The Real Housewives of Atlanta


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Originally Posted by CandiGirl21
I don't know about the rest of you all on here, but I thought the show was aspiring. I want that lifestyle. maybe not spend it all on diamonds, but hey you need money to survive.

You need money to survive...Maybe I watched a different show...I did not see one episode where money was used for survival purposes, only for show-boating and trying to make sure they had the best or a better purse, etc than the next rich person. God forbid anyone else is carrying the same handbag that I am. I would probably love to have the amount of money they have...But I would never wish for the lifestyle they are living. I am more than sure I could live well and still be able to contribute something that says I am a decent person.

These were 35+ year old women and mothers...Acting like Paris Hilton..who I admit does do charitable things with her money!

One thing money can't buy is that ticket to heaven...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CandiGirl21
I don't know about the rest of you all on here, but I thought the show was aspiring. I want that lifestyle. maybe not spend it all on diamonds, but hey you need money to survive.

Ok, yes, I'm pretty sure we would all love to have the money that these women do. I know I would absolutely love it, lol. But the problem is what they do with it. Like previously mentioned, usually their only concern is how fly can I look and how can I let other people know how fly I am?

Granted, this isn't very different from the other housewives shows, but since it is a predominately black cast, I hate to say it, it has different implications. The problem is that generally African Americans view things like this and, like you said, aspire to be like them, only they want to do it right NOW. They take this glamorized view presented to them and extract the wrong values. Like, being a baller and "stuntin" w/ your money is all that matters. Can you make some investments? Can you make your money work for you? Can you wait till you make enough money to actually afford these items? I've seen it in so many of my peers who are now seriously in debt, have bad credit, etc all b/c they wanted to live and look like "new money". And this worst part, is thanks to images like this, they don't realize what they are doing and keep perpetuating the cycle.

I just get frustrated b/c we rarely have examples of Africans Americans who are financially savvy. Like really, if Sheree was smart, she would have taken some of that money she spent on shopping and had her own investments and bank accounts on backup for emergencies...which would include dissolving your marriage. So that YOU can maintain the lifestyle you've grown accustomed to. We need better examples so that people can understand what their options actually are. If then, you still choose to live like the housewives, then by all means, do you.

O, and I like that Deon Sanders show too along w/ Run's house. I feel like these shows are better examples.


Well-known member
I really liked O.C., I thought New York was SUPER boring and I tried to watch Atlanta but I saw a few clips with the one white lady and she grossed me out,lol. So I haven't tried to watch it again...I kinda thought it would be more like Kimora:life in the fab lane....but umm, judging from everyone's reactions to it, I don't think it will be.


Well-known member
Ok I must say as a educated black female I was hoping and praying
they didn't embarass us but oh well!!! Sheree should be ashamed of herself.
She knows she left NeNe off the list on purpose. I know NeNe was mad but I would have preferred that she handle it a little better. If she was going to curse someone out it needed to be Shree not the assistant. Oh and please do it in private. Why the hell does she need and assistant any way? Her entourage that heffa is crazy! Oh and Mrs. Snow you should be able to cook your own dinner and take care of your own kids. Don't you know your husbands career could be over at any minute and you continue to spend money like you have no sense. A maid, governess, nanny, chef and an assistant. You don't do anything! Oh and poor Kim. Girl get a job. Big poppa will be gone as soon as he finds some new A_ _.
Despite my feelings on the current cast they are no more superficial then previous cast. They just happen to be black.


Well-known member
Let me add too...I never watched the previous versions of Housewives so I am not justifying the behavior of the previous cast...I have no knowledge of how they acted. If it was anything like this..I would have at least had a heads up and been prepared for this foolishness.


Well-known member
i saw the commercial and i was goin to watch it but i forgot to! i was a fan of the O.C. season. when does the re-run come on? i want to see it too...

for Tish, i also enjoyed the show of the "Sanders". They did what a normal family do!


Well-known member
The difference between this cast and the previous casts are that the previous cast worked! All the women on The OC had careers, hell most of them made more than their husbands. They showed their wealth but they showed alot of family issues, like death, teaching their kids to work, divorce and starting over. I guess we have to give Atlanta Housewives the chance to show another side of themselves but for right now this is not the biz, entertaining yes, but not a good "reality".


