even know I had it until they sent me home.


Well-known member
That's ridiculous, that looks amazing. It's not like you're wearing hooker make up for Christ's sake. Just a bit of colour.


Well-known member
I can see, if you work in a professional environgment, that it would not be appropriate, but it's gorgeous!!!


Well-known member
Your workplace must be ULTRA conservative. I work in a pretty conservative environment and I wear the look you have every once in a while but no one has said anything yet.

Your boss is obviously sharing a big glass of haterade.