Hmm. High school. That was a loooong time ago lol! I was a mostly a pretty good student, accelerated classes, honor roll, academic team, art club president, swing choir, drama, Spanish club...lots of nerdy stuff. Total bookworm...still am. But I had a few quirks. I shaved my head & pierced my own nose when I was about 15 (keep in mind this was also 1987 heh.) and was going through my punk phase. No one would look twice these days, but 19 years ago it was pretty avant garde
Had serious issues with depression, (Later I was diagnosed as manic depressive & they put it down to that. These days I doubt that diagnosis.) skipped alot of school, got in alot of trouble basically for defying authority, grades started slipping & then it was like I woke the h@ll up & realized where I was & straightened up. I had alot of rough friends who were drug addicts & were pretty wild, although I never did anything. They used to tease me for being so much of a goody two shoes. So I sorted myself out & graduated in the top 10%, went to art school at Indiana which was right up my alley. The rest, as they say, is history. (well, literally, because I'm studying to be an Egyptologist these days.