Well-known member
im from atlanta, born and raised, so i can't wait to watch this season even if the women embarrass my city.


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I know you ladies aren't trying to attack me for my opinions....I know that for sure. I believe there's nothing wrong with having extra money to treat yourself to the finner things in life. However, I'm not saying to spend it all on bullshit like the women on the show. in actuality, I'm kind of agreeing with you ladies, but I also feel indifferent about it. I'm smack dab in the middle. There's nothing wrong with a little show boating... At least to me.


Well-known member
For the record, Nene is my favorite. Yes, she's the most "hood", but she's real, and not some fake bourgie broad, and she realizes that she lucked up and married a man who's well off, and she isn't bent on flossing. She also seems like the most fun.

I like Lisa, too. She's has her own thing jumping off without her husband.

Sheree is an example of at least 75% of things that are wack about Atlanta.

DeShawn? That bitch is crazy as hell. Poor, poor, Eric.

Kim...LOL I wanna know who Big Daddy is married to, because it's CLEAR that she's a mistress.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
What the fuck is wrong with Kim's hair, wig, whatever? she needs to invest in a good cosmetologist.

lmao. I thought I was the only one. Her hair looks like a cheap halloween wig.


Well-known member
I don't mind them having money and living a life of luxury but I always believed that if u truly have nice things people will tell u, u don't have to broadcast how nice they are. Let people compliment u, u don't have to beg for attention. Seriously, that's what it seems like their doing, begging for attention, OOHHH look at me, look at me, and truthfully as wack as some of them look u can't help but see them! OK I wasn't trying to go there, but oh well! Kim hair looks like my daughter's HANNAH MONTANA wig that's been hiding in her bedroom corner for the past year shiverring and shaking! But hey, she'll die in Dior!


Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu

Kim...LOL I wanna know who Big Daddy is married to, because it's CLEAR that she's a mistress.

I'm dying to figure out who big daddy is also


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu

Kim...LOL I wanna know who Big Daddy is married to, because it's CLEAR that she's a mistress.

I believe this as well. Why would she or he not want to be seen? That's a good observation, Blu.


Well-known member
OK. I'm back. I still won't say the obvious....but NeNe (so far) is my fave. She is who she is and she's definitely not sugar-coating it, LOL.

Lisa is a close second, but I would love to know why she is fronting like the new baby is her only baby. She lost/gave up custody of 2 kids before him.

Sheree is just wack. I'm all for getting your just due, but don't act like a strong woman when you're really just trying to get broken off. If it weren't for alimony, she would probably be grinding on another "victim" for her next payday. IMO, a strong women gets hers on her own if/when she has to. Now, that's sexy! a mistress. Period. And, what a horrible example she sets for the 2 little ones she's raising. I just keep hearing the tagline as they rolled off the lot, "Thank BIG PAPA.....Thank you, BIG PAPA!"

DeShawn Snow is the female version of all 5 of the Cash Money Millionaires rolled into one. I will quote Juvenile on this one: "Acting like a ***** who ain't neva had shit." Hiring help for a house SO GRAND that you took a mere 3 hours to confer with the interior designer? Girl, please. On top of that, your "Estate Manager" is in charge of arranging things like your father's Baileys' Irish Creme and Vodka requests (4 star taste, people) and unpacking his drawers. I'm just happy that her husband declined to have his father called, having no part in what the blog community calls "fuckery".

All in all, I'm hooked. I thoroughly enjoy watching rich people who are ultimately poor everywhere else.


Well-known member
Nene is also my fav. She just seems genuine. Sheree thinks she's the shit and so does Kim, when really, they both look like men. LOL. Lisa is pretty, but I don't really have an opinion about her. Deshawn just needs to be brought down to earth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Lisa is a close second, but I would love to know why she is fronting like the new baby is her only baby. She lost/gave up custody of 2 kids before him.

I remember reading somewhere that Kieth Sweat wouldn't sign the release forms. So that's why the other 2 kids aren't on the show. Something about how he didn't know how the family was going to be portrayed so he didn't want to expose them.

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