The Riley Factor (update!)


Well-known member
Well we had our ultrasound today. They're estimating that Riley weighs 8 lbs. 11 oz. Almost 9 lbs.! Although it's an estimation, it's still nuts. Bobby's been saying that Riley will be big, but I didn't take him seriously. That'll teach me. He's big, fat, & has hair! Here are 2 u/s pics: (he looks like an angry old man!)


I'm dilated 3 cm & we passed a fetal non-stress test. We had to have one because in the ultrasound Riley seemed to be super tired & didn't want to show the technician he could do his 'practice breathing'. It's kind of neat because the doctor that I'm with now & will deliver Riley is the 1st doctor we initially saw when we were concerned that I couldn't conceive. Plus, Bobby's birthday is January 22nd & Riley's will (hopefully) be February 22nd. Dave's birthday is Dec. 4th & mine's Feb. 4th. Crazy crazy!

I'll be admitted into the hospital at 6 AM tomorrow (2/22) & the doctor will break my water & monitor me from there. Hopefully that'll be the only jumpstart my body needs to get into gear. If not, he'll augument my labor with medication. Being as Riley is my 2nd pregnancy & I've had a c-section previously, he doesn't want to risk things by having me push for an excessive amount of time if my body's just not into it. This can cause fetal distress.

I'm interested in a vaginal birth, but I'm more interested in getting him out safely. So, if that means a c-section, then that's what it means. I dilated to 7 cm with Bobby, but according to the hospital records I couldn't go anywhere from there. I also had an infection of the amniotic fluid so there could be a a few factors why a c-section was ultimately needed.

We're all so excited to meet him finally! I have faith that all will go well tomorrow & want to thank you all for your support/encouragement!




Well-known member
Sending good vibes to you all for a safe and speedy delivery! Riley looks adorable!

My boy was 8lbs 15oz, and I was induced a week early!! We weren't even able to use the newborn diapers the hospital gave us, they were too small, lol!


Well-known member
I'm late but I will be praying that everything came out ok (LOL). Hope you have a speedy recovery and that your baby and you are in perfect health. Can't wait to see him!


Well-known member
Ahhh! I'm so excited, everytime I log on now I wonder if there will be a post from you with pictures of the new little one!