The new raven haired Britney in Harper's Bazaar


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I wish he'd drown in oil.

Lol ..... ur to funny. lets say K-fed or whatever he likes to be called is a "Man-Whore, Golddigger, Rapper, Wanna be Famous..Mooching off his wife that deserves better than what she ended up with. Ewwwww he's so LAME and thats what a Capitol L


Well-known member
I really don't think they did, other than to cover some cellulite (and hey, how many of us REALLY don't have cellulite?).
If you look at her pap beach pics, she doesn't have stretch marks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
*I* love the fact that she has a bubblebutt like I do.


me toooooooooooooo


Well-known member
I'd kill to have a bubblebutt, I only have a bubble tummy
And I like her with dark hair. Isn't she a brunette to begin with? She looks more mature with the dark hair. Gah, I wish I looked that good when I was pregnant.


Well-known member
My brother has a bubblebutt too

If people would look at her beach candids, they'd see that she DOESN"T have stretch marks, etc., and they didn't have to do much by way of that.
AND~look at the pic with the netting over her face. You can still see the actual perhaps foundation helped a LOT with her blotchiness.


Well-known member
I think that the she looks stunning. She is a beautiful woman inside and out and I think she makes a great mom. The press really gives her a hard time...I feel bad for her. The things they say and how they won't giver her some space. If Kevin makes her happy then I'm happy for her. She has the cutest baby I've ever seen. I wish I was related so I could go visit him...he's just adorable and I know this new baby will be too. But back to the photo's...she looks beautiful...I've never seen such sexy and glamourous picutes like that! Go Britney!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
My brother has a bubblebutt too

If people would look at her beach candids, they'd see that she DOESN"T have stretch marks, etc., and they didn't have to do much by way of that.
AND~look at the pic with the netting over her face. You can still see the actual perhaps foundation helped a LOT with her blotchiness.

I dunno why some ppl think that when u have kids, or go through pregnancy everyone gets stretch marks???? B/c its not true. I think
its a misconception....IMO


Well-known member
Indeed. I don't have any, and I've had three kids!! I didn't do anything special either. It's more genetic than anything else really, and honestly, when she's on, Britney's genetics show to be REALLY good. *shrug*
I have always thought she was a gorgeous girl. I hope her comeback is all she wants it to be, though the life of a pop star is definitely finite.


Well-known member
I didn't give my mother one single stretchmark, yet my kids give me my own personal road map through the whole North American continent.

I think they could have made her makeup look far better. Maybe I'm just used to her having a more natural look with blonde/brunette hair, or whatever flavor of the month it is.

I hope she grows up to be more refined one day. The gum smacking in every single interview she gives drives me nuts. The Ellen interview was by far the worst. Maybe she should keep kissing Madonna and learn more from her.


Well-known member
I got my non stretch marking skin from my dad, not my mom.

And, learning from Madge may not be such a good idea, as her career has basically been founded on flashing her girlflower as often and unexpectedly as possible over the years


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac_goddess
I didn't give my mother one single stretchmark, yet my kids give me my own personal road map through the whole North American continent.

ha h aha h ahah aha ha ha


Well-known member
The way I see it, they are both trash. At least Madonna is still cranking out some good tunes and making money. If my kid's Magic 8 Ball could foretell the future, it would say Britney is going to keep going downhill until she is a has-been and can't make money anymore.

I guess I'll deal with being trash as well if I could have their money. I'm envious, I'll admit it. Not to be confused with a hater though.


Well-known member
ehhhhhh Madonna's audience is a bit less mainstream than Britney's I think, except for one or two things here or there.
Had you told me back in 01 that Xtina would take it to a whole new level and left Brit behind, I'd've said I wished it were true (I'm a huge Xtina fan) but couldn't see it.
And, I'd've been wrong.
I love an underdog. I hope she can shake herself loose of the funk she's in and reinvent herself as a WOMAN.
I also believe in Santa Claus and the toothfairy though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I love an underdog. I hope she can shake herself loose of the funk she's in and reinvent herself as a WOMAN.

I tend to have a love/hate relationship with the underdogs. On one hand I want to smack some common sense into them to make em' see the light of day. On the other hand I want to coddle them and help point them in the right directions.

I hope that the many many little girls who do look up to her and lack parental guidance will be able to see the reinvention of herself as a woman. One who's made her mistakes and learned from them. I just hope it's sooner then later for the world's sake.

(I'm a huge Xtina fan as well)


Well-known member
Meh, I think the black is way too stark for her, it doesn't suit her complexion, I think.

Also, I don't feel sorry for her at all. She is a celebrity in the spotlight and gets so much media attention because of her strange, erradic behaviour, which sells magazines. Lots of other stars out there who don't get such media attention because they lead more normal lives. She should fix up, stop looking like a cheap trailer trash ditchpig everywhere she goes, maybe then the press will stop trailing her everywhere.


Well-known member
I don't totally agree with you.
A celeb's 'job' as it were is to be an entertainer, to be gracious and somewhat forthcoming with interviews, to put forth a moderately entertaining product, to walk the red carpet, sing the songs, act the scripts and accept any awards and or accolades with grace and class.
A celeb's 'job' is NOT to be unable to walk out the door in track pants tshirt and ponytail and flipflops and then be splashed all over the internet. A celeb's job is NOT to be forced by a vicious and voraciously appetited public to disclose every single aspect of his or her life. The job is to entertain, not to be compelled to disclose every hookup detail, breakup tear, plastic surgery consultation, few pounds lost, few pounds gained, stomach staple, divorce clause, or any other personal matter in their lives.
At one time that was respected, not anymore, with the advent of the internet and gossip blogs.

It's really reached such a frenzied point that it's rather problematic and quite beyond invasive and out of line.


Well-known member
With that hair, they definently should have filled/dyed her brows. They look really weird. But I don't even know if she should be dying her hair during pregnancy anyway...especially on her face...however I believe that is only the first trimester.
I feel bad for her; she's a hick at heart and she has really changed pop culture so I think people should give her some credit.

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