The wonderful high school days... yeah right!!!

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Now that is mean to start at 7:30. That is when most of the kids at my school get there. I have our morning announcement at 8:05 then classes start at 8:25. If I had your school, I would probably dropped out because of classes starting to early.


Well-known member
I was a lot like you, but I didn't do as many extracurricular activities. I took almost every Honors/AP class, I was on Color Guard, in drama, a couple clubs...really nerdy. Senior year, I just stopped caring. I also had a permanent hall pass from my physics teacher (who I had for 2 other classes in previous years, my favorite teacher). A lot of days my friends and I would drive up to Atlanta for the day (we lived in the metro area). I also dropped some crappy friends. I realized they weren't worth the emotional distress.

It's happening again in college. Most of my classes this semester are minor classes (and physics). I want to do well, but I also have the mentality that I don't need to do as well because I don't have to worry about renewing scholarships. I just need Cs. I'll still put effort into it, but I'm not going to stress myself out.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Who me? Not at the moment. I am actually trying to find a school with great esthiology program. I think I may have found on that is closer and not all the way out in Hollywood. Why do they get to have all the fun lol?


Well-known member
Ugh, I hated high school. I was sooo bored and restless all the time. I think I must have cut out early at least once a week. I did just enough work to slide by. I was in a lot of extra curriculars until my senior year, by then I was so burnt out that I didn't want to do anything extra to keep me in the building. I had a group of close friends that I loved dearly, but for the most part, I felt like nobody got me.
My family lived in this teeny little town where everyone seemed to be just alike. There was a group of girls who always made fun of me because I changed my hair color all the time. None of my friends ever wore makeup, where as I had been wearing it since I could see myself in a mirror, so I got harassed for that too. My parents were middle class in an area that was very poor and other kids always made fun of me for things like having new clothes and getting a car when I turned 16. It was very depressing for me. My best friend was a girl who was very much like me, so we were just the oddballs together for a few years.
College was completely different for me. I loved it. I got to choose what I wanted to study and met loads of friends. I did much better with classes too. My best friends today are the ones that I met at university.


Well-known member
I never skipped, did my homework right before class or during another class. Graduated third in my class (dang algebra If it weren't for that C I'd have been top) Academic team three years, top scorer on the academic team senior year. Two years of FFA, Two years of speech and drama. First person from my school to go to regional speech, I won academic competitions in History and Government. Member of the science bowl team. Senior year I was in the local Pageant to go to Miss Oklahoma,(I lost) lol. Never ever skipped school or got in trouble. Was the principals pet.

My "town" isn't a town.. its a school... in the middle of a pasture. Although a nashville recording artist who has toured with Keith Urban was raised 5 miles down the road, which has given me a second degree of separation with the celebrity world. LOL!!

I was poor, exceedingly shy to the point of phobic to talk to people, never looked at people read books at lunch to avoid conversations. Hung around with either the wild poor group they decided I wasn't alcoholic or druggy enough (how Ironic) so the popular crowd invited me to hang around with them... looking back thats just crazy. We were very poor when I was in HS. I was still a makeup addict though at walmart. I had tons of penpals (before the internet... ) it was my social life.

Never had boyfriends - I was told I was a cold bitch.. hmm... I was scared to talk to people until they approached me in my size 3 bikini at the lake. LOL

Overall HS sucked but looking back when I reached adulthood I decided that being an adult sucks if you don't have the summers off. So here I am going to school every day but its nice- I can drink pop in class and be the boss so its not so bad.


Well-known member
Hmm. High school. That was a loooong time ago lol! I was a mostly a pretty good student, accelerated classes, honor roll, academic team, art club president, swing choir, drama, Spanish club...lots of nerdy stuff. Total bookworm...still am. But I had a few quirks. I shaved my head & pierced my own nose when I was about 15 (keep in mind this was also 1987 heh.) and was going through my punk phase. No one would look twice these days, but 19 years ago it was pretty avant garde
Had serious issues with depression, (Later I was diagnosed as manic depressive & they put it down to that. These days I doubt that diagnosis.) skipped alot of school, got in alot of trouble basically for defying authority, grades started slipping & then it was like I woke the h@ll up & realized where I was & straightened up. I had alot of rough friends who were drug addicts & were pretty wild, although I never did anything. They used to tease me for being so much of a goody two shoes. So I sorted myself out & graduated in the top 10%, went to art school at Indiana which was right up my alley. The rest, as they say, is history. (well, literally, because I'm studying to be an Egyptologist these days.


i was the same way in high school. i had cut gym so many times that i almost couldn't graduate. and gym wasn't offered as a summer school, so if i did fail out of it i would have to stay behind to take one semester of gym while my friends went to college.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by midnightlouise
Hmm. High school. That was a loooong time ago lol! I was a mostly a pretty good student, accelerated classes, honor roll, academic team, art club president, swing choir, drama, Spanish club...lots of nerdy stuff. Total bookworm...still am. But I had a few quirks. I shaved my head & pierced my own nose when I was about 15 (keep in mind this was also 1987 heh.) and was going through my punk phase. No one would look twice these days, but 19 years ago it was pretty avant garde
Had serious issues with depression, (Later I was diagnosed as manic depressive & they put it down to that. These days I doubt that diagnosis.) skipped alot of school, got in alot of trouble basically for defying authority, grades started slipping & then it was like I woke the h@ll up & realized where I was & straightened up. I had alot of rough friends who were drug addicts & were pretty wild, although I never did anything. They used to tease me for being so much of a goody two shoes. So I sorted myself out & graduated in the top 10%, went to art school at Indiana which was right up my alley. The rest, as they say, is history. (well, literally, because I'm studying to be an Egyptologist these days.

Wow, you do sound like me... how neat you are working on a history degree? masters? I have a history degree, you sound like me. I always liked the kids who didn't give a **** and were fun to be around but I never wanted to really be like them. I love history. My BA is in history and I'm trying to get brave enough to try to get into a Masters program in History--I know finding a job teaching history in Higher Ed. is hard. I'd like to study the American Southwest and the Spaniards /Pueblo tribes relationships. Oh you are in Art school?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JJones
oh gosh i wish i could skip classes like that.... Our teachers will hunt you down and give you detention for whatever... plus, we can't really choose what classes we want to have.. at the moment I'm having 11 different subjects ugh.

and what really annoys me: getting up at 6 am every morning, heading for school at 7:15 (luckily my dad drives me!!!!! if not I'd have to go outta the house at 6:50) first period starts at 7:30 ....

Man your lucky i've gotta be out of the house BY 6 to get to school on time for my CALM studies class at 8.


Active member
i'm a senior, and i actually feel a lot better maybe because i slacked off my 11th and 10th grade..
I got a slap in the face at a college fair, and well here i am, Last minute.. signing up for my SATs. I'm a sucker..
i still don't even know what i'm gonna do with myself, i'm not ready, and not sure of any skills i can use out there in the real world..



Well-known member
I ended up having too leave high school...or upper school as it's called in England, because people would say mean things too me about my makeup and long hair. Once I went into my class wearing teal pigment, and the stupid teacher (Who was wearing bright blue mascara and shimmery lavender lipstick, gross!) made me wipe it off! I didn't mind because I am pretty and they werent, and I usually just kicked them in the balls with my platforms. And I was always smoking pot and skipping lessons anyway...Amazingly I left with 8 A's.


Well-known member
I only ditched school occasionally.. THEN when I turned 18, It was all downhill from there. because at my school at the age of 18 we were allowed to write our own notes and excuses from class.. so Sometimes I wouldnt go to school at all (my dad worked from 5 AM to 5PM so he never knew i was not at school) or sometimes if i got sick of school id write myself up a note,. and excuse myself for a "dentist" appointment.. haha. I got decient grades.. and graduated. I wasnt an honor student. i was just an average everyday student.
Haha i hated school with a passion.. .. i graduated 5 years ago..

Haha Except once, I stayed home and my dad came home for lunch one day.. All I did was sit in my room with the door shut... he never even knew I was there..haha..I guess he didnt notice the mac and cheese on the stove.. lol


Well-known member
I was the world's biggest goody-two shoes in high school..I skipped class exactly 2 times in my senior go back home to sleep (after my mom left for work). I actually enjoyed HS...the only regrets I have are that I didn't bust my butt more (I was ranked 100 out of 900 seniors) and that I didn't tell the love of my life back then that I liked him...*sigh*


Well-known member
oh no!! what a stupid thing to almost get suspended for anyways!!

Girls sometimes are dumb. A few nasty ones at my school started spreading rumors about me, I never knew why either because I didnt really know them I wasnt very popular or anything. I dont think that 3/4 of the school even knew who I was. Perhaps they were jealous of me.. being Rediculously good looking and all..

lol , Kidding.


Well-known member
Oh god. I'm in my last year, so senior year to all of you Americans. And it's brutal. I'm taking every core course that my school offers, and I'm first in all of them. I'm also in yearbook committee, grad committee, vocal jazz, and band. I also work part time and take singing lessons. So I'm pretty much burned out all of the time. It's depressing.


Well-known member
High school got in the way of my social life. :p

I barely graduated, waitressed for a couple years, then went back and got my bachelors, as an 'adult' student (at all of nineteen).

I wish I'd tried harder in high school though. I don't know why, as it wouldn't have made any difference in the long run. Actually, I wish I'd picked a different direction for post secondary: financial law. Yeah, I'd be loaded.

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