The Unofficial "How long Msfs will take to sellout" thread

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
I wish I could have them hold mine at the counter, but I'm gonna be gone until the end of August, god damnnnnn.
I'm considering just handing my friend i really trust my moneys and being like girl, go get me those MSFs. But I don't know if I trust her enough to get them for me ON TIME. Haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
hahaha that's hilarious!!

I'm so glad that I live in the netherlands, mac sells out really slow compared to the USA stories I hear!



Well-known member
I'm gonna say 36 hours on Shooting Star, 3 days on Shimpagne, and one week on Porcelain Pink. I think PP was the last one to go when they were release last summer. All my guesses apply to the website.

I'm starting to suspect that MAC is intentionally releasing too little of each product to create a hype for their items. The collections in the last few months have sold out in ridiculously short time periods. The MA's at my counter have told me they might get as few as ten items per product for the newer collections. It's getting a little too crazy trying to get what I want before it's gone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bluegrassbabe
I'm gonna say 36 hours on Shooting Star, 3 days on Shimpagne, and one week on Porcelain Pink. I think PP was the last one to go when they were release last summer. All my guesses apply to the website.

I'm starting to suspect that MAC is intentionally releasing too little of each product to create a hype for their items. The collections in the last few months have sold out in ridiculously short time periods. The MA's at my counter have told me they might get as few as ten items per product for the newer collections. It's getting a little too crazy trying to get what I want before it's gone.

I have been thinking this too. I don't know if it's to create more demand for LE items or simply trying to reduce inventory on LE collections to make way for new inventory coming in from the next collection. They are releasing so many collections with LE items, that maybe they are reducing quantities of available product in each collection, in exchange for more frequent new collection releases. Personally, I'd rather have a couple of less collections in the year and better availability of these items. It is kind of ridiculous that they are in such limited release, especially since the demand is so high. Thank goodness for Nordies and


Well-known member
i think they are definitely releasing too few of some items to create hype. when Haunting Fluidline was sold out on the first day (on the website), i asked my MA if they had a lot because i wasn't sure if i wanted it... she informed me they only received 10 and they had 9 left.


Well-known member
good lordy, i better start stashing money now so I can get them while I can. I haven't tried an MSF yet, but since everyone is CRAZY ABOUT THEM. I'm going to try and pick up all three. XD


Active member
i know they'll sell definitely out on tthe website, how long? i dont know. im not concerned about my counter cuz i know and they know i'll be there at 10am sharp for those babies!!


Active member
i know, stupid quesion but what's a mineralized skinfinish? i tried looking it up on the mac website but i couldn't find it! &i'm very curious now since everyone seems excited about it but like what does it do? &it's for the face right? :confused:

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