The PERFECT red...


Well-known member
I'm an N3, pretty fair, I want a nice matte red (not orangy...) that I can wear. Doesn't HAVE to be MAC, but all suggestions are welcome!


Well-known member
Oh, I just bought Viva Glam I and LOVE it! It's not orangey and has more of a red-brown to it...

I think that would look great on you!


Well-known member
I have a Stila one called Salome (I think). It is the closest I have gotten to my "perfect" red. I am trying to create my own perfect shade by cutting a bit off of all my reds, putting them in a palette, and mixing different combos.

Oh, Rocker from Mac is a nice matte red, but it does have glitter.


Well-known member
It is blue-based, but I have a very special part in my heart for UD Jezebel l/s recently discontinued. Very similar is UD Kink pleather pencil too.

I also love the orange-tomato leaning Clinique Angel Red Different Lipstick.


Well-known member
I have now like 30 empties, and I figured as soon as I go to london I'll get lady bug as THE red lipstick, and also plink as a nudish pink...still have 3 others to pick!


Viva Glam 1 is an amaaazing red. I also hear good things about Russian Red.

If you want something even bluier red than the above mentioned, try Carnal.

If you want something REALLY BRIGHT, you could go for Powerhouse (not a blue-red, but not too orangey), or High Bred Red (definitely a bluier red, almost pink, but not quite)


Well-known member
Hmm might I humbly suggest Urban Decay's Jezebel Lipstick! It is red with a dark-raspberry with slight fuchsia base. It's really pretty.


Well-known member
THanks guys, these are great ideas. My only problem w/ VG1 is the dryness of MAC l/s...I only wear the lustres in MAC. I'm going to be on the hunt, tho!!
Right now I am loving L'Oreal Colorjuic in Cherry on Top...stays on FOREVER, smells yummy and gives my lips some shine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelsea
put some clear gloss or conditioner overtop of the mac..

Good idea, but I'm lucky to get the lipstick on in the FIRST place, being a new mom!! I only have time for one least for now...oh, when my children are grown I will go back to much more complicated makeup technique. For now it's throw it on and GO GO GO!!


Well-known member
Viva Glam I is my favourite red of all time! (And this is coming from someone who thought they could never wear red).