The Real World: Hollywood


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Originally Posted by Brittni
I miss Joey already. He's so damn sexy. lol.

Anyways, it'll be fun w/two new roommates! Really spice things up! I don't like that Brittini girl already, just cuz of how her name is spelled and you know how the way some ppl look just annoys you? Yeah, lol...

Joey is sexy. I am sad to see him go but I think he will stay sober.

LMAO @ you...some people do just annoy me by their looks. That is so mean but its true. And I definetly agree with you about her.

Originally Posted by aziajs
I agree. I can't forget when he's at the bar and they are pressuring him to drink and has to tell them that he's an alcoholic. They tell him that he can just take one drink and that they will watch after him. Cut to him getting drunk off his ass and acting a fool. If I were there I would have asked him if he was comfortable being at the bar or if he wanted to leave. If he wanted to stay I would have really looked after him and made sure he was ok. Otherwise, if he wanted to leave that's what we would have done. You can't offer drinks to an alcoholic. Come on. I just don't get how young and silly these people are.

Yup....people lack common sense. He is an alcoholic, he can't just have a drink and be okay. They are silly and stupid, but hey thats why they are on the show lol

Originally Posted by couturesista


Originally Posted by beauty_marked

yo, where Janelle come from lol

New opinions:
Dave-hot. smart guy.
Will-oh baby. HOT. so chill and laid back. really smart. love to see a guy follow his heart. i love that he stood up to greg even tho he hurt himself and has to go to anger management.
Joey-I know he leaves in the episode im yet to watch. I hope he does well and continues with his success and sobriety. He is such a sweet guy and really deserves nothing but the best in the future. hes really trying he deserves it.
Greg-HASTA LA BYE BYE PEASANT!! I must say i do love that when he found out he had to leave how he calls his mom and goes "this is fucking ridiculous". no hunny, YOU love are the ridiculous one.

Brianna-you nasty.
Kim-Your fake and annoying.
Sarah-really glad to see this girls personality. It was nice to see her open up to joey and really help him when he got back from rehab. she really showed to be a true friend

ahahahha @ your whole are hilarious.

Seriously though. Where did Janelle come from? Haha she is kind of annoying, but shes pretty....AND SHES A MAC ARTIST, heller. LoL.

Will is still so fine....he needs to drop all these girls and come to Jersey and sing to meeee in my bedroom lmao.

Brianna--she is kind of annoying. But I don't mind her sluttiness
she just annoys me sometimes. I can't put my finger on it. She still has some common sense though...aside from the whole "I want to be successful, but without the hard work aspect"....Brianna girl, you are supposed to work first and make whoring around your second priority, like we all do.

Kim-hmm still don't like her. I never will. She is the most annoying female ever to be on the real world.

Sarah-she was really cool to Joey but ummm no I still don't like her. She has the nerve to get mad at Will for flirting or doing whatever hes gonna do in the next episode, because Will has a girlfriend. Bitch, you was kissing him the first day, when you had a boyfriend! Someone drank an extra large cup of Haterade


Well-known member
Did anyone else have tears roll down their face when Joey read the letter?

He's a strong person, however addictions do come back to really bring a person down as said on past episodes. I'm glad he's doing what's best for him.. I was upset seeing the roommates not supporting him on his FIRST night back+more.. good for sarah for helping him out a bit. I like when brianna pointed out how she saw potential in him that he didn't see in himself.. because i agree.

MAN! he was at a club near chicago [or so it said on the website] a couple weeks ago.. wish I could've went.

i'm really liking this season of the real world though.. but i think there's only 5 episodes or so left.


Well-known member
YES! I seriously thought I was going to start crying alot. I'm actually glad he left. I will miss him on the show but for the long run it will be way better for him.


Well-known member
God I feel like a loser. I've missed RW for the last three weeks, DAMNIT!
Thanks for this thread, lets me know what's been going on. Joey was a good person, I hope he gets the help he needs. LOL I don't miss Greg at all, god he was so annoying. He had such a bad attitude and just always so un-enthusiastic about anything, like the time they met Andy Dick, he was such a jerk off over the whole situation.


Well-known member
i swear if one more episode comes on and bri hasn't got her braids did i'm gonna freakin scREAM!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
geez! on one of the episodes they showed her at the hair salon! what the fuck, was the lady just taking them out and putting them back in the way she found them???? omg!!!
anywho, in response to all the comments i've been reading:

joey's letter made me cry and all my freakin mascara ran in my eyes causing them to burn then i rubbed them and rubbed all my MAC eyeshadow that i can't afford to be wasting in there as well causing them to singe a little more

kim does seem rather fake. i don't know what it is about her but she does rub me the wrong way.

i'm so sick of bri's braids. i know i already said it but fuck!!! how do you knowingly go on national t.v. with the stiffest broom-stick like weave hanging from 3 inches of SOS pad-like new growth??!!

i'm SO happy greg went home as well. he was so freakin UGLY!!! his face got on my last nerve! it was just so pliable..... like his face was a claymation. lol. i always thought of gumby when i saw him.... and i would start smelling play-do

will is sexy but it ends on the surface because his childishness when it comes to girls is freakin unreal. omg! it's annoying! like this past wednesday when the new girl shows up and later that night he walks through the room with no pants on. like, all i could think of is how BOYS used to do that to all of us back when we were in grade school when they went out of there way with stupid shit just to show off. he's gotta chill.

i like dave. i was embarrassed for him at the improv show he did drunk as hell but he's cool.

how do you guys like the two new roomies?????

the guy almost seems borderline "greg" but we'll see. i could be wrong.
brittni seems cool but i don't know........ she's got a cockiness i'm kinda sketchy about but she's gorgeous. don't know about the hair too much. maybe it's her hair LINE but who knows. she's pretty tho. she'll make it far modeling.


Well-known member
ive only seen a little bit of sister watches ill walk by and catch a glimpse...personally, being born and raised in Southern Cali, i don't like it. i think they're making cali look bad(pretty much the friends they choose to hang out with).. the only positive thing they do is the comedy "job" and that guy..joe i think... he went to rehab, good thing he left, hollywood is full of drunks and drugs!


Well-known member
I'm loving this show! I just started watching 3 days I've watched the whole thing On Demand. I'm SOOOOO glad Greg left. He was such a loser. Stealing underwear should be automatic grounds for being kicked out. The producers should have given him the boot back when that happened.
I'm gonna miss Joey though.
I'm actually watching the episode where they get the new roommates right I Just started, so I'll let you know what I think about all this madness later.


Well-known member
About the new people:
Brittni is gross to me. I dont think shes pretty at all. She has like a ten head and I just dont like her. She is cocky, but for no reason. I hate how Brianna is like all buddy buddy with her, it seems fake and forced. She is just happy to have another black girl in the house I guesss. She needs to back off of Will. because he already has a girlfriend.

I dunno why Sarah was all mad at will when he was flirting with brittni. HELLO, u kissed him on the first day when u had a boyfriend!!

Will is going to take thing too far. I hope Janelle leaves him if he doesnt. because Janelle is way better than Brittni IMO. He doesnt seem ready for a relationship

That new guy? SEXY. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez louise. MTV sure is gettin the sexies all in one season. Hes yummy...

If those 2 skanky girls from the club come to the house one more effing time I am gonna go crazy. What was up with that girl (the one that hooked up with greg and will)....she was kissing the new black guy!!! She is too damn much for me!



Well-known member
I've been drooling over Will, but his innocent act is getting on my nerves. Like the new chick is just throwing herself at him and he's not doing anything. Pshhhhhh.

The new guy seems chill &just like he wants to have a good time. I'm hella mad that those same two girls came back to the house though hahaha

I started watching this season a few episodes in and need to catch up!!

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Sorry Ladies, but I needed the visuals...

...And, just so that you know how much I care - I de-skanked-ified these photos for you all! And yes...they were alllll over him in these original photos!!!

Now you know we can't have that!!! It was a dirty job too, but somebody had to do it! No Skanks allowed! I dare you to find the originals and see what's really goin' on! ...Okay!

Enjoy! He is a Real World Treasure that's for sure! This is what you call an Afternoon Delight! Mmmmm...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
If those 2 skanky girls from the club come to the house one more effing time I am gonna go crazy. What was up with that girl (the one that hooked up with greg and will)....she was kissing the new black guy!!! She is too damn much for me!


OMG!!! i feel you on this one girl........
ugly ass reva and the drunk ugly bitch that fell off the chair. i mean, come on. u wanna be on t.v. that's fine but damn! as the girl who was bangin two roommates at once and then two ep's later ur back trying to get on a new one??!! hey, i'm not knockin her at all. pimp on pimpin. you aint go no rings on ur fangers. lol! but geez, just don't put your own shit on blast on NATIONAL T.V. that's all

dirty drunk bitch??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Sorry Ladies, but I needed the visuals...

...And, just so that you know how much I care - I de-skanked-ified these photos for you all! And yes...they were alllll over him in these original photos!!!

Now you know we can't have that!!! It was a dirty job too, but somebody had to do it! No Skanks allowed! I dare you to find the originals and see what's really goin' on! ...Okay!

Enjoy! He is a Real World Treasure that's for sure! This is what you call an Afternoon Delight! Mmmmm...

YUMMY mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm haha. Afternoon Deight----that makes me think of Anchorman

Originally Posted by Lauren1981
OMG!!! i feel you on this one girl........
ugly ass reva and the drunk ugly bitch that fell off the chair. i mean, come on. u wanna be on t.v. that's fine but damn! as the girl who was bangin two roommates at once and then two ep's later ur back trying to get on a new one??!! hey, i'm not knockin her at all. pimp on pimpin. you aint go no rings on ur fangers. lol! but geez, just don't put your own shit on blast on NATIONAL T.V. that's all

dirty drunk bitch??

lol Reva got jungle fever like crazy. shes grosssssssss, Ugh


Well-known member
You know, Will is such a cutie but he's silly. It just goes to show that there is always something. *shakes head*


Well-known member
Okay, so I haven't had the chance to go through and read all the responses (however, I will tonight
) but I wanted to know everyones opinion on Janelle. I may be wayyy off but it just seems odd how she showed up. I think she's just trying to get some more face time on TV. I didn't like her attitude when it was her season of RW. She always gave me the impression that she thought she was better/smarter than everyone. I dunno, I could be wrong, but she just rubs me the wrong way.

Kim is disgusting. I hate the way she talks, I hate the way she acts. She reminds me of a Southern Paris Hilton. I seriously almost have to change the channel when it shows her little "interviews" just because her voice drives me up the wall.

I really thought I wouldn't like Brianna when I seen all the previews/commercials before the season actually started, but she's become my favorite roommate. I loved it when she got in Greg's face and was calling him a dog. lmao.

I really hope that someone has beat down Greg's ass after seeing his attitude on the show.

I'm sad that there's only 2 episodes left


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xtiffineyx
Okay, so I haven't had the chance to go through and read all the responses (however, I will tonight
) but I wanted to know everyones opinion on Janelle. I may be wayyy off but it just seems odd how she showed up. I think she's just trying to get some more face time on TV. I didn't like her attitude when it was her season of RW. She always gave me the impression that she thought she was better/smarter than everyone. I dunno, I could be wrong, but she just rubs me the wrong way.

Kim is disgusting. I hate the way she talks, I hate the way she acts. She reminds me of a Southern Paris Hilton. I seriously almost have to change the channel when it shows her little "interviews" just because her voice drives me up the wall.

i briefly thought the same thing with janelle. like how wierd for you to just show up at the bar will and dave end up going to "out of nowhere"
it's crazy. l.a. is too big a place for that to happen. then the episode when they all (including evan & ace) went to the improv show....... i was a slight bit sketchy

LMAO @ kim being disgusting. she's rather annoying, i have to agree with that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
I was wondering how her and Will got together all of a sudden. Please explain this

will and dave went to a bar in the middle of the day and she was there with this other guy from rw: key west. it was just so staged looking. like she made it a point to be there. no coincidence to me whatsoever


Well-known member
So after that they're now a couple, WTF? I thought she was sooo above all that hooking up stuff! I guess she was tired of being the only gal on the RW/RR challenges without a jumpoff